1 see
1. transitive verb,1) sehenlet me see — lass mich mal sehen
I saw her fall or falling — ich habe sie fallen sehen
he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden
I'll believe it when I see it — das will ich erst mal sehen
they saw it happen — sie haben gesehen, wie es passiert ist
can you see that house over there? — siehst du das Haus da drüben?
be worth seeing — sehenswert sein; sich lohnen (ugs.)
see the light — (fig.): (undergo conversion) das Licht schauen (geh.)
I saw the light — (I realized my error etc.) mir ging ein Licht auf (ugs.)
I must be seeing things — (joc.) ich glaub', ich seh' nicht richtig
see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen
see one's way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun
2) (watch) sehenlet's see a film — sehen wir uns (Dat.) einen Film an!
I'll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5
see you! — (coll.)
[I'll] be seeing you! — (coll.) bis bald! (ugs.)
4) (speak to) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); (pay visit to) gehen zu, (geh.) aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; (receive) empfangenthe doctor will see you now — Herr/Frau Doktor lässt bitten
whom would you like to see? — wen möchten Sie sprechen?; zu wem möchten Sie?
5) (discern mentally) sehenI can see it's difficult for you — ich verstehe, dass es nicht leicht für dich ist
I see what you mean — ich verstehe [was du meinst]
I saw that it was a mistake — mir war klar, dass es ein Fehler war
he didn't see the joke — er fand es [gar] nicht lustig; (did not understand) er hat den Witz nicht verstanden
I can't think what she sees in him — ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet
6) (consider) sehenlet me see what I can do — [ich will] mal sehen, was ich tun kann
7) (foresee) sehenI can see I'm going to be busy — ich sehe [es] schon [kommen], dass ich beschäftigt sein werde
I can see it won't be easy — ich sehe schon, dass es nicht einfach sein wird
that remains to be seen — das wird man sehen
see if you can read this — guck mal, ob du das hier lesen kannst (ugs.)
9) (take view of) sehen; betrachtentry to see it my way — versuche es doch mal aus meiner Sicht zu sehen
10) (learn) sehenI see from your letter that... — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass...
11) (make sure)see [that]... — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass...
12) usu. in imper. (look at) einsehen [Buch]see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15
13) (experience, be witness of) erlebennow I've seen everything! — (iron.) hat man so etwas schon erlebt od. gesehen!
we shall see — wir werden [ja/schon] sehen
he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50
14) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellensee somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut
I can see it now -... — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -...
15) (contemplate) mit ansehen; zusehen bei[stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut
16) (escort) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)17) (consent willingly to) einsehen2. intransitive verb,not see oneself doing something — es nicht einsehen, dass man etwas tut
saw, seen1) (discern objects) sehen2) (make sure) nachsehen3) (reflect) überlegenlet me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal ['n Moment] (ugs.)
4)you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie
there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab's doch gesagt!
as far as I can see — soweit ich das od. es beurteilen kann
Phrasal Verbs:- see about- see into- see off- see out- see over- see through- see to* * *I [si:] past tense - saw; verb1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) sehen2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) sehen3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) sehen4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) sehen5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) verstehen6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) sehen7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) sehen8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) begleiten•- see about- seeing that
- see off
- see out
- see through
- see to
- I
- we will see II [si:] noun(the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) das (Erz)Bistum* * *see1<saw, seen>[si:]1. (perceive with eyes)▪ to \see sb/sth jdn/etw sehenI've never \seen anything quite like this before so etwas habe ich ja noch nie gesehenhave you ever \seen this man before? haben Sie diesen Mann schon einmal gesehen?I can't \see much without my glasses ohne Brille sehe ich nicht sonderlich vielthere's nothing to \see (after accident) hier gibt's nichts zu sehen!I saw it happen ich habe gesehen, wie es passiert istit has to be \seen to be believed man muss es gesehen haben[, sonst glaubt man es nicht]I'll believe it when I \see it das glaube ich auch erst, wenn ich es mit eigenen Augen gesehen habeI saw her coming ich habe sie kommen sehenthe woman was \seen to enter the bank die Frau wurde gesehen, wie sie die Bank betratI can't believe what I'm \seeing — is that your car? ich glaube, ich spinne! ist das dein Auto?she didn't want to be \seen visiting the doctor sie wollte nicht, dass jemand mitbekommt, dass sie zum Arzt gehtI've never \seen my brother eating mushrooms ich habe meinen Bruder noch nie Pilze essen sehencan you \see where... siehst du, wo...to \see sth with one's own eyes etw mit eigenen Augen sehenfor all the world to \see in aller Öffentlichkeit2. (watch as a spectator)this film is really worth \seeing dieser Film ist echt sehenswertto \see sb in a film/in a play/on television jdn in einem Film/Stück/im Fernsehen sehen3. (visit place)▪ to \see sth famous building, place etw ansehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen]I'd love to \see Salzburg again ich würde gerne noch einmal nach Salzburg gehento \see the sights of a town die Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt besichtigen4. (understand)I \see what you mean ich weiß, was du meinstI can't \see the difference between... and... für mich gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen... und...I just don't \see why... ich begreife [o verstehe] einfach nicht, warum...I can't \see why I should do it ich sehe einfach nicht ein, warum ich es machen sollteI can \see you're having trouble with your car Sie haben Probleme mit Ihrem Auto?I really can't \see what difference it makes to... ich weiß wirklich nicht, was es für einen Unterschied machen soll,...I can \see it's difficult ich verstehe ja, dass es schwierig istI can \see you have been fighting ich sehe doch, dass ihr euch gezankt habtI can't \see the joke ich weiß nicht, was daran komisch sein sollI don't \see the point of that remark ich verstehe den Sinn dieser Bemerkung nicht\see what I mean? siehst du?5. (consider)▪ to \see sth etw sehenas I \see it... so wie ich das sehe...try and \see it my way versuche es doch mal aus meiner Sicht zu sehenI \see myself as a good mother ich denke, dass ich eine gute Mutter binthis is how I \see it so sehe ich die SacheI don't \see it that way ich sehe das nicht soto \see sth in a new [or a different] [or another] light etw mit anderen Augen sehento \see reason [or sense] Vernunft annehmento \see things differently die Dinge anders sehento make sb \see sth jdm etw klarmachento \see oneself obliged to do sth sich akk dazu gezwungen sehen, etw zu tun6. (learn, find out)▪ to \see sth etw feststellenI \see [that]... wie ich sehe,...I'll \see what I can do/who it is ich schaue mal, was ich tun kann/wer es istlet me \see if I can help you mal sehen, ob ich Ihnen helfen kannthat remains to be \seen das wird sich zeigenwe're \seeing friends at the weekend wir treffen uns am Wochenende mit FreundenI haven't \seen much of him recently ich sehe ihn in letzter Zeit [auch] nur [noch] seltenI haven't \seen her around much in the last few weeks in den letzten Wochen habe ich sie [auch nur] selten gesehenI shall be \seeing them at eight ich treffe sie um achtI'll \see you around bis dann!\see you on Monday bis Montag!to go and \see sb jdn besuchen [gehen]I demand to \see the manager ich möchte mit dem Geschäftsführer sprechen!Mr Miller can't \see you now Herr Miller ist im Moment nicht zu sprechenthe doctor will \see you now Sie können jetzt reingehen, der Herr Doktor ist jetzt freito \see a doctor/a solicitor zum Arzt/zu einem Anwalt gehen, einen Arzt/einen Anwalt aufsuchen geh9. (have relationship with)I'm not \seeing anyone at the moment ich habe im Moment keine Freundin/keinen Freundare you \seeing anyone? hast du einen Freund/eine Freundin?I \see a real chance of us meeting again ich glaube wirklich, dass wir uns wiedersehenI can't \see him getting the job ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass er den Job bekommtcan you \see her as a teacher? kannst du dir sie als Lehrerin vorstellen?do you \see... kannst du dir vorstellen,...I can't \see myself as a waitress ich glaube nicht, dass Kellnern was für mich wäreto \see it coming es kommen sehen11. (witness, experience)▪ to \see sth etw [mit]erleben1997 saw a slackening off in the growth of the economy 1997 kam es zu einer Verlangsamung des Wirtschaftswachstumshe won't \see 50 again er ist gut über 50I've \seen it all mich überrascht nichts mehrnow I've \seen everything! ist denn das zu fassen!I've \seen it all before das kenne ich alles schon!▪ to \see sb do sth [mit]erleben, wie jd etw tuthis parents saw him awarded the winner's medal seine Eltern waren mit dabei, als ihm die Siegermedaille überreicht wurdeI can't bear to \see people being mistreated ich ertrag es nicht, wenn Menschen misshandelt werdento \see the day when... den Tag erleben, an dem...to \see life das Leben kennenlernento live to \see sth etw erlebenI shall not live to \see it das werde ich wohl nicht mehr miterleben12. (accompany)▪ to \see sb jdn begleitento \see sb into bed jdn ins Bett bringento \see sb into a taxi jdn zum Taxi bringenI saw her safely into the house ich brachte sie sicher zum Haus13. (inspect)sb wants to \see sth licence, passport jd möchte etw sehen; references, records jd möchte etw [ein]sehenthe policeman asked to \see my driving licence der Polizist wollte meinen Führerschein sehenlet me \see that lass mich das mal sehen▪ \see... siehe...\see below/page 23/over[leaf] siehe unten/Seite 23/nächste Seite15. (perceive)▪ to \see sth in sb/sth etw in jdm/etw sehenI don't know what she \sees in him ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet16. (ensure)to \see sb right BRIT, AUS ( fam: help) jdm helfen [o behilflich sein]; (pay or reimburse) aufpassen [o dafür sorgen], dass jd sein Geld [wieder]bekommt▪ to \see that sth happens dafür sorgen, dass etw passiert\see that this doesn't happen again sieh zu, dass das nicht noch einmal passiert17. (view)18. (in poker)▪ to \see sb:I'll \see you ich halte19.▶ to have \seen better days schon [einmal] bessere Tage gesehen haben▶ he/she can't \see further than [or beyond] the end of his/her nose er/sie sieht nicht weiter als seine/ihre Nasenspitze [reicht] fam▶ I'll \see him/her in hell first das wäre das Letzte, was ich täte!▶ sb \sees the light (understand) jdm geht ein Licht auf fam; (become enlightened) jdm gehen die Augen auf fam; (be converted) jd [er]schaut das Licht [Gottes] geh▶ to not \see the wood [or AM the forest] for the trees den Wald vor [lauter] Bäumen nicht sehen hum1. (use eyes) sehenI can't \see very well without my glasses ohne Brille kann ich nicht sehr gut sehen... but \seeing is believing... doch ich habe es mit eigenen Augen gesehen!as far as the eye [or you] can \see so weit das Auge reicht2. (look) sehenlet me \see! lass mich mal sehen!\see for yourself! sieh doch selbst!; (in theatre etc.)can you \see? können Sie noch sehen?there, \see, Grandad's mended it for you schau mal, Opa hat es dir wieder repariert!3. (understand, realize)... — oh, I \see!... — aha!I \see ich versteheyou \see! it wasn't that difficult was it? na siehst du, das war doch gar nicht so schwer!\see, I don't love you anymore ich liebe dich einfach nicht mehr, o.k.? famyou \see,... weißt du/wissen Sie,...well, you \see, all these rooms are going to be decorated alle Zimmer werden natürlich noch renoviert\see?! siehst du?!as far as I can \see... so wie ich das sehe...I \see from your report... Ihrem Bericht entnehme ich,...... so I \see... das sehe [o merke] ichnow, \see here, I only bought this ticket a month ago also, dieses Ticket habe ich erst vor einem Monat gekauft!wait and \see abwarten und Tee trinken famwell, we'll \see schau ma mal! famlet me \see lass' mich mal überlegenyou'll \see du wirst schon sehen!you'll soon \see for yourself du wirst es schon bald selbst sehen!6.▶ to not \see eye to eye [with sb] nicht derselben Ansicht sein [wie jd]▶ to \see fit to do sth es für angebracht halten, etw zu tunsee2[si:]the Holy S\see der Heilige Stuhl* * *see1 [siː] prät saw [sɔː], pperf seen [siːn]A v/t1. sehen:see page 15 siehe Seite 15;as I see it fig wie ich es sehe, in meinen Augen, meiner Meinung nach;I cannot see myself doing it fig ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ich es tue;I cannot see my way to doing it ich weiß nicht, wie ich es anstellen soll;I see myself obliged to go ich sehe mich gezwungen zu gehen;I wonder what he sees in her ich möchte wissen, was er an ihr findet;let us see what can be done wir wollen sehen, was sich machen lässt;little was seen of the attack SPORT vom Angriff war nur wenig zu sehen (siehe weitere Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven etc)2. (ab)sehen, erkennen:see danger ahead Gefahr auf sich zukommen sehen3. entnehmen, ersehen ( beide:from aus der Zeitung etc)4. (ein)sehen:I do not see what he means ich verstehe nicht, was er meint;I don’t see the importance of it ich verstehe nicht, was daran so wichtig sein soll;6. herausfinden:see who it is sieh nach, wer es ist7. dafür sorgen(, dass):see (to it) that it is done sorge dafür oder sieh zu, dass es geschieht;see justice done to sb dafür sorgen, dass jemandem Gerechtigkeit widerfährt8. a) besuchenb) sich treffen mit:they have been seeing a lot of each other lately sie sind in letzter Zeit oft zusammen;he has been seeing her for two years er geht schon seit zwei Jahren mit ihr umg9. aufsuchen, konsultieren ( beide:about wegen), sprechen ( on business geschäftlich), US umg (mal) mit jemandem reden (um ihn zu beeinflussen):10. empfangen:11. begleiten, geleiten:see sb home jemanden heimbegleiten, jemanden nach Hause bringen;see sb to bed jemanden zu Bett bringen;see sb to the station jemanden zum Bahnhof bringen oder begleiten;12. sehen, erleben:live to see erleben;see action MIL im Einsatz sein, Kämpfe mitmachen;he has seen better days er hat schon bessere Tage gesehen13. besonders Poker: mithalten mitB v/i1. sehen:she doesn’t see very well with her left eye sie sieht nicht sehr gut auf dem linken Auge;we haven’t seen much of him lately wir haben ihn in letzter Zeit nicht allzu oft gesehen;you’ll see du wirst schon sehen2. einsehen, verstehen:I see! (ich) verstehe!, aha!, ach so!;(you) see, … weißt du oder wissen Sie, …;(you) see? umg verstehst du?;as far as I can see soviel ich sehen kann3. nachsehen:go and see (for) yourself!4. überlegen:let me see! warte(n Sie) mal!, lass mich überlegen!;we’ll see wir werden sehen, mal sehen oder abwartensee2 [siː] s REL1. (Erz)Bischofssitz m, (erz)bischöflicher Stuhl:2. (Erz)Bistum n:s. abk2. section3. see s.4. series5. set7. sign8. signed gez.9. singular Sg.10. sonv. abk2. velocity v3. verb4. verse5. JUR SPORT versus, against6. very7. vide, see8. voice11. volume* * *1. transitive verb,1) sehenlet somebody see something — (show) jemandem etwas zeigen
I saw her fall or falling — ich habe sie fallen sehen
he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden
they saw it happen — sie haben gesehen, wie es passiert ist
be worth seeing — sehenswert sein; sich lohnen (ugs.)
see the light — (fig.): (undergo conversion) das Licht schauen (geh.)
I saw the light — (I realized my error etc.) mir ging ein Licht auf (ugs.)
I must be seeing things — (joc.) ich glaub', ich seh' nicht richtig
see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen
see one's way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun
2) (watch) sehenlet's see a film — sehen wir uns (Dat.) einen Film an!
3) (meet [with]) sehen; treffen; (meet socially) zusammenkommen mit; sich treffen mitI'll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5
see you! — (coll.)
[I'll] be seeing you! — (coll.) bis bald! (ugs.)
see you on Saturday/soon — bis Samstag/bald; see also long I 1. 3)
4) (speak to) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); (pay visit to) gehen zu, (geh.) aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; (receive) empfangenthe doctor will see you now — Herr/Frau Doktor lässt bitten
whom would you like to see? — wen möchten Sie sprechen?; zu wem möchten Sie?
5) (discern mentally) sehenI can see it's difficult for you — ich verstehe, dass es nicht leicht für dich ist
I see what you mean — ich verstehe [was du meinst]
I saw that it was a mistake — mir war klar, dass es ein Fehler war
he didn't see the joke — er fand es [gar] nicht lustig; (did not understand) er hat den Witz nicht verstanden
I can't think what she sees in him — ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet
6) (consider) sehenlet me see what I can do — [ich will] mal sehen, was ich tun kann
7) (foresee) sehenI can see I'm going to be busy — ich sehe [es] schon [kommen], dass ich beschäftigt sein werde
I can see it won't be easy — ich sehe schon, dass es nicht einfach sein wird
8) (find out) feststellen; (by looking) nachsehensee if you can read this — guck mal, ob du das hier lesen kannst (ugs.)
9) (take view of) sehen; betrachten10) (learn) sehenI see from your letter that... — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass...
11) (make sure)see [that]... — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass...
12) usu. in imper. (look at) einsehen [Buch]see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15
13) (experience, be witness of) erlebennow I've seen everything! — (iron.) hat man so etwas schon erlebt od. gesehen!
we shall see — wir werden [ja/schon] sehen
he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50
14) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellensee somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut
I can see it now -... — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -...
15) (contemplate) mit ansehen; zusehen bei[stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut
16) (escort) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)17) (consent willingly to) einsehen2. intransitive verb,not see oneself doing something — es nicht einsehen, dass man etwas tut
saw, seen1) (discern objects) sehen2) (make sure) nachsehen3) (reflect) überlegenlet me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal ['n Moment] (ugs.)
4)I see — ich verstehe; aha (ugs.); ach so (ugs.)
you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie
there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab's doch gesagt!
as far as I can see — soweit ich das od. es beurteilen kann
Phrasal Verbs:- see into- see off- see out- see over- see to* * *v.(§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)= anzeigen v.sehen v.(§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)zusehen v. -
2 infinitive
[ɪn'fɪnɪtɪv]nUSAGE:(1.) Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется: (а.) после всех модальных глаголов, кроме модальных глаголов to have, to be, ought; (b) после модальных конструкций have better, would rather, needn't, и глагола to dare; (c) после вопросительной конструкции с why, выражающей предположение о том, что что-либо бессмысленно, бесполезно или глупо: why go there? к чему (с какой стати) туда идти?; (d) после подлежащих, выраженных придаточным предложением, которое начинается с what и all: what he expected me yor do was ask him about it; all he had to do was open the door; (e) в конструкции сложного дополнения с глаголами чувств: to see, to hear, to feel, to notice, to observe, to watch, to listen в форме активного залога (в форме пассивного залога со всеми этими глаголами инфинитив употребляется с частицей to: we saw him cross the street, ср., однако, he was seen to cross the street); (f) после глаголов to make и to let в конструкции Complex Object: let me think it over; (g) после глагола to help: help the old man cross the street. (2.) Инфинитив с частицей to употребляется: (а.) в конструкции Complex Object (smb to do smth) после глаголов to allow, to enable, to expect, to like, to mean, to prefer, to want: I expect him to come: (b) в конструкции с наречиями too и enough и последующим прилагательным: too high (for smb) to reach слишком высоко, чтобы кто-либо мог достать: easy enough to remember достаточно легко, чтобы запомнить. (3.) Инфинитив употребляется с рядом прилагательных, выражающих чувства, отношение к действию, степень качества или способ действия, таких как: able, afraid, anxious, ashamed, difficult, disappointed, eager, easy, fit, foolish, frightened, glad, likely, nice, pleasant, pleased, proper, proud, right, sad, silly, surprised, unable, willing, wrong: It's wrong to say so. (4.) Инфинит с частицей to употребляется после ряда существительных, таких как: ability, attempt, chance, desire, failure, inability, need, opportunity, unwillingness, willingness. (5.) Инфинитив с частицей to употребляется с рядом глаголов для выражения цели, образуя бессоюзное словосочетание в отличие от русского языка, где в этих случаях употребляется придаточное предложение: he came to discuss the plan он пришел для того, чтобы обсудить этот план. (6.) Инфинитив образует три комплекса: Complex Object, Complex Subject и For-Complex. Complex Object соответствует русским придаточным предложениям. Complex Object состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Complex Object употребляется после четырех групп глаголов: (а.) глаголов физического восприятия; (b) глаголов повеления, побуждения; (с) глаголов разрешения, запрещения; (d) глаголов желания, ожидания, умственной деятельности (см. таблицу): Types of Complex Object Типы конструкций сложных дополнений (а.) to see smb (smth) do smth; to hear smb (smth) do smth; to feel smb (smth) do smth; to notice smb (smth) do smth; to observe smb (smth) do smth; to watch smb (smth) do smth; (b) to have smb (smth) do smth; to make smb (smth) do smth; to let smb (smth) do smth; (c) to expect smb (smth) to do smth; to like smb (smth) to do smth; to mean smb (smth) to do smth; to prefer smb (smth) to do smth; to understand smb (smth) to do smth; to want smb (smth) to do smth; (d) to allow smb (smth) to do smth; to forbid smb (smth) to do smth; to order smb (smth) to do smth После глаголов групп (a.) и (b) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to: she didn't notice us come in она не заметила, как мы вошли; we watched him paint the fence мы наблюдали за тем, как он красил забор; the sound of his steps made me start звук его шагов заставил меня вздрогнуть. После глаголов групп (с) и (d) инфинитив употребляется с частицей to. Complex Subject состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива с частицей to. В русском языке комплекс соответствует придаточному предложению, а его части - безличным главным предложениям: she was seen to leave the house видели, как (что) она выходила из дома; he was said to be a good swimmer говорили, что он хороший пловец. Глаголы в главном предложении, кроме глаголов to seem, to happen, to prove, to turn out, употребляются в пассивной форме (см. таблицу): Types of Complex Subject constructions Типы конструкций сложных предложений (a.) smb (smth) is (was, will be) allowed(believed, considered, expected, heard, known, said, seen, suppose) to do smth (to be done); (b) smb (smth) happens (happened, proves, proved, seems, seemed, turns out, turned out, is certain, is likely, is not likely, is unlikely, is sure) to do smth (to be done, to have done, to be doing) Например: he didn't seem to have noticed anything unusual казалось, что он ничего необычного не заметил/не замечает; the ring proved to have been stolen оказалось, что кольцо было украдено; the dog is not likely to have been stolen собаку вряд ли украли; he is sure to come if he promised он обязательно приедет, если он обещал. For-Complex состоит из предлога for, существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Местоимение или имя существительное является подлежащим инфинитива: it is easier for him to phone than to write ему легче позвонить, чем написать. For-Complex может выполнять в предложении разные функции, представленные в таблице ниже: Subject - It is bad for you to smoke so much. - Вам вредно так много курить.; It will be best for her to see a doctor. - Ей лучше всего показаться врачу. Object - He arranged for us to stay here for a week. - Он договорился о том, чтобы мы здесь пробыли неделю. Attribute - There is nothing for us to do here. - Нам здесь делать нечего. Adverbial modifier of result - It is too easy for anyone to do. - Это легко сделать кому угодно. Adverbial modifier of purpose - He stood aside for me to pass. - Он посторонился, чтобы я мог пройти. -
3 infinitive
n инфинитив (1). Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется:a) после всех модальных глаголов, кроме модальных глаголов to have, to be, ought;b) после модальных конструкций have better, would rather, needn't, и глагола to dare;c) после вопросительной конструкции с why, выражающей предположение о том, что что-либо бессмысленно, бесполезно или глупо:Why go there? — К чему (с какой стати) туда идти?;
d) после подлежащих, выраженных придаточным предложением, которое начинается с what и all:All he had to do was open the door;
e) в конструкции сложного дополнения с глаголами чувств: to see, to hear, to feel, to notice, to observe, to watch, to listen в форме активного залога (в форме пассивного залога со всеми этими глаголами инфинитив употребляется с частицей to:We saw him cross the street, ср., однако, Не was seen to cross the street);
f) после глаголов to make и to let в конструкции Complex Object;g) после глагола to help.(2). Инфинитив с частицей to употребляется:a) в конструкции Complex Object (smb to do smth ) после глаголов to allow, to enable, to expect, to like, to mean, to prefer, to want;b) в конструкции с наречиями too и enough и последующим прилагательным:too high (for smb) to reach — слишком высоко, чтобы кто-либо мог достать;
(3). Инфинитив употребляется с рядом прилагательных, выражающих чувства, отношение к действию, степень качества или способ, таких как: able, afraid, anxious, ashamed, difficult, disappointed, eager, easy, fit, foolish, frightened, glad, likely, nice, pleasant, pleased, properly, proud, right, sad, silly, surprised, unable, willing, wrong. (4). Инфинитив употребляется после ряда существительных, таких как: ability, attempt, chance, desire, failure, inability, need, opportunity, unwillingness, willingness. (5). Инфинитив употребляется с рядом глаголов для выражения цели, образуя бессоюзное словосочетание в отличие от русского языка, где в этих случаях употребляется придаточное предложение:easy enough to remember — достаточно легко, чтобы запомнить.
Не came to discuss the plan — Он пришел для того, чтобы обсудить этот план.
(6). Инфинитив образует три комплекса: Complex Object, Complex Subject и For-Complex. Complex Object соответствует русским придаточным предложениям. Complex Object состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Complex Object употребляется после четырех групп глаголов: а) глаголов физического восприятия; b) глаголов повеления, побуждения; с) глаголов разрешения, запрещения; d) глаголов желания, ожидания, умственной деятельности (см. таблицу):a) to see, to hear, to feel, to notice, to observe, to watchsmb, smthdo smthb) to have, to make, to letsmb, smthdo smthc) to expect, to like, to mean, to prefer, to understand, to wantsmb, smthto do smthd) to allow, to forbid, to ordersmb, smthto do smthПосле глаголов групп а) и b) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to:She didn't notice us come in — Она не заметила, как мы вошли.
We watched him paint the fence — Мы наблюдали за тем, как он красил забор.
The sound of his steps made me start — Звук его шагов заставил меня вздрогнуть.
После глаголов групп с) и d) инфинитив употребляется с частицей to. Complex Subject состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива с частицей to. В русское языке комплекс соответствует придаточному предложению, а его части — безличным главным предложениям:She was seen to leave the house — Видели, как (что) она выходила из дома.
Не was said to be a good swimmer — Говорили, что он хороший пловец.
Глаголы в главном предложении, кроме глаголов to seem, to happen, to prove, to turn out, употребляются в пассивной форме (см. таблицу). Таковы конструкции:Не didn't seem to have noticed anything unusual — Казалось, что он ничего необычного не заметил/замечает.
The ring was proved to have been stolen — Оказалось, что кольцо было украдено.
The dog is not likely to have been stolen — Собаку вряд ли украли.
Не is sure to come if he promised — Он обязательно приедет, если он обещал.
For-Complex состоит из предлога for, существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Местоимение или имя существительное является подлежащим инфинитива:It is easier for him to phone than to write — Ему легче позвонить, чем написать.
For-Complex может выполнять в предложении разные функции, представленные в таблице ниже: SubjectIt is bad for you to smoke so much. Вам вредно так много курить.
It will be best for her to see a doctor. Ей лучше всего показаться врачу.
ObjectHe arranged for us to stay here for a week. Он договорился о том, чтобы мы здесь пробыли неделю.
We didn't mean for you to go there alone. Мы не рассчитывали, что вы поедете туда один.
He thinks it best for you to stay here. Он думал, тебе лучше остаться здесь.
AttributeThere is nothing for us to do here. Нам здесь делать нечего.
Adverbial modifier of resultIt is too easy for anyone to do. Это легко сделать кому угодно.
Adverbial modifier of purposeHe stood aside for me to pass. Он посторонился, чтобы я мог пройти.
4 see
1. I1) he can't see, he is blind он не видит, он слепей; can the puppy see? щенок [уже] видит /не слепой/?2) I cannot see мне не видно; there is nothing to see тут нечего смотреть: as far as the eye can see насколько видит глаз; see, here he comes смотрите, вот он идет; it took place in the street, where all could see это произошло на улице на глазах у всех; wait and see подождем, = поживем see увидим3) now, do you see? теперь вам ясно?; don't you see? неужели вы не понимаете?; see? понятно, ясно?; it was not easy, you see, to leave видите ли /вы понимаете, что/, уехать было не так просто4) let me see, have I posted the letter? дай мне подумать, отправил ли я письмо?; let me see, it should be on the first page постой, постой, это должно быть на первой странице; will you come to dinner tomorrow? see I'll see вы придете обедать завтра? see [Я] подумаю /посмотрю/, видно будет2. II1) see in some manner see well (poorly, far, etc.) хорошо и т.д. видеть; have you seen enough? вы уже насмотрелись?; see somewhere you can't see here, it is dark здесь темно и ничего не видно; see overleaf смотри(те) на обороте; see far смотреть вперед, предвидеть; I can't see as far as that так далеко вперед я не могу загадывать /предвидеть/; as far as one can see, he has a brilliant career before him насколько можно судить, у него блестящее будущее /его ждет блестящая карьера2) see at some time I see now теперь мне ясно3. III1) see smth., smb. see a letter (a tree, something green, the outline of a building, a stranger, etc.) (увидеть письмо и т.д.; let me see that paper дайте мне взглянуть на /посмотреть/ эту газету; I looked but saw nothing я посмотрел, но ничего не увидел; animals appear to see things invisible to human sight звери, вероятно, видят то, что остается недоступным человеческому глазу; what can /do/ you see? что вы видите?; see page 5 (pattern 4, figure 2, etc.) смотри(те) страницу пятую и т.д.; see ghosts (visions, spirits, bogies, etc.) видеть привидения и т.д.2) see smb. see a friend (one's parents, etc.) повидаться с другом и т.д.; I'll be seeing you coll. [мы еще с вами] увидимся, до скорого свидания; see a doctor (a lawyer, etc.) пойти к врачу и т.д., (по)советоваться / (про)консультироваться/ с врачом и т.д.; see an official обратиться к официальному лицу; can I see the inspector? могу я поговорить /повидаться/ с инспектором?; ask to see the manager попросите вызвать администратора; he sees nobody он никого не принимает: come to /and/ see smb. прийти повидать /навестить/ кого-л.3) see smth., smb. see a town (a country, a district, the sights, Rome, the world's Fair, Oxford, etc.) осматривать город и т.д.; have you ever seen France? бывали ли вы когда-либо во Франции?; [go to]a show (a play, an actress, etc.) [сходить] (подсмотреть спектакль и т.д.; did you see the exhibition? ты был, на выставке?; 1 went to see the exhibition я пошел посмотреть выставку4) see smth., smb. have in a man to see the drains вызовите мастера, чтобы он проверил /осмотрел/ канализацию; see a patient принять /осмотреть, посетить/ больного5) see smth. see life /something of life/ (a good deal of the world, etc.) повидать жизнь и т.д.; he has seen hardships он изведал трудности; this old man has seen better days старик видел лучшие времена; my саг (these boots, this coat, etc.) has seen long /plenty of/ service моя машина и т.д. хорошо [мне] послужила; this coat has seen hard wear это пальто поизносилось /пообтрепалось/; that year (the XIXth century, this period, the Elizabeth's reign, etc.) has seen many changes в этом году и т.д. произошло много перемен, этот год и т.д. явился свидетелем многих перемен; I never saw such rudeness (such doings, etc.) я никогда не сталкивался с такой грубостью и т.д.; I never saw such beauty мне никогда не доводилось встречаться с такой красотой; he will never see 40 again ему уже за сорок; he didn't live to see his son's marriage он не дожил до /не увидел/ женитьбы сына6) see smth. see a joke (the purpose, the reason, the point of the argument, the advantage of his presence, the cause of our misfortune, etc.) понимать шутку и т.д.; I was beginning to see light я стал кое-что понимать, кое-что начало проясняться; I do not see the point я не вижу /не понимаю/, в чем здесь смысл; до меня не доходит суть /соль/; this is how I see it вот, как я это понимаю /представляю себе/; as I see it по-моему, по моему мнению; see things /a lot, much/ понимать /видеть/ многое; she sees everything мимо нее ничего не проходит, от нее ничего не ускользает; she sees nothing она ничего не замечает4. IV1) see smb., smth. in some manner see smb., smth. distinctly (clearly, faintly, vaguely, dimly, etc.) отчетливо и т.д. видеть кого-л., что-л. || see war at close quarters непосредственно участвовать в войне2) see smb. in some manner see smb. willingly (joyfully, reluctantly, etc.) охотно и т.д. видаться с кем-л.; see the man professionaly обратиться к нему как к специалисту; see smb. at some time see smb. later (again, lately, often, tomorrow, this afternoon, etc.) встретиться с кем-л. позже и т.д.; I must see you once more я обязательно должен еще раз повидаться с вами; see you soon! coll. до скорой встречи, пока; the ambassador finally saw him посол наконец принял его; she is too ill to see anyone at present она очень больна, и ей нельзя сейчас ни с кем видеться3) see smth. at some time we saw "Hamlet" last night мы были на "Гамлете" вчера4) see smb. at some time he seems ill, the doctor ought to see him at once он, по-видимому, болен, его надо немедленно показать врачу5) see smb. somewhere see smb. home see as far as the station, aboard, etc.) провожать кого-л. домой и т.д.; see smb. in проводить кого-л. в комнату (в дом и т.п.); see smb. out провожать кого-л. до выхода /к дверям/6) see smth. in some manner see things differently представлять себе /смотреть на/ вещи иначе; I don't see the matter that way я смотрю на это иначе5. VI1) see smb. as being in some state see smb. angry (happy, etc.) видеть кого-л. сердитым и т.д.2) see smb. under some conditions see smb. alone повидать кого-л. наедине3) see smth. as possessing some quanta see it necessary (fit, proper, etc.) to do smth. считать /находить/ необходимым и т.д. сделать что-л.; see things wrong иметь обо всем превратное мнение; see everything black видеть все в черном свете6. VII1) see smb., smth. do smth. see the boy take the apples (the object move, them leave their home, him come, the dog run, etc.) видеть, как мальчик взял яблоки и т.д.; you cannot see your sister starve without trying to help her вы ведь не можете видеть, как ваша сестра голодает, и не попытаться ей помочь; see smth. to be smth. I saw it to be a forgery я увидел, что это подделка2) || see one's way to do smth. понимать, как надо действовать; I don't see my way to get you an invitation я не вижу /не знаю/, как раздобыть /достать/ для вас приглашение; as soon as I see my way to do it... как только я соображу /пойму/, как это сделать...7. VIIIsee smb., smth. doing smth. see him falling (her coming, the boy running, the child slipping, him taking the apples, etc.) видеть, как он падает и т.д.; we can see the forest stretching out мы видим простирающийся вдаль лес; 1 can't see myself doing such a thing see myself agreeing to this proposal, myself submitting to this decision, him allowing people to cheat him, etc.) не могу себе представить, чтобы я так поступил и т.д.8. IXsee smb., smth. done see the child kissed (him taken away, the house rebuilt, the city destroyed, etc.) видеть, как целуют ребенка и т.д.; I'd sacrifice everything rather than see you disgraced я готов пожертвовать всем, чтобы не видеть вашего позора; I want to see justice done я хочу [добиться того], чтобы восторжествовала справедливость9. XI1) be seen come where we cannot be seen пойдем куда-нибудь, где нас не увидят; see and not be seen смотреть /наблюдать/, но самому оставаться незамеченным; children should be seen but not heard детей в доме не должно быть слышно, даже когда они на глазах; he is not fit to be seen у него такой вид, что ему нельзя на люди показываться; there was not a house to be seen не было видно ни единого дома; that remains to be seen надо еще посмотреть /подумать/; be seen with smb. I would not саге to be seen with him мне бы не хотелось, чтобы меня видели с ним; be seen in some manner be dimly (clearly, etc.) seen быть плохо и т.д. видимым; the monument is vaguely seen in the distance издалека памятник едва видно; these tricks are easily seen все эти уловки насквозь видны; be seen from smth. be seen from a short distance (from afar, from a hill, etc.) быть видимым с небольшого расстояния и т.д.; be seen through smth. very little could be seen through the keyhole в замочную скважину мало что было видно; be seen with smth. the writing on the stamp can be seen with naked eyes буквы на марке можно рассмотреть /разглядеть/ невооруженным глазом; be seen by smb. it had never been seen by European eyes этого не видел ни один европеец; be seen somewhere the baggage was last seen at the station в последний раз багаж видели на станции; be seen to do smth. he was seen to fall (to come, to walk, etc.) видели, как он упал и т.д.; be seen doing smth. he was seen falling (coming, etc.) его видели падающим и т.д., видели, как он падал и т.д.; be seen like smth. the airship was seen like a speck in the sky самолет казался маленькой точкой в небе2) be seen of smb. has anything been seen of him in the last two weeks? его кто-нибудь видел /встречал/ за последние две недели?; be seen in some place he is much seen in society он много бывает /его часто видят/ в обществе3) be seen that... from this (from this fact, from the abovesaid, etc.) it will be /can be/ [easily] seen that... из этого и т.д. [с очевидностью] следует, что...; it can be seen at a glance, that... ясно с первого взгляда, что...; it will thus be seen that... таким образом, станет ясно, что...10. XIIIsee to do smth. can you see to read in this light вы можете читать /вы разбираете буквы/ при таком освещении?11. XV1) see in some manner owls see best at night совы лучше всего видят ночью; one may see double when drunk у пьяного в глазах двоится2) see fit to do smth. you may go if you see fit to do so вы можете идти, если считаете это удобным12. XVI1) see with smth. see with one eye видеть одним глазом; see till some time a puppy cannot see till the ninth day щенки слепы первые девять дней; see in smth. see in the dark (in this light, in the rays of the sun, etc.) видеть в темноте и т.д. id he is not able to see beyond the end of his nose он не видит дальше своего носа2) see about /to /smth. see about the luggage (about the matter, to the fire, to all the locks and doors, to all the arrangements, to the business, etc.) позаботиться о багаже и т.д., последить за багажом и т.д.; leave it to me, I'll see to it оставьте /поручите/ это мне, я прослежу за этим; this machine is out of order, will you see to it? машина не в порядке, посмотрите, в чем там дело; see after smth. see after one's own interests соблюдать свой интерес3) see through smb., smth. see through him (through his motives, through smb.'s tricks, through her little game, through his politeness, through her fine ways, through smb.'s disguise, etc.) видеть его и т.д. насквозь; we could see through his plan мы понимали, что кроется за его планом13. XVIIsee about doing smth. see about getting the license plates (about sending the report in time, about packing, about ordering a car, etc.) (по)заботиться о том, чтобы получить номера для машины и т.д., проследить за получением номеров для машины и т.д.14. XVIIIsee oneself 'in smb. see oneself in one's children видеть себя в детях || see [for] oneself убедиться самому, увидеть собственными глазами15. XXI11) see smth., smb. in /at /smth. see an interesting story in a book (a letter in a box, a girl in a room, smb. at a distance, etc.) (у)видеть интересный рассказ в книге и т.д.; see smb., smth. in fat) smth. see smb., smth. in dreams видеть кого-л., что-л. во сне; I can't quite see her (myself, etc.) at a ball я не могу представить себе ее и т.д. на балу; see smth., smb. through smth. see smth., smb. through a crack in the wall (through the trees, etc.) (у)видеть что-л., кого-л. через щель в стене и т.д.; I could see very little through the keyhole мне было плохо видно /я мало что видел/ в замочную скважину; see smth., smb. with smth. see smth., smb. with one's own eyes видеть что-л., кого-л. собственными глазами; see smth. before smth. I'd like to see the house before I decide to take it я бы хотел осмотреть дом, прежде чем решиться на покупку || see the last of smb., smth. распрощаться с кем-л., чем-л.; when shall I see the last of her! когда я наконец избавлюсь от неё!; I hope I have seen the last of this book надеюсь, я все-таки отделался от этой книги2) see smth. in smb., smth. see charming traits in people (the fault in him, many problems in it, many things in the ordinary, a great danger in that sort of thing, etc.) находить /видеть/ в людях привлекательные черты и т.д.; to refuse to see any good in him отказаться видеть в нем что-л. хорошее; I don't know what you can see in her не знаю, что вы в ней находите3) see smth. of smb. see much of each other (little of the Browns, a great deal of him, etc.) часто /много/ встречаться [друг с другом] и т.д.; I don't see anything of my neighbours я совсем не вижу своих соседей, я совсем не встречаюсь со своими соседями; see less of smb. in winter реже видеться с кем-л. зимой; she's seeing too much of him она слишком часто встречается с ним; see smb. at (for) some time see you on Sunday до встречи в воскресенье; I haven't seen you for ages я вас не видел целую вечность; can I see you for a moment? можно вас на минуту?; see smb. about (on) smth. see a man about the book (an inspector about the case, one's lawyer about the matter, a doctor about your condition, a doctor about her injury, etc.) повидать одного человека по поводу книги и т.д.; see smb. on business повидаться с кем-л. по делу4) see smth. in some time see a lot in his life /a great deal in his time/ изведать жизнь, повидать немало в жизни5) see smb. to some place see you to the door (him to the gate, a friend to the station, etc.) проводить вас до двери и т.д.; see the children to bed уложить детей спать; see smb. into (on, off, etc.) smth. see smb. into a train (on board a ship) посадить кого-л. в поезд (на пароход); see smb. off the premises выпроводить кого-л.6) see smb. through smth. see us through the customs (his brother through college, me through the difficulty, her through her trouble) помочь нам пройти таможенный досмотр и т.д.7) || see smth., smb. in some light видеть что-л., кого-л. в каком-л. свете; see smth. in the same light сходиться.во мнении относительно чего-л.; see smth. in a different light видеть что-л. в ином свете; 1 don't see it in that light у меня по этому вопросу другое мнение16. XXIIsee smth. of doing smth. see the use of going there (the good of helping her, the advantage of keeping your mouth shut, the fun of dancing, etc.) видеть смысл в том, чтобы пойти туда и т.д.; I don't see the good of getting angry не вижу никакого смысла злиться || see one's way to doing smth. придумать /найти/, как что-л. сделать17. XXIV1see smb. as smb. I can't see him as president (as a teacher, as a husband, etc.) я не могу себе представить его в роли президента и т.д.18. XXIV4see smth. as... see the problem as it is видеть проблему реально19. XXV1) see that... see that the man was old (that he was blind, that it is time to go, that the box is empty, etc.) видеть, что это старый человек /старик/ и т.д.; see whether..., (if..., how..., what..., etc.) see whether the book is there (if the postman has come, if this hat suits you, who it is, what you've done, what has happened, what courage can do, how far we have gone, etc.) посмотреть, там ли книга и т.д.; see who's at the door посмотри, кто пришел; can you see where the mistake is? вы можете найти ошибку?; we are anxious to see what there is to be seen of the country мы хотим повидать все достопримечательности страны2) see that smth. is done see that the work is done (that the letter is mailed sometime today, that nothing goes wrong, that nothing has been neglected, that he comes to no harm, that he comes in time, that everything is in order, etc.) проследить, чтобы работа была сделана и т.д.; see that you lock the back door смотри, запри /не забудь запереть/ черный ход; see you don't miss the train смотри, не опоздай на поезд3) see what... (that..., why..., etc.) see what I mean (what it is to have courage, that I am not wanted, that you have changed your mind, why you did that, why he doesn't come, how or why it is done, etc.) понимать, что я хочу сказать и т.д.; we saw that it was useless to insist мы поняли, что бесполезно настаивать; can't you see that I'm tired? разве вы не видите /не понимаете/, что я устал?; I see how it is мне понятно, как обстоят дела4) see what... (when..., etc.) let me see what I can do (what ought to do now, when we can come, etc.) дайте подумать /сообразить/, что я могу сделать и т.д.20. XXVII1see through what... I am beginning to see through what he has in mind я начинаю понимать, что у него на уме21. XXVII21) see from smth. that... I see from my diary that I am expected today (from the papers that he is dead, etc.) по моим записям я вижу, что меня ждут сегодня и т.д.2) see to it that... see to it that the light is switched off проследи, чтобы свет был выключен -
5 see
I si: past tense - saw; verb1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) ver2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) ver3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) ver4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) ver, imaginarse5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) comprender, entender, ver6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) ver7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) ver8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) acompañar•- seeing that
- see off
- see out
- see through
- see to
- I
- we will see
II si: noun(the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) sedesee vb1. verturn the light on, I can't see anything enciende la luz; no veo nadahave you seen Lesley recently? ¿has visto a Lesley últimamente?2. entender / ver3. quedar / verI'll see you at ten quedamos a las diez / nos vemos a las diez4. ir / vermy tooth hurts, I'll have to see a dentist me duele una muela, tendré que ir al dentistalet's see a ver / vamos a vertr[siː]1 SMALLRELIGION/SMALL sede nombre femenino————————tr[siː]1 (gen) ver■ did you see who it was? ¿has visto quién era?■ have you seen any good films lately? ¿has visto una buena película últimamente?■ she could see that he hadn't listened to a single word veía que no había escuchado ni una sola palabra■ guess who I saw on Saturday? ¿a que no sabes a quién vi el sábado?3 (understand) comprender, entender, ver■ do you see what I mean? ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir?4 (visualize, imagine) imaginarse, ver; (envisage) creer5 (find out, discover) ver; (learn) oír, leer■ I see in the paper that Major did badly in the local elections he leído que a Major le fueron mal las elecciones locales6 (ensure, check) asegurarse de, procurar■ could you see that all the doors are locked? ¿podría asegurarse de que todas las puertas estén cerradas con llave?7 (accompany) acompañar8 (in cards) ver, ir1 (gen) ver2 (find out, discover) ver3 (understand) entender, ver■ oh, I see ah, ya veo\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLI'll be seeing you! ¡hasta luego!let me see/let's see a ver, vamos a verseeing is believing ver para creersee you around ya nos veremossee you later/soon/Monday! ¡hasta luego/pronto/el lunes!to be seeing things ver visionesto have seen better days haber conocido tiempos mejoresto see for oneself comprobarlo uno,-a mismo,-ato see a lot of somebody ver a alguien a menudoto see one's way (clear) to doing something poder hacer algo, estar dispuesto,-a a hacer algoto see reason ver la razónto see red ponerse rojo,-a (de ira)to see stars ver las estrellasto see the back/last of somebody perder a alguien de vistato see the joke verle la gracia, entender el chisteto see the light ver la luznot to see the point no ver el sentido, no ver para quéwe'll soon see about that! ¡ya lo veremos!1) : verI saw a dog: vi un perrosee you later!: ¡hasta luego!2) experience: ver, conocer3) understand: ver, entender4) ensure: asegurarsesee that it's correct: asegúrese de que sea correcto5) accompany: acompañar6)to see off : despedir, despedirse desee vi1) : verseeing is believing: ver para creer2) understand: entender, vernow I see!: ¡ya entiendo!3) consider: verlet's see: vamos a ver4)to see to : ocuparse desee n: sede fthe Holy See: la Santa Seden.• sede s.f.v.(§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen) = observar v.• percibir v.• ver v.(§pres: veo, ves...) imp. ve-•)
1. siː2)a) ver*to see somebody/something + inf: I didn't see her arrive no la vi llegar; we'll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I'll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya
b) \<\<film/play\>\> ver*c) (look at, inspect) ver*may I see your ticket? — ¿me permite su entrada (or boleto etc)?
3)a) (perceive, notice) ver*I don't know what she sees in him — no sé qué es lo que le ve or qué es lo que ve en él
b) (learn from reading, hearing)I see from your application form that... — he leído en su solicitud que...
4) ( understand) ver*do you see what I mean? — ¿entiendes?, ¿te das cuenta?
I can see (that) you're in a difficult position, but... — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero...
5) (consider, regard) ver*the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo
6)a) ( visualize)can you see him as a teacher? — ¿te lo imaginas de profesor?
b) (envisage, foresee)to see something/somebody -ING: I can't see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero
c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)we could move Johnson over to Sales - OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas - bueno, eso me parece bien
7)a) (find out, determine) ver*b) ( ensure)to see that: see that it doesn't happen again — que no vuelva a suceder
8)a) (experience, undergo)I doubt if I'll live to see it — no creo que yo llegue a verlo or que yo llegue a ver el día
b) ( be the occasion of) (journ)in a week which has seen the start of... — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de...
next Thursday sees the launch of the new model — el próximo jueves es la fecha señalada para el lanzamiento del nuevo modelo
9)a) ( meet) ver*when can I see you again? — ¿cuándo nos podemos volver a ver?
b) ( go out with) (colloq) salir* conc) ( saying goodbye) (colloq)see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!
see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!
10) ( visit)a) ( socially) ver*b) ( for consultation) ver*you should see a specialist — deberías ver a or ir a un especialista
I want to see the manager — quisiera ver al gerente or hablar con el gerente
to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?
11) ( receive) ver*, atender*the doctor will see you now — el doctor lo verá or lo atenderá ahora
12) (escort, accompany) acompañar
vi1)a) ver*b) (look, inspect) ver*2) (understand, realize) ver*can't you see he loves you? — ¿no te das cuenta de or no ves que te quiere?
I see — ( expressing realization) ya veo; ( accepting explanation) entiendo
3) (consider, think) ver*let's see — vamos a ver, veamos
I'll see, but I can't promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada
4) ( find out) ver*will it work? - try it and see — ¿funcionará? - prueba a ver
what's going on? - you'll soon see — ¿qué pasa? - ya lo verás
•Phrasal Verbs:- see in- see off- see out- see over- see to
[siː](pt saw) (pp seen) VT VI1) (gen) verto see sb do or doing sth — ver a algn hacer algo
did you see that Queen Anne is dead? — ¿has oído que ha muerto la reina Ana?
there was nobody to be seen — no se veía ni nadie•
as you can see — como ves•
I'll see him damned first — antes le veré colgado•
I never thought I'd see the day when... — nunca pensé ver el día en que...•
this dress isn't fit to be seen — este vestido no se puede ver•
see for yourself — velo tú•
I'll go and see — voy a ver•
now see here! — (in anger) ¡mira!, ¡oiga!, ¡escuche!•
I see nothing wrong in it — no le encuentro nada maloI see in the paper that... — sale en el periódico que...
we'll not see his like again — no veremos otro como él•
he's seen a lot of the world — ha visto mucho mundo•
so I see — ya lo veo•
I can't see to read — no veo lo suficiente para leer•
can you see your way to helping us? — (fig) ¿nos hace el favor de ayudarnos?•
we'll see — ya veremos, a ver•
I'll see what I can do — veré si puedo hacer algo•
she won't see 40 again — los 40 ya no los cumple2) (=visit, meet) ver, visitar; (=have an interview with) tener una entrevista con, entrevistarse conthe minister saw the Queen yesterday — el ministro se entrevistó or tuvo una entrevista con la Reina ayer
I want to see you about my daughter — quiero hablar con usted acerca de mi hijawhat did he want to see you about? — ¿qué asunto quería discutir contigo?, ¿qué motivo tuvo su visita?
to see the doctor — ir a ver al médico, consultar al médicoyou need to see a doctor — tienes que ir a ver or consultar a un médico
to go and see sb — ir a ver a algn; (a friend) visitar a algn•
we don't see much of them nowadays — ahora les vemos bastante poco•
see you! * — chau *see you on Sunday! — ¡hasta el domingo!
see you tomorrow! — ¡hasta mañana!
see you later! — ¡hasta luego!
see you soon! — ¡hasta pronto!
3) (=understand, perceive) entenderthis is how I see it — este es mi modo de entenderlo, yo lo entiendo así
I saw only too clearly that... — percibí claramente que...
it's all over, see? * — se acabó, ¿entiendes?
I don't see it, myself — yo no creo que sea posible
he's dead, don't you see? — está muerto, ¿me entiendes?
the Russians see it differently — los rusos lo miran desde otro punto de vista, el criterio de los rusos es distinto•
I fail to see how — no comprendo or entiendo cómo•
as far as I can see — por lo visto, por lo que yo veo•
the way I see it — a mi parecer4) (=accompany) acompañarmay I see you home? — ¿puedo acompañarte a casa?
5) (=try) procurarsee if... — ve a ver si..., mira a ver si...
6) (=imagine) imaginarseI don't see her as a minister — no la veo or no me la imagino de ministra
7) (=ensure)to see (to it) that — procurar que + subjun
- see in- see into- see off- see out- see over- see to
[siː]N (Rel) sede f ; [of archbishop] arzobispado m ; [of bishop] obispado m* * *
1. [siː]2)a) ver*to see somebody/something + inf: I didn't see her arrive no la vi llegar; we'll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I'll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya
b) \<\<film/play\>\> ver*c) (look at, inspect) ver*may I see your ticket? — ¿me permite su entrada (or boleto etc)?
3)a) (perceive, notice) ver*I don't know what she sees in him — no sé qué es lo que le ve or qué es lo que ve en él
b) (learn from reading, hearing)I see from your application form that... — he leído en su solicitud que...
4) ( understand) ver*do you see what I mean? — ¿entiendes?, ¿te das cuenta?
I can see (that) you're in a difficult position, but... — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero...
5) (consider, regard) ver*the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo
6)a) ( visualize)can you see him as a teacher? — ¿te lo imaginas de profesor?
b) (envisage, foresee)to see something/somebody -ING: I can't see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero
c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)we could move Johnson over to Sales - OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas - bueno, eso me parece bien
7)a) (find out, determine) ver*b) ( ensure)to see that: see that it doesn't happen again — que no vuelva a suceder
8)a) (experience, undergo)I doubt if I'll live to see it — no creo que yo llegue a verlo or que yo llegue a ver el día
b) ( be the occasion of) (journ)in a week which has seen the start of... — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de...
next Thursday sees the launch of the new model — el próximo jueves es la fecha señalada para el lanzamiento del nuevo modelo
9)a) ( meet) ver*when can I see you again? — ¿cuándo nos podemos volver a ver?
b) ( go out with) (colloq) salir* conc) ( saying goodbye) (colloq)see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!
see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!
10) ( visit)a) ( socially) ver*b) ( for consultation) ver*you should see a specialist — deberías ver a or ir a un especialista
I want to see the manager — quisiera ver al gerente or hablar con el gerente
to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?
11) ( receive) ver*, atender*the doctor will see you now — el doctor lo verá or lo atenderá ahora
12) (escort, accompany) acompañar
vi1)a) ver*b) (look, inspect) ver*2) (understand, realize) ver*can't you see he loves you? — ¿no te das cuenta de or no ves que te quiere?
I see — ( expressing realization) ya veo; ( accepting explanation) entiendo
3) (consider, think) ver*let's see — vamos a ver, veamos
I'll see, but I can't promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada
4) ( find out) ver*will it work? - try it and see — ¿funcionará? - prueba a ver
what's going on? - you'll soon see — ¿qué pasa? - ya lo verás
•Phrasal Verbs:- see in- see off- see out- see over- see to
6 sign
1. noun1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) señal2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) señal, panel, letrero3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) gesto, seña4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) signo
2. verb1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) firmar2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) firmar3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) hacer señas•- signpost
- sign in/out
- sign up
sign1 n1. señal / seña2. letrero / señalthe sign said "Beware of the dog" en el letrero ponía "Cuidado con el perro"3. signo4. señal / indiciosign2 vb1. firmarsign here, please firma aquí, por favor2. fichartr[saɪn]1 (symbol) signo, símbolo■ there was no sign of them anywhere no se los veía por ninguna parte, no había ni rastro de ellos■ all the signs are that... todo parece indicar que...1 (letter, document, cheque, etc) firmar■ sign your name here, please firme aquí, por favor2 (player, group) fichar (on/up, -)3 (gesture) hacer una seña/señal1 (write name) firmar2 (player, group) fichar (for/with, por)3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (use sign language) comunicarse por señas, hablar por señas\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLas a sign of como muestra dea sign of the times un signo de los tiempos que corrento make the sign of the cross hacer la señal de la cruzto sign one's own death warrant firmar su propia sentencia de muertesign language lenguaje nombre masculino por señassign of the zodiac signo del zodíacosign ['saɪn] vt1) : firmarto sign a check: firmar un chequesign vi1) : hacer una señashe signed for him to stop: le hizo una seña para que se parara2) : comunicarse por señassign n1) symbol: símbolo m, signo mminus sign: signo de menos2) gesture: seña f, señal f, gesto m3) : letrero m, cartel mneon sign: letrero de neón4) trace: señal f, indicio mn.• amago s.m.• aparato s.m.• asomo s.m.• huella s.f.• indicación s.f.• indicio s.m.• letrero s.m.• marca s.f.• muestra s.f.• rótulo s.m.• seña s.f.• señal s.f.• signo (Matemática) s.m.• vestigio s.m.v.• escriturar v.• firmar v.• subscribir v.• suscribir v.saɪn
1)a) c u ( indication) señal f, indicio mall the signs are that... — todo parece indicar que...
b) c ( omen) presagio m2) c ( gesture) seña f, señal fto make a sign to somebody — hacerle* una seña or una señal a alguien
to make the sign of the cross — hacerse* la señal de la cruz, santiguarse*
3) ca) (notice, board) letrero m, cartel m; ( in demonstration) pancarta fb) ( road sign) señal f (vial)4) cplus/minus sign — signo (de) más/menos
b) ( Astrol) signo m
a) ( write signature on) firmarb) ( hire) \<\<actor\>\> contratar; \<\<player\>\> fichar, contratar
vi1)a) ( write name) firmarb) ( Busn)2)a) ( gesture)to sign TO somebody to + INF: she signed to me to sit down — me hizo una seña or una señal para que me sentara
b) ( use sign language) comunicarse* por señas
v reflhe signed himself (as) J. Bell — se firmaba J. Bell, firmaba con el nombre de J. Bell
Phrasal Verbs:- sign for- sign in- sign off- sign on- sign out- sign up[saɪn]1. N1) (=indication) señal f, indicio m ; (Med) síntoma mit's a sign of rain — es señal or indicio de lluvia
he searched for a sign of recognition on her face — buscó en su rostro una señal or muestra de reconocimiento
there was no sign of life — no había señales or rastro de vida
it was seen as a sign of weakness — se interpretaba como una muestra or señal de flaqueza
at the first sign of a cold, take vitamin C — al primer indicio de un resfriado, tome vitamina C
it's a good/bad sign — es buena/mala señal
to show signs of sth/doing sth — dar muestras or señales de algo/de hacer algo
the economy is beginning to show signs of recovery — la economía está dando muestras or señales de recuperarse
the storm showed no sign of abating — la tormenta no daba muestras or señales de calmarse
2) (=gesture) seña fto communicate by signs — hablar or comunicarse por señas
to make the sign of the Cross — hacerse la señal de la cruz, santiguarse
3) (=notice) letrero m ; (=road sign) señal f (de tráfico); (=direction indicator) indicador m ; (=shop sign) letrero m, rótulo m ; (US) (carried in demonstration) pancarta f4) (=written symbol) símbolo m ; (Math, Mus, Astrol) signo mwhat sign are you? — ¿de qué signo eres?
plus/minus sign — signo de más/menos
2. VT1) [+ contract, agreement, treaty] firmarshe signs herself B. Smith — firma con el nombre B. Smith
signed and sealed — firmado y lacrado, firmado y sellado
2) (=recruit) [+ player] fichar, contratar; [+ actor, band] contratar3) (=use sign language)the programme is signed for the hearing-impaired — el programa incluye traducción simultánea al lenguaje de signos para aquellos con discapacidades auditivas
3. VI1) (with signature) firmardotted linesign here please — firme aquí, por favor
2) (=be recruited) (Sport) firmar un contratohe has signed for or with Arsenal — ha firmado un contrato con el Arsenal, ha fichado por el Arsenal (Sp)
3) (=signal) hacer señas4) (=use sign language) hablar con señas4.CPDsign language N — lenguaje m por señas
sign painter, sign writer N — rotulista mf
- sign for- sign in- sign off- sign on- sign out- sign up* * *[saɪn]
1)a) c u ( indication) señal f, indicio mall the signs are that... — todo parece indicar que...
b) c ( omen) presagio m2) c ( gesture) seña f, señal fto make a sign to somebody — hacerle* una seña or una señal a alguien
to make the sign of the cross — hacerse* la señal de la cruz, santiguarse*
3) ca) (notice, board) letrero m, cartel m; ( in demonstration) pancarta fb) ( road sign) señal f (vial)4) cplus/minus sign — signo (de) más/menos
b) ( Astrol) signo m
a) ( write signature on) firmarb) ( hire) \<\<actor\>\> contratar; \<\<player\>\> fichar, contratar
vi1)a) ( write name) firmarb) ( Busn)2)a) ( gesture)to sign TO somebody to + INF: she signed to me to sit down — me hizo una seña or una señal para que me sentara
b) ( use sign language) comunicarse* por señas
v reflhe signed himself (as) J. Bell — se firmaba J. Bell, firmaba con el nombre de J. Bell
Phrasal Verbs:- sign for- sign in- sign off- sign on- sign out- sign up -
7 get
[get] 1. гл.; прош. вр. got; прич. прош. вр. got, gotten1)а) получить (в собственность), стать обладателемHe got a bicycle for his birthday. — На день рождения ему подарили велосипед.
Syn:б) получить, нажить ( неприятности), навлекать на себяShe got nothing but trouble for her efforts. — За свои старания она нажила себе только одни проблемы.
Syn:2)He got this book at the library. — Эту книгу он взял в библиотеке.
Syn:Get me a pillow. — Принеси мне подушку.
Help me to get the washing in, it's raining. — Помоги мне занести бельё в дом, а то идёт дождь.
Syn:3)а) купить, приобрестиI got these jeans for $100. — Я купил эти джинсы за 100 долларов.
Syn:б) ( get through) тратить, использовать ( в большом количестве)Jim gets through a lot of beer while watching football on television every Saturday. — Джим выпивает изрядное количество пива, пока смотрит футбол по телевизору по субботам.
4)а) извлекать, добывать, получать ( в результате собственных усилий)He got this information from the Internet. — Он нашёл эту информацию в интернете.
You can't get water out of a stone. — Из камня нельзя получить воду.
б) заработать, получитьI always get high marks in history. — Я всегда получаю хорошие оценки по истории.
He got $20 for this work. — Он получил 20 долларов за эту работу.
в) завоевать, приобрести (в результате военных действий)5) получить возможность (что-л. делать), получить разрешение на (что-л.)I couldn't get a day off because I had to write a report. — Мне не разрешили взять отгул, так как я должен был написать отчёт.
I finally got to work at home. — Наконец-то я смог поработать дома.
6)а) приходить; прибывать, достигатьThe snow was so deep that the climbers could not get through to the hut. — Снега было так много, что альпинисты не смогли пробраться к хижине.
Syn:б) ( get at) добираться, доставать до (чего-л.)I can't get at the top branches, can you bring the ladder? — Я не достаю до верхних веток, принеси мне, пожалуйста, лестницу.
в) ( get at) разг. иметь в виду7) разместиться, занять место, сесть в ( транспорте); воспользоваться (каким-л. видом транспорта)She got her plane two minutes before takeoff. — Она поднялась на борт самолёта всего за две минуты до вылета.
Syn:8) застать, дозвониться, суметь установить связьI tried to get you, but your phone was busy. — Я пытался связаться с тобой, но телефон был занят.
I got (through to) him on the telephone at last. — Наконец я дозвонился до него.
9) заразиться, подхватить инфекциюThe teacher got chicken pox from the students. — Учитель заразился ветрянкой от учеников.
Syn:10)а) подвергаться, испытывать на себеHe got a severe concussion. — Он получил серьёзное (тяжёлое) сотрясение мозга.
Syn:б) получить в качестве наказания, возмездия; схлопотатьHe got six years in prison for tax fraud. — Он получил шесть лет за налоговые махинации.
You'll get a spanking when your father comes home. — Когда отец вернётся, получишь взбучку.
11)а) понять, осознать; выяснитьHe didn't get the point of the joke. — Он не понял, в чём шутка.
It is always difficult to get at the truth. — Выяснять правду всегда нелегко.
I cannot get at the meaning. — Я не могу понять, что это значит.
The children didn't quite get onto what the teacher was saying. — Дети не совсем поняли, что говорил учитель.
Syn:б) дойти до сознания, стать понятнымDid your speech get over / across to the crowd? — Твоя речь дошла до сознания толпы?
Though the message was clear, it took long to get it over to the minds of Americans. — Хотя идея была понятна, прошло много времени, пока американцы её восприняли.
12)а) выяснить, обнаружить с помощью подсчётовI can't get the total. — Я не могу сосчитать.
These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculations concerned with space travel. — Теперь учёные используют компьютеры для проведения сложных расчётов, связанных с полётами в космос.
б) расслышатьSorry, I didn't get your name. — Простите, я не разобрал, как вас зовут.
13) выучить наизусть, запомнитьI've got this poem off by heart already. — Я уже выучил это стихотворение наизусть.
How quickly can you get up this piece for the concert? — Как быстро ты сможешь выучить эту вещь, чтобы исполнить её на концерте?
Syn:14) порождать, производить, вызыватьSyn:15) приготовить, обеспечить готовностьI have to go and work, I must get out my next speech. — Мне нужно пойти поработать, надо подготовить моё следующее выступление.
The children are getting up a play for next week. — Дети готовят постановку к следующей неделе.
Syn:16)а) передвигаться, перемещатьсяMother is much better now, thank you, she's able to get about a bit more. — Маме лучше, спасибо; она может уже немного ходить.
Using the new bridge to get across will save people a lot of time. — Люди будут пользоваться новым мостом, чтобы перебраться на другую сторону, это сохранит им массу времени.
This new car gets away faster than any of our former models. — Новая модель стартует быстрее всех остальных.
There's enough room for the car to get by. — Автомобиль вполне может здесь проехать.
I'm sorry I'm late but the telephone rang just as I was about to leave, and I couldn't get away. — Прошу прощения за опоздание, но я не мог уйти, так как прямо перед моим выходом зазвонил телефон.
On a clear day, you can see the ships far out to sea, until they get beyond the horizon. — В ясный день корабли видны далеко в море, до тех пор, пока они не скроются за горизонтом.
The cat climbed the tree, and then couldn't get down. — Кошка забралась на дерево и не могла слезть.
Don't be afraid of the horse, get on! — Не бойся лошади, садись.
How can we get over? The traffic's so busy. — Как нам перейти (на другую сторону)? Тут такое сильное движение.
Can you get past the open door without being seen? — Ты сможешь пройти мимо открытой двери незамеченным?
Put the fence deep into the earth so that the rabbits can't get under. — Врой забор поглубже в землю, чтобы кролики не смогли под ним пролезть.
The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up. — Холм был такой крутой, что старая машина еле-еле взобралась на него.
The history lessons get up to the year 1642 and then stop. — На уроках истории доходят до 1642 года и на этом останавливаются.
б) двигать, способствовать продвижению, вести (кого-л. / что-л.) прям. и перен.to get smth. away — вытаскивать что-л. (наружу)
to get smb. beyond smth. — помогать кому-л. в развитии, продвижении дальше, чем что-л.
Please get the children in, their dinner's ready. — Зови детей, обед готов.
It took him just ten minutes to get the car through the traffic. — Всего за десять минут он смог вырулить из сплошного потока машин.
The captain got his ship into the harbour safely in spite of rough sea. — Капитан благополучно привёл корабль в гавань, несмотря на бурное море.
Some additional lessons might get you up to the standard demanded by the examiners. — Несколько дополнительных занятий могут помочь тебе подняться до уровня, который требуют экзаменаторы.
•Syn:17)а) вмещаться, помещатьсяSince I gained weight, I can't get into my best suit. — Так как я располнел, я не могу влезть в свой лучший костюм.
Get into bed, and I'll bring you a cup of tea. — Ложись, я принесу тебе чай в постель.
That grass is newly seeded, please get off! — Газон только что засеяли, пожалуйста, уйдите с него.
б) класть, помещать, ставитьThis case is too small, I cannot get all my clothes in. — Этот чемодан слишком маленький, я не могу засунуть туда всю мою одежду.
We shall have to get the tree up by its roots. — Придётся вытащить дерево с корнями.
I can't get my head into this hat. — Эта шляпа мне мала.
18)а) хватать, брать силойThe detective got the suspect as he left the restaurant. — Сыщик задержал подозреваемого, когда тот вышел из ресторана.
The goblins will get you if you don't watch out. — Будь осторожен, иначе тебя поймают гоблины.
Syn:б) захватывать (эмоционально), производить большое впечатление, изумлятьThis music really gets me. — Мне так нравится эта музыка!
His sad story really got to me, and I was moved to help him. — Его печальная история тронула меня, и мне захотелось помочь ему.
в) озадачить, поставить проблемуIt gets me why she suddenly decided to sell the house. — Странно, почему она вдруг решила продать дом.
Syn:19) разг.а) надоедать, доставать, доканыватьWhat got me was his utter lack of initiative. — Его полная безынициативность достала меня.
His mother at last got across me, making rude remarks in my own home. — Его мать доконала-таки меня своими замечаниями в моем же доме.
This continuous wet weather is getting me down. — Эта постоянная плохая погода начинает мне надоедать.
Syn:б) ( get after) ругать (кого-л.), придираться к (кому-л.)She's always getting after the children for one thing or another. — Вечно она придирается к детям - то за одно, то за другое.
20)а) ударитьShe got him on the stomach. — Она ударила его в живот.
The bullet got him in the leg. — Пуля попала ему в ногу.
Syn:б) разг. побеждать, одолевать, уничтожать прям. и перен.The hail got the rose bushes. — Град побил кусты роз.
The firemen got the fire under in only half an hour. — Пожарные потушили огонь всего за полчаса.
Syn:21) спорт. лишать возможности увеличить счёт ( в бейсболе)Syn:22) разг. сбежать, исчезнуть; свалить, смытьсяShe yelled at the dog to get. — Чтобы прогнать собаку, она стала на неё кричать.
23) заниматься бизнесом, делать деньги, работать на прибыльHe puts all his energy into getting and spending. — Он тратит всю свою энергию на то, чтобы зарабатывать деньги и их тратить.
24) приступать (к чему-л.), приниматься (за что-л.)I'd like to get at repainting the house as soon as the weather is suitable. — Я хотел бы снова взяться за перекраску дома, когда погода станет приемлемой.
We finally got round to answering our correspondence. — Мы наконец выкроили время, чтобы ответить на письма.
I think I'll be able to get round to this job only next month. — Думаю, до этой работы у меня дойдут руки только в следующем месяце.
We must get to work at once (on the new building plans). — Надо немедленно приниматься за дело.
25) (get through / beyond / by / over) проходить через (что-л.), преодолевать, выдерживать прям. и перен.I don't know how poor people get through these cold winters. — Не знаю, как бедные переживают такие морозы.
Your suggestion has got by the first stage and will now be examined by the committee. — Ваше предложение было одобрено на первом этапе и теперь будет рассмотрено комитетом.
It always takes some time to get over the shock of someone's death. — Когда кто-нибудь умирает, всегда нужно некоторое время, чтобы шок прошёл.
I can't get over your news, I would never have thought it possible! — Никак не могу свыкнуться с тем, что ты мне сказал, я думал, что такое невозможно.
The committee will have to find means to get over the difficulty. — Комитет должен будет изыскать средства преодолеть эти трудности.
26) ( get (a)round)а) убедить (кого-л.), заставить (кого-л.) сделать по-своемуI think I can get round my father to lend us the car. — Я думаю, мне удастся уговорить отца дать нам автомобиль.
We'll soon get him round (to our point of view). — Мы скоро его переубедим.
б) обходить (что-л.), уклоняться от (чего-л.)If you are clever, you can sometimes get round the tax laws. — Если ты достаточно хитёр, то иногда можно изловчиться и уклониться от налогов.
Syn:27) ( get at) разг. подкупать (кого-л.)The prisoners escaped after getting at the guards to leave the gate open. — Заключённым удалось сбежать - они подкупили охрану и ворота остались незапертыми.
28) (get beyond / past)а) быть слишком трудным для (кого-л.)This book got a bit beyond me. — Эта книга оказалась для меня трудноватой.
It gets past me how he does it! — Мне совершенно непонятно, как он это делает.
The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work got past them and they had to ask their father to help. — Дети хотели построить в саду шалаш, но работа оказалась для них слишком тяжёлой, и они попросили отца помочь им.
б) иметь трудности с (чем-л.), находить для себя слишком трудным (что-л.)Jim's father got beyond running the business on his own. — Отцу Джима оказалось слишком трудным вести дело самому.
29) ( get onto)а) переходить к (чему-л.), начинать (что-л. другое)Let's get onto the next scene now. — Теперь перейдем к следующей сцене.
How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. — Как мы перешли к этой теме? У неё же ничего общего с тем, о чём мы говорили?
б) быть выбранным в (какую-л. организацию)My neighbour got onto the city council. — Моего соседа избрали в городской совет.
в) разг. приставать к (кому-л.), доставать (кого-л.)She's been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. — Она уже год выпрашивает у меня купить ей новое пальто.
г) придумать (что-л.)I've got onto a good idea for improving production. — Мне тут пришла в голову неплохая идея на тему улучшения производства.
30) ( get into)б) приобретать ( привычки)You'll get into bad habits if you keep borrowing money. — Если ты и дальше будешь брать деньги в долг, это превратится в дурную привычку.
в) попадать в какое-л. положение, состояниеTry not to get into a temper. — Старайся не раздражаться.
Whatever has got into the children? They're so excitable! — Что это стало с детьми? Они стали так легко возбудимы.
The devil has got into this class today. — Сегодня в учеников словно вселился дьявол.
г) попадать, вовлекаться, оказываться впутанным во (что-л.)He got into debts. — Его втянули в долги.
д) начинать (делать что-л.), приступать к (чему-л.)I must get into training soon; the cricket season starts next month. — Мне пора начать тренировки; крикетный сезон начинается в следующем месяце.
е) заинтересоваться (чем-л.), начать заниматься (чем-л.)Michael got into radio when he was only fourteen. — Майкл заинтересовался радио, когда ему было всего четырнадцать.
31) (get smth. / smb. + прич. прош. вр.) получить результат какого-л. действия (над собой, своим имуществом; как следствие собственных усилий или деятельности других лиц)He got his arm broken in the fight. — В этой драке ему сломали руку.
Do you have time to get the car washed this morning? — У тебя есть время с утра съездить помыть машину?
The new director will soon get the firm started. — Новый директор скоро заставит фирму заработать.
32) (get smth. / smb. + прил.) вызвать (определённое состояние кого-л. / чего-л.)He got the children tired and cross. — Он утомил и разозлил детей.
33)а) (get + прич. наст. вр.) начинать делать (что-л.)to get going / moving — начать действовать, взяться за дело
I have to get working on this or I'll miss my deadline. — Я должен начать работать над этим, иначе я не уложусь в сроки.
б) (get smth. + прич. наст. вр.) обеспечить начало действия чего-л.It was he who got the factory working. — Именно благодаря ему завод начал работать.
34) (have got / got)а) обладать ( в настоящее время)We've got plenty of cash. — У нас много наличности.
They got a nice house in town. — У них славный домик в городе.
б) иметь в качестве поручения, обязанности, обязательстваI have got to leave early. — Мне надо уйти пораньше.
You've got to do the dishes. — Ты должен помыть посуду.
35) (get + прич. прош. вр.) подвергнуться указанному действию со стороны (кого-л.)She got stung by a bee. — Её ужалила пчела.
36) (get smb. to do smth.) заставить, просить, убеждать кого-л. что-л. сделатьThe Opera Guild got the governor to serve as honorary chairman. — Гильдия оперных певцов убедила губернатора стать её почётным председателем.
Syn:37) (get + прил. / прич. прош. вр.) становиться, делатьсяMoscow gets awfully cold in winter. — В Москве зимой становится очень холодно.
- get better- get soaked through
- get wet throughSyn:•- get abreast of smth.
- get abroad
- get ahead
- get along
- get around
- get away
- get back
- get behind
- get by
- get down
- get in
- get off
- get on
- get out
- get past
- get round
- get through
- get together
- get up••as good as it gets — лучше не бывает; самое лучшее, что можно найти
to get up an appetite for smth.— почувствовать вкус к чему-л.
to get blood from a stone — стараться разжалобить (кого-л.)
to get smth. into one's head — вбить что-л. себе в голову
to get on one's feet / legs — вставать, подниматься ( чтобы говорить публично)
to get smb.'s back up / blood up — разозлить кого-л., вывести из себя
to get one's dander up, get one's monkey up — разозлиться, выйти из себя
to have got smb. / smth. on one's nerves — раздражаться из-за кого-л. / чего-л.
to get the mitten / the sack / walking orders / walking papers — быть уволенным
to get it in the neck — получить по шее, получить нагоняй
to get the bit between one's teeth — закусить удила, не знать удержу
to get one's hand in smth. — набить руку в чём-л., освоиться с чем-л.
to get one's breath — перевести дыхание; прийти в себя
to get under way — сдвинуться с места; отправиться
to get a head — захмелеть, иметь тяжелую голову с похмелья
to get in wrong with smb. — попасть в немилость к кому-л.
to get one's own way — добиться своего, настоять на своём, поступать по-своему
to get rid of smth. / smb — избавиться от чего-л. / кого-л.
to get back to the grindstone — разг. возвращаться к работе (без особого желания)
to get hold of smth. — суметь схватить что-л.; суметь достать, приобрести
to get hold of smb. — разг. застать, перехватить кого-л.
to get to close quarters — воен. сблизиться, подойти на близкую дистанцию; сцепиться ( в споре); столкнуться лицом к лицу
Get along with you! — Иди ты! Проваливай! Убирайся!; Так я тебе и поверил! Не болтай ерунды!
to get smth. under control — установить контроль над чем-л.
- get left- get lost
- get even
- get home
- get oneself together
- get a bit on
- get leg in
- get smth. all wrong
- get smth. wrong
- get the upper hand 2. сущ.приплод, потомство ( у животных) -
8 as
1. adverb in main sentence(in same degree)as... [as...] — so... [wie...]
they did as much as they could — sie taten, was sie konnten
2. relative adverb or conjunction in subordinate clauseas good a player [as he] — ein so guter Spieler [wie er]
1) (expr. degree)[as or so]... as... — [so...] wie...
as quickly as possible — so schnell wie möglich
as... as you can — so...[, wie] Sie können
come as quickly as you can — kommen Sie, so schnell Sie können
2) (though)... as he etc. is/was — obwohl er usw.... ist/war
intelligent as she is,... — obwohl sie ziemlich intelligent ist,...
safe as it might be,... — obwohl es vielleicht ungefährlich ist,...
3) (however much)try as he might/would, he could not concentrate — sosehr er sich auch bemühte, er konnte sich nicht konzentrieren
4) (expr. manner) wieas it were — sozusagen; gewissermaßen
5) (expr. time) als; währendas we climbed the stairs — als wir die Treppe hinaufgingen
6) (expr. reason) da7) (expr. result)so... as to... — so... zu
8) (expr. purpose)so as to... — um... zu...
9) (expr. illustration) wie [zum Beispiel]3. prepositionindustrial areas, as the north-east of England for example — Industriegebiete wie zum Beispiel der Nordosten Englands
1) (in the function of) alsspeaking as a parent,... — als Mutter/Vater...
2) (like) wie4. relative pronoun(which)they danced, as was the custom there — sie tanzten, wie es dort Sitte war
he was shocked, as were we all — er war wie wir alle schockiert
the same as... — der-/die-/dasselbe wie...
5.they enjoy such foreign foods as... — sie essen gern ausländische Lebensmittel wie...
as for... — was... angeht
as from... — von... an
as is — wie die Dinge liegen; wie es aussieht
the place is untidy enough as it is — es ist schon liederlich genug[, wie es jetzt ist]
as of... — (Amer.) von... an
as to — hinsichtlich (+ Gen.)
* * *[æz] 1. conjunction2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) weil3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) so wie4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) wie5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) obgleich6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) so wie2. adverb(used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) so...wie3. preposition1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) so...wie2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) wie3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) wie4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) als•- as for- as if / as though
- as to* * *as[æz, əz]I. conj1. (while) alsshe sat watching him \as he cooked the dinner sie saß da und schaute ihm dabei zu, wie er das Abendessen kochtehe gets more and more attractive \as he gets older er wird mit zunehmendem Alter immer attraktiver\as I was getting into the car, I noticed a piece of paper on the seat beim Einsteigen bemerkte ich ein Stück Papier auf dem Autositzknowing him \as I do, he won't do it wie ich ihn kenne, wird er es nicht tun\as is often the case with children,... wie das bei Kindern oft ist,...she is an actor, \as is her brother sie ist Schauspielerin, wie ihr Bruderall merchandise is sold \as is esp AM alle Waren werden verkauft, wie sie sinddo \as I say! mach, was ich sage!I'd never seen him looking so miserable \as he did that day ich habe ihn noch nie so traurig gesehen wie an dem Tag\as things happened [or stood] [or turned out],... wie sich zeigte,...\as it stood at the time,... so wie die Dinge damals standen,...exactly \as genauso wiejust \as so wie\as it is (already) sowieso schonI've spent far too much money \as it is ich habe sowieso schon zu viel Geld ausgegeben\as it were sozusagenhe's a little on the large side, \as it were er ist, sagen wir [ein]mal, ein bisschen groß geraten\as it happens rein zufällig\as it happens, I met him this morning rein zufällig [o wie der Zufall will], habe ich ihn heute Morgen getroffen\as if [or though] als obshe looked at me \as if she didn't understand a word sie schaute mich als, als würde sie kein Wort verstehenit isn't \as if she wasn't warned es ist ja nicht so, dass sie nicht gewarnt worden wäre, schließlich war sie ja gewarnt\as if I care[d]! als ob mich das interessieren würde!\as you were out, I left a message weil du nicht da warst, habe ich eine Nachricht hinterlassenhe may need some help \as he's new er braucht vielleicht Hilfe, weil er neu ist4. (used to add a comment) wie\as already mentioned,... wie bereits erwähnt,...\as you know,... wie du weißt,...she smiled and I smiled back, \as you do sie lächelte und ich lächelte zurück, du weißt schon5. (though)such riches \as he has, he is still not happy so reich er auch ist, glücklich ist er noch immer nichtangry \as he was,... so verärgert er auch war,...sweet \as he is,... so süß er auch ist,...try \as he might,... so sehr er es auch versucht,...6.▶ \as for... was... betriffthe wasn't thrilled, \as for me, I thought it a good idea er war nicht begeistert, ich dagegen hielt es für eine gute Idee▶ \as from [or of] ab\as from [or of] her 18th birthday, she is free to use the money nach der Vollendung des 18. Lebensjahres kann sie frei über das Geld verfügen\as of [or from] tomorrow/the first/next Monday ab morgen/dem Ersten/nächsten [o nächstem] Monat\as of [or from] now/today von jetzt/heute an, ab jetzt/heute▶ \as to... was... angeht\as to her manual skills, we'll have to work on them was ihre handwerklichen Fähigkeiten angeht, daran müssen wir noch arbeiten\as to where we'll get the money from, we'll talk about that later wir müssen später noch besprechen, wo wir das Geld hernehmenhe was uncertain \as to which road to take er war sich nicht sicher, welche Straße er nehmen sollteyou can revise them \as and when I send them to you du kannst sie redigieren, sobald ich sie dir schickeII. prephe was often ill \as a child als Kind war er oft krank2. (in the capacity, function of) alsshe was praised \as an actress, but less so \as a director als Schauspielerin wurde sie sehr gelobt, aber als Regisseurin weitaus wenigerspeaking \as a mother, I cannot accept that als Mutter kann ich das nicht akzeptierenwhat do you think of his book \as a basis for a film? was hältst du von seinem Buch als Grundlage für einen Film?3. (like, being) alshe went to the fancy-dress party dressed \as a banana er kam als Banane verkleidet zum Kostümfestthe news came \as no surprise die Nachricht war keine Überraschunguse your coat \as a blanket nimm deinen Mantel als Deckesuch big names \as... so große Namen wie...such agricultural states \as Kansas and Oklahoma Agrarstaaten wie Kansas und Oklahomathe necklace was reported \as having been stolen die Kette war als gestohlen gemeldetI always thought of myself \as a good mother ich habe mich immer für eine gute Mutter gehaltendo you regard punishment \as being essential in education? hältst du Strafen für unerlässlich in der Erziehung?\as a matter of principle aus Prinzip1. (in comparisons) wiethey live in the same town \as my parents sie wohnen in derselben Stadt wie meine Eltern▪ [just] \as... \as... [genau]so... wie...he's \as tall \as Peter er ist so groß wie PeterI can run just \as fast \as you ich kann genauso schnell laufen wie duhalf \as... \as... halb so... wie...she's not half \as self-confident \as people think sie ist bei Weitem nicht so selbstbewusst, wie alle denken\as much \as so viel wieI don't earn \as much \as Paul ich verdiene nicht so viel wie Paultwice/three times \as much [\as] zweimal/dreimal so viel [wie]\as usual wie gewöhnlichyou're late, \as usual du bist wie immer zu spät\as... \as that so...if you play \as well \as that,... wenn du so gut spielst,...he's not \as handsome \as that! so gut sieht er nun auch wieder nicht aus!2. (indicating an extreme)these sunflowers can grow \as tall \as 8 ft diese Sonnenblumen können bis zu 8 Fuß hoch werden\as many/much \as immerhin; (even) sogarthe decision could affect \as many \as 2 million people die Entscheidung könnte immerhin 2 Millionen Menschen betreffenprices have risen by \as much \as 50% die Preise sind um ganze [o beachtliche] 50 % gestiegen\as little \as nuryou can pick up a second-hand machine for \as little \as £20 ein gebrauchtes Gerät kriegt man schon für 20 Pfund* * *[z, əz]1. conjhe got deafer as he got older —
as a child he would... — als Kind hat er immer...
2) (= since) da3)(= although)
rich as he is I won't marry him — obwohl er reich ist, werde ich ihn nicht heiratenstupid as he is, he... — so dumm er auch sein mag,... er
big as he is I'll... — so groß, wie er ist, ich...
much as I admire her,... — sosehr ich sie auch bewundere,...
be that as it may — wie dem auch sei or sein mag
try as he might — sosehr er sich auch bemüht/bemühte
4) (manner) wiedo as you like — machen Sie, was Sie wollen
leave it as it is — lass das so
the first door as you go upstairs/as you go in — die erste Tür oben/, wenn Sie hereinkommen
knowing him as I do —
as you yourself said... — wie Sie selbst gesagt haben...
as it is, I'm heavily in debt — ich bin schon tief verschuldet
as it were — sozusagen, gleichsam
as you were! (Mil) — weitermachen!; (fig) lassen Sie sich nicht stören; (in dictation, speaking) streichen Sie das
my husband as was (inf) — mein verflossener or (late) verstorbener Mann
5)he rose as if to go — er erhob sich, als wollte er gehen
as for him/you — (und) was ihn/dich anbetrifft or angeht
as from or of the 5th — vom Fünften an, ab dem Fünften
as from now — von jetzt an, ab jetzt
he's not so silly as to do that — er ist nicht so dumm, das zu tun, so dumm ist er nicht
2. advas... as — so... wie
not as... as — nicht so... wie
is it as difficult as that? —
as recently as yesterday — erst gestern
she is very clever, as is her brother — sie ist sehr intelligent, genau(so) wie ihr Bruder
she was as nice as could be (inf) — sie war so freundlich wie nur was (inf)
as many/much as I could — so viele/so viel ich (nur) konnte
this one is just as good — diese(r, s) ist genauso gut
as often happens, he was... — wie so oft, war er...
3. rel pron1) (with same, such) der/die/das; (pl) diethe same man as was here yesterday — derselbe Mann, der gestern hier war
See:→ such4. prep1) (= in the capacity of) als2) (esp = such as) wie (zum Beispiel)* * *A adv1. so, ebenso, geradeso:I ran as fast as I could ich lief so schnell ich konnte;just as good ebenso gut;twice as large zweimal so groß2. wie (zum Beispiel):statesmen, as ChurchillB konj1. (gerade) wie, so wie:as often as they wish sooft (wie) sie wünschen;as you wish wie Sie wünschen;as is the case wie es der Fall ist;a) (so) wie die Dinge liegen,b) schon;as and when wann immer;(as) soft as butter butterweich;as requested wunschgemäß;as I said before wie ich vorher oder schon sagte;as was their habit wie es ihre Gewohnheit war2. ebenso wie, genauso wie:then as now damals wie jetzt;you will reap as you sow wie man sät, so erntet man3. als, während, indem:as he entered als er eintrat, bei seinem Eintritt4. obwohl, obgleich, wenn auch, wie sehr, sosehr, wie:late as he was, he attended the session trotz seiner Verspätung nahm er noch an der Sitzung teil;old as I am so alt wie ich bin;try as he would sosehr er sich auch mühte;improbable as it seems so unwahrscheinlich es auch scheint5. da, weil:as you are sorry I’ll forgive you6. (als oder so) dass:so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt so offensichtlich schuldig, dass kein Zweifel bleibtC pronsuch as need our help diejenigen, welche unsere Hilfe brauchen;the same man as was here yesterday derselbe Mann, der gestern hier war2. was, welche Tatsache, wie:his health is not good, as he himself admits seine Gesundheit lässt zu wünschen übrig, was oder wie er selbst zugibtD präp als:as sweet as can be so süß wie nur möglich;as cheap as fifty pence the bottle für nur fünfzig Pence die Flasche;as recently as last week erst letzte Woche;as far as can be ascertained soweit es sich feststellen lässt;as is im gegenwärtigen Zustand;the car was sold as is der Wagen wurde, so wie er war, verkauft;as it were sozusagen, gewissermaßen, gleichsam;b) nach, gemäß (dat);as to this question was diese Frage betrifft;he is taxed as to his earnings er wird nach seinem Verdienst besteuert;as you were!a) MIL Kommando zurück!,b) allg alles zurück!; → against A 8, far Bes Redew, follow C 1, for A 23, good C 2, if1 A 1, invoice A, kind2 1, long1 B 1, much Bes Redew, per 3, though A 4, usual A, well1 A 12, yet A 1* * *1. adverb in main sentenceas... [as...] — so... [wie...]
they did as much as they could — sie taten, was sie konnten
2. relative adverb or conjunction in subordinate clauseas good a player [as he] — ein so guter Spieler [wie er]
1) (expr. degree)[as or so]... as... — [so...] wie...
as... as you can — so...[, wie] Sie können
come as quickly as you can — kommen Sie, so schnell Sie können
2) (though)... as he etc. is/was — obwohl er usw.... ist/war
intelligent as she is,... — obwohl sie ziemlich intelligent ist,...
safe as it might be,... — obwohl es vielleicht ungefährlich ist,...
try as he might/would, he could not concentrate — sosehr er sich auch bemühte, er konnte sich nicht konzentrieren
4) (expr. manner) wieas it were — sozusagen; gewissermaßen
5) (expr. time) als; während6) (expr. reason) da7) (expr. result)so... as to... — so... zu
8) (expr. purpose)so as to... — um... zu...
9) (expr. illustration) wie [zum Beispiel]3. prepositionindustrial areas, as the north-east of England for example — Industriegebiete wie zum Beispiel der Nordosten Englands
1) (in the function of) alsspeaking as a parent,... — als Mutter/Vater...
2) (like) wie4. relative pronounthey danced, as was the custom there — sie tanzten, wie es dort Sitte war
he was shocked, as were we all — er war wie wir alle schockiert
the same as... — der-/die-/dasselbe wie...
5.they enjoy such foreign foods as... — sie essen gern ausländische Lebensmittel wie...
as for... — was... angeht
as from... — von... an
as is — wie die Dinge liegen; wie es aussieht
the place is untidy enough as it is — es ist schon liederlich genug[, wie es jetzt ist]
as of... — (Amer.) von... an
as to — hinsichtlich (+ Gen.)
* * *adv.als adv.da adv.ebenso/allso adv.indem (zeitlich) adv.obgleich konj.so adv.weil adv.wie adv.während adv. -
9 about
[əʼbaʊt] prepprediction \about the weather Wettervorhersage f;what's that book \about? worum geht es in dem Buch?;the movie is \about the American Civil War der Film handelt vom Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg;they had a discussion \about how to improve the situation sie diskutierten darüber, wie sie ihre Lage verbessern könnten;he has a phobia \about spiders er hat eine Spinnenphobie;she had some misgivings \about the talk sie hatte wegen des Gesprächs Bedenken;she talked \about business all night sie sprach den ganzen Abend über das Geschäft;he often tells jokes \about dumb blonds er erzählt oft Blondinenwitze;I asked him \about his beliefs ich fragte ihn nach seinen Überzeugungen;she doesn't care much \about politics sie interessiert sich kaum für Politik;she always dreams \about winning the lottery sie träumt immer davon, im Lotto zu gewinnen; after adj über +akk;they were happy \about the pregnancy sie freuten sich über ihre Schwangerschaft;he was still unsure \about what he should do er war sich noch nicht sicher, was er tun sollte;we are now certain \about our decision to move wir sind fest entschlossen, umzuziehen;all \about sb/ sth alles über jdn/etw;he taught us all \about parliament wir haben von ihm alles über das Parlament gelernt;to do something \about sth etw gegen etw akk unternehmen;will you please do something \about the leaky tap? kümmerst du dich bitte mal um den tropfenden Wasserhahn?;I can't do anything \about it ich kann nichts dagegen machen;they did nothing \about the problem sie haben das Problem nicht angepackt;there's nothing we can do \about it dagegen können wir nichts machen;be quick \about it! beeil dich [damit]!, mach schnell!;while sb is \about sth wo jd gerade dabei ist ( fam)could you make me some coffee too while you're \about it? wo Sie gerade dabei sind: könnten Sie mir auch einen Kaffee machen?she put her arms \about him sie legte ihre Arme um ihn;the world \about sb die Welt um jdn herum;he takes little notice of the world \about him er nimmt von seiner Umgebung kaum Notizhe wandered \about the house, wondering what to do er lief im Haus herum und überlegte, was zu tun sei;she looked \about the room sie sah sich in dem Zimmer umwhat exactly didn't you like \about the play? was genau hat dir an der Aufführung nicht gefallen?;there is a deep sadness \about him ihn umgibt eine tiefe Melancholie;he has a way \about him that I don't like er hat etwas an sich, das mir nicht gefällt;there's something strange \about him er hat etwas Merkwürdiges an sich6) ( expressing location)she must be \about the place somewhere sie muss hier irgendwo sein;do you have a pen \about you[r person]? hast du einen Federhalter bei dir?7) ( involved with)to be \about doing sth etw beabsichtigen [o vorhaben];the takeover was not \about getting rid of competition die Übernahme sollte nicht die Konkurrenz ausschalten;it's all \about having fun alle wollen nur Spaß habenPHRASES:to go \about [doing] sth mit etw dat umgehen;how do you go \about getting a fishing licence here? wie geht man vor, wenn man hier einen Angelschein machen will?;what \about your job? was ist mit deiner Arbeit?;what \about a trip to the zoo? wie wäre es mit einem Besuch im Zoo?;is that your car? - yes, what \about it? ist das da Ihr Auto? - ja, was ist damit?;what \about us? was ist mit uns?;what \about going to the zoo? wie wäre es mit einem Besuch im Zoo? adv1) ( approx) ungefähr;he's \about six feet tall er ist ungefähr 1,80 m groß;we met them \about two months ago wir trafen sie vor etwa zwei Monaten;if you turn up \about eight, that should be OK es reicht, wenn du so gegen acht Uhr kommst2) ( almost) fast;I've had just \about enough from you! ich habe allmählich genug von dir!;that's just \about the limit! das ist ja so ziemlich der Gipfel!don't leave things \about on the floor lass keine Sachen auf dem Boden herumliegen;stop moving \about bleib doch mal ruhig stehenhave you seen Sally \about? hast du Sally irgendwo gesehen?5) ( opposite) andersherum;to turn sth \about etw herumdrehen;pred, inv1) ( in the area)to be \about in der Nähe sein;he's \about somewhere er ist hier irgendwo;there's a lot of flu \about at the moment im Moment geht die Grippe um2) ( intending)to be \about to do sth dabei sein, etw zu tun;she was \about to leave when Mark arrived sie wollte gerade gehen, als Mark ankam;he's \about to burst into tears er bricht gleich in Tränen aus;we're just \about to have supper wir sind gerade beim Abendessen;I'm not \about to beg for his apology ich werde ihn bestimmt nicht um eine Entschuldigung bittenPHRASES:to be up [or out] and \about auf den Beinen sein -
10 AS
1. adverb in main sentence(in same degree)as... [as...] — so... [wie...]
they did as much as they could — sie taten, was sie konnten
2. relative adverb or conjunction in subordinate clauseas good a player [as he] — ein so guter Spieler [wie er]
1) (expr. degree)[as or so]... as... — [so...] wie...
as quickly as possible — so schnell wie möglich
as... as you can — so...[, wie] Sie können
come as quickly as you can — kommen Sie, so schnell Sie können
2) (though)... as he etc. is/was — obwohl er usw.... ist/war
intelligent as she is,... — obwohl sie ziemlich intelligent ist,...
safe as it might be,... — obwohl es vielleicht ungefährlich ist,...
3) (however much)try as he might/would, he could not concentrate — sosehr er sich auch bemühte, er konnte sich nicht konzentrieren
4) (expr. manner) wieas it were — sozusagen; gewissermaßen
5) (expr. time) als; währendas we climbed the stairs — als wir die Treppe hinaufgingen
6) (expr. reason) da7) (expr. result)so... as to... — so... zu
8) (expr. purpose)so as to... — um... zu...
9) (expr. illustration) wie [zum Beispiel]3. prepositionindustrial areas, as the north-east of England for example — Industriegebiete wie zum Beispiel der Nordosten Englands
1) (in the function of) alsspeaking as a parent,... — als Mutter/Vater...
2) (like) wie4. relative pronoun(which)they danced, as was the custom there — sie tanzten, wie es dort Sitte war
he was shocked, as were we all — er war wie wir alle schockiert
the same as... — der-/die-/dasselbe wie...
5.they enjoy such foreign foods as... — sie essen gern ausländische Lebensmittel wie...
as for... — was... angeht
as from... — von... an
as is — wie die Dinge liegen; wie es aussieht
the place is untidy enough as it is — es ist schon liederlich genug[, wie es jetzt ist]
as of... — (Amer.) von... an
as to — hinsichtlich (+ Gen.)
* * *[æz] 1. conjunction2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) weil3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) so wie4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) wie5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) obgleich6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) so wie2. adverb(used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) so...wie3. preposition1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) so...wie2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) wie3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) wie4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) als•- as for- as if / as though
- as to* * *as[æz, əz]I. conj1. (while) alsshe sat watching him \as he cooked the dinner sie saß da und schaute ihm dabei zu, wie er das Abendessen kochtehe gets more and more attractive \as he gets older er wird mit zunehmendem Alter immer attraktiver\as I was getting into the car, I noticed a piece of paper on the seat beim Einsteigen bemerkte ich ein Stück Papier auf dem Autositzknowing him \as I do, he won't do it wie ich ihn kenne, wird er es nicht tun\as is often the case with children,... wie das bei Kindern oft ist,...she is an actor, \as is her brother sie ist Schauspielerin, wie ihr Bruderall merchandise is sold \as is esp AM alle Waren werden verkauft, wie sie sinddo \as I say! mach, was ich sage!I'd never seen him looking so miserable \as he did that day ich habe ihn noch nie so traurig gesehen wie an dem Tag\as things happened [or stood] [or turned out],... wie sich zeigte,...\as it stood at the time,... so wie die Dinge damals standen,...exactly \as genauso wiejust \as so wie\as it is (already) sowieso schonI've spent far too much money \as it is ich habe sowieso schon zu viel Geld ausgegeben\as it were sozusagenhe's a little on the large side, \as it were er ist, sagen wir [ein]mal, ein bisschen groß geraten\as it happens rein zufällig\as it happens, I met him this morning rein zufällig [o wie der Zufall will], habe ich ihn heute Morgen getroffen\as if [or though] als obshe looked at me \as if she didn't understand a word sie schaute mich als, als würde sie kein Wort verstehenit isn't \as if she wasn't warned es ist ja nicht so, dass sie nicht gewarnt worden wäre, schließlich war sie ja gewarnt\as if I care[d]! als ob mich das interessieren würde!\as you were out, I left a message weil du nicht da warst, habe ich eine Nachricht hinterlassenhe may need some help \as he's new er braucht vielleicht Hilfe, weil er neu ist4. (used to add a comment) wie\as already mentioned,... wie bereits erwähnt,...\as you know,... wie du weißt,...she smiled and I smiled back, \as you do sie lächelte und ich lächelte zurück, du weißt schon5. (though)such riches \as he has, he is still not happy so reich er auch ist, glücklich ist er noch immer nichtangry \as he was,... so verärgert er auch war,...sweet \as he is,... so süß er auch ist,...try \as he might,... so sehr er es auch versucht,...6.▶ \as for... was... betriffthe wasn't thrilled, \as for me, I thought it a good idea er war nicht begeistert, ich dagegen hielt es für eine gute Idee▶ \as from [or of] ab\as from [or of] her 18th birthday, she is free to use the money nach der Vollendung des 18. Lebensjahres kann sie frei über das Geld verfügen\as of [or from] tomorrow/the first/next Monday ab morgen/dem Ersten/nächsten [o nächstem] Monat\as of [or from] now/today von jetzt/heute an, ab jetzt/heute▶ \as to... was... angeht\as to her manual skills, we'll have to work on them was ihre handwerklichen Fähigkeiten angeht, daran müssen wir noch arbeiten\as to where we'll get the money from, we'll talk about that later wir müssen später noch besprechen, wo wir das Geld hernehmenhe was uncertain \as to which road to take er war sich nicht sicher, welche Straße er nehmen sollteyou can revise them \as and when I send them to you du kannst sie redigieren, sobald ich sie dir schickeII. prephe was often ill \as a child als Kind war er oft krank2. (in the capacity, function of) alsshe was praised \as an actress, but less so \as a director als Schauspielerin wurde sie sehr gelobt, aber als Regisseurin weitaus wenigerspeaking \as a mother, I cannot accept that als Mutter kann ich das nicht akzeptierenwhat do you think of his book \as a basis for a film? was hältst du von seinem Buch als Grundlage für einen Film?3. (like, being) alshe went to the fancy-dress party dressed \as a banana er kam als Banane verkleidet zum Kostümfestthe news came \as no surprise die Nachricht war keine Überraschunguse your coat \as a blanket nimm deinen Mantel als Deckesuch big names \as... so große Namen wie...such agricultural states \as Kansas and Oklahoma Agrarstaaten wie Kansas und Oklahomathe necklace was reported \as having been stolen die Kette war als gestohlen gemeldetI always thought of myself \as a good mother ich habe mich immer für eine gute Mutter gehaltendo you regard punishment \as being essential in education? hältst du Strafen für unerlässlich in der Erziehung?\as a matter of principle aus Prinzip1. (in comparisons) wiethey live in the same town \as my parents sie wohnen in derselben Stadt wie meine Eltern▪ [just] \as... \as... [genau]so... wie...he's \as tall \as Peter er ist so groß wie PeterI can run just \as fast \as you ich kann genauso schnell laufen wie duhalf \as... \as... halb so... wie...she's not half \as self-confident \as people think sie ist bei Weitem nicht so selbstbewusst, wie alle denken\as much \as so viel wieI don't earn \as much \as Paul ich verdiene nicht so viel wie Paultwice/three times \as much [\as] zweimal/dreimal so viel [wie]\as usual wie gewöhnlichyou're late, \as usual du bist wie immer zu spät\as... \as that so...if you play \as well \as that,... wenn du so gut spielst,...he's not \as handsome \as that! so gut sieht er nun auch wieder nicht aus!2. (indicating an extreme)these sunflowers can grow \as tall \as 8 ft diese Sonnenblumen können bis zu 8 Fuß hoch werden\as many/much \as immerhin; (even) sogarthe decision could affect \as many \as 2 million people die Entscheidung könnte immerhin 2 Millionen Menschen betreffenprices have risen by \as much \as 50% die Preise sind um ganze [o beachtliche] 50 % gestiegen\as little \as nuryou can pick up a second-hand machine for \as little \as £20 ein gebrauchtes Gerät kriegt man schon für 20 Pfund* * *[z, əz]1. conjhe got deafer as he got older —
as a child he would... — als Kind hat er immer...
2) (= since) da3)(= although)
rich as he is I won't marry him — obwohl er reich ist, werde ich ihn nicht heiratenstupid as he is, he... — so dumm er auch sein mag,... er
big as he is I'll... — so groß, wie er ist, ich...
much as I admire her,... — sosehr ich sie auch bewundere,...
be that as it may — wie dem auch sei or sein mag
try as he might — sosehr er sich auch bemüht/bemühte
4) (manner) wiedo as you like — machen Sie, was Sie wollen
leave it as it is — lass das so
the first door as you go upstairs/as you go in — die erste Tür oben/, wenn Sie hereinkommen
knowing him as I do —
as you yourself said... — wie Sie selbst gesagt haben...
as it is, I'm heavily in debt — ich bin schon tief verschuldet
as it were — sozusagen, gleichsam
as you were! (Mil) — weitermachen!; (fig) lassen Sie sich nicht stören; (in dictation, speaking) streichen Sie das
my husband as was (inf) — mein verflossener or (late) verstorbener Mann
5)he rose as if to go — er erhob sich, als wollte er gehen
as for him/you — (und) was ihn/dich anbetrifft or angeht
as from or of the 5th — vom Fünften an, ab dem Fünften
as from now — von jetzt an, ab jetzt
he's not so silly as to do that — er ist nicht so dumm, das zu tun, so dumm ist er nicht
2. advas... as — so... wie
not as... as — nicht so... wie
is it as difficult as that? —
as recently as yesterday — erst gestern
she is very clever, as is her brother — sie ist sehr intelligent, genau(so) wie ihr Bruder
she was as nice as could be (inf) — sie war so freundlich wie nur was (inf)
as many/much as I could — so viele/so viel ich (nur) konnte
this one is just as good — diese(r, s) ist genauso gut
as often happens, he was... — wie so oft, war er...
3. rel pron1) (with same, such) der/die/das; (pl) diethe same man as was here yesterday — derselbe Mann, der gestern hier war
See:→ such4. prep1) (= in the capacity of) als2) (esp = such as) wie (zum Beispiel)* * *AS abk1. Anglo-Saxon* * *1. adverb in main sentenceas... [as...] — so... [wie...]
they did as much as they could — sie taten, was sie konnten
2. relative adverb or conjunction in subordinate clauseas good a player [as he] — ein so guter Spieler [wie er]
1) (expr. degree)[as or so]... as... — [so...] wie...
as... as you can — so...[, wie] Sie können
come as quickly as you can — kommen Sie, so schnell Sie können
2) (though)... as he etc. is/was — obwohl er usw.... ist/war
intelligent as she is,... — obwohl sie ziemlich intelligent ist,...
safe as it might be,... — obwohl es vielleicht ungefährlich ist,...
try as he might/would, he could not concentrate — sosehr er sich auch bemühte, er konnte sich nicht konzentrieren
4) (expr. manner) wieas it were — sozusagen; gewissermaßen
5) (expr. time) als; während6) (expr. reason) da7) (expr. result)so... as to... — so... zu
8) (expr. purpose)so as to... — um... zu...
9) (expr. illustration) wie [zum Beispiel]3. prepositionindustrial areas, as the north-east of England for example — Industriegebiete wie zum Beispiel der Nordosten Englands
1) (in the function of) alsspeaking as a parent,... — als Mutter/Vater...
2) (like) wie4. relative pronounthey danced, as was the custom there — sie tanzten, wie es dort Sitte war
he was shocked, as were we all — er war wie wir alle schockiert
the same as... — der-/die-/dasselbe wie...
5.they enjoy such foreign foods as... — sie essen gern ausländische Lebensmittel wie...
as for... — was... angeht
as from... — von... an
as is — wie die Dinge liegen; wie es aussieht
the place is untidy enough as it is — es ist schon liederlich genug[, wie es jetzt ist]
as of... — (Amer.) von... an
as to — hinsichtlich (+ Gen.)
* * *adv.als adv.da adv.ebenso/allso adv.indem (zeitlich) adv.obgleich konj.so adv.weil adv.wie adv.während adv. -
11 see off
see [sb.] off, see off [sb.]2) (throw out)* * *(to accompany (a person starting on a journey) to the airport, railway station etc from which he is to leave: He saw me off at the station.) accompagnare* * *vt + adv* * *see [sb.] off, see off [sb.]2) (throw out) -
12 want
1. transitive verb1) (desire) wollenI want my mummy — ich will zu meiner Mama
I want it done by tonight — ich will, dass es bis heute Abend fertig wird
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding — ich will od. möchte nicht, dass da ein Missverständnis aufkommt
‘Wanted - cook for small family’ — "Koch/Köchin für kleine Familie gesucht"
you're wanted on the phone — du wirst am Telefon verlangt
feel wanted — das Gefühl haben, gebraucht zu werden
the windows want painting — die Fenster müssten gestrichen werden
you want to be [more] careful — (ought to be) du solltest vorsichtig[er] sein
3)wanted [by the police] — [polizeilich] gesucht ( for wegen)
4) (lack)2. nounsomebody/something wants something — jemandem/einer Sache fehlt es an etwas (Dat.)
there is no want of... — es fehlt nicht an... (Dat.)
for want of something — aus Mangel an etwas (Dat.)
for want of a better word — in Ermangelung eines besseren Ausdrucks
3) (desire) Bedürfnis, daswe can supply all your wants — wir können alles liefern, was Sie brauchen
want ad — (Amer.) Kaufgesuch, das
Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/119300/want_for">want for* * *[wont] 1. verb1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) wollen2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) brauchen3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) mangeln, Not leiden2. noun1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) der Wunsch2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) die Bedürftigkeit3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) der Mangel•- wanted- want ad
- want for* * *[wɒnt, AM wɑ:nt]I. nto be in \want of sth etw benötigen [o brauchenthe time of \want in the prison camp had broken her health die entbehrungsreiche Zeit, die sie im Gefangenenlager durchlitten hatte, hatte ihre Gesundheit zerstörtto live in \want Not leidenit won't be for \want of trying zumindest haben wir es dann versuchtfor \want of anything better to do,... da ich nichts Besseres zu tun hatte,...II. vt1. (wish)what do you \want out of life? was willst du vom Leben?I don't \want any more tea, thanks ich möchte keinen Tee mehr, danke▪ to \want sb to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tutdo you \want me to take you to the station? soll ich dich zum Bahnhof bringen?▪ to \want sth done wünschen, dass etw getan wirdto be \wanted by the police polizeilich gesucht werden▪ to \want to do sth etw tun wollenwhat do you \want to eat? was möchtest du essen?I \want to be picked up at the airport at about nine o'clock ich möchte gegen neun Uhr vom Flughafen abgeholt werden2. (need)▪ to \want sb/sth jdn/etw brauchenyour hair \wants doing du solltest mal wieder zum Friseur gehenyou'll \want a coat on du wirst einen Mantel brauchen▪ to be \wanted gebraucht werden▪ to \want to do sth etw tun sollenyou \want to tell him before it's too late du solltest es ihm sagen, bevor es zu spät istyou \want to turn left here at the next traffic lights Sie müssen hier an der nächsten Ampel links abbiegen4.▶ to have sb where one \wants him/her jdn da haben, wo man ihn/sie haben will▶ to \want one's head seen to [or examined] esp BRIT sich akk mal auf seinen Geisteszustand untersuchen lassen müssen hum fam▶ to not \want to know (prefer ignorance) nichts [davon] wissen wollen; (feign ignorance) so tun, als ob man nichts davon wüsste▶ to \want one's share [or slice] of the cake seinen Anteil fordern, sein Stück vom Kuchen abhaben wollen fam▶ to \want it [or everything] [or things] both ways alles wollenIII. visb \wants for nothing jdm fehlt es an nichts* * *[wɒnt]1. n1) (= lack) Mangel m (of an +dat)want of judgement — mangelndes Urteilsvermögen, Mangel m an Urteilsvermögen
for want of — aus Mangel an (+dat)
for want of anything better — mangels Besserem, in Ermangelung von etwas Besserem or eines Besseren
for want of something to do I joined a sports club — weil ich nichts zu tun hatte, bin ich einem Sportverein beigetreten
though it wasn't for want of trying — nicht, dass er sich/ich mich etc nicht bemüht hätte
2) (= poverty) Not f3) (= need) Bedürfnis nt; (= wish) Wunsch mmy wants are few — meine Ansprüche or Bedürfnisse sind gering, meine Ansprüche sind bescheiden
to be in want of sth — einer Sache (gen) bedürfen (geh), etw brauchen or benötigen
to attend to sb's wants — sich um jdn kümmern
2. vt1) (= wish, desire) wollen; (more polite) mögenI want you to come here — ich will or möchte, dass du herkommst
darling, I want you — Liebling, ich will dich
I want my mummy — ich will meine Mami, ich will zu meiner Mami
you don't want much (iro) — sonst willst du nichts? (iro)
I don't want strangers coming in — ich wünsche or möchte nicht, dass Fremde (hier) hereinkommen
2) (= need, require) brauchenyou want to see a doctor/lawyer — Sie sollten zum Arzt/Rechtsanwalt gehen
that's the last thing I want (inf) — alles, bloß das nicht
that's all we wanted! (iro inf) it only wanted the police to turn up... — das hat uns gerade noch gefehlt! das hätte gerade noch gefehlt, dass auch noch die Polizei anrückt...
does my hair want cutting? — muss mein Haar geschnitten werden?
"wanted" — "gesucht"
to feel wanted — das Gefühl haben, gebraucht zu werden
you're wanted on the phone — Sie werden am Telefon verlangt or gewünscht
3)(= lack)
he wants talent/confidence etc — es mangelt (geh) or fehlt ihm an Talent/Selbstvertrauen etcall the soup wants is a little salt — das Einzige, was an der Suppe fehlt, ist etwas Salz
3. vi1) (= wish, desire) wollen; (more polite) mögenyou can go if you want (to) — wenn du willst or möchtest, kannst du gehen
without wanting to sound rude,... — ich will ja nicht unhöflich sein, aber...
he said he'd do it, but does he really want to? — er sagte, er würde es machen, aber will er es wirklich?
2)he does not want for friends — es fehlt or mangelt (geh) ihm nicht an Freunden
they want for nothing — es fehlt or mangelt (geh) ihnen an nichts
he doesn't want for a pound or two — er ist nicht gerade arm (inf), ihm fehlt es nicht an Kleingeld (inf)
* * *A v/t1. wünschen:a) (haben) wollenb) (vor inf) (etwas tun) wollen:I want to go ich möchte gehen;I wanted to go ich wollte gehen;he wants his dinner er möchte sein Essen haben;I have all I want ich habe alles, was ich brauche;she knows what she wants sie weiß, was sie will;I want you to try ich möchte, dass du es versuchst;I want it done ich wünsche oder möchte, dass es getan wird;your mother wants you deine Mutter will dich sprechen, du sollst zu deiner Mutter kommen;he is wanted for murder er wird wegen Mordes gesucht;you are wanted on the phone du wirst am Telefon verlangt;it seems we are not wanted es scheint, wir sind unerwünscht2. nicht genug … haben, es fehlen lassen an (dat):he wants judg(e)ment es fehlt ihm an Urteilsvermögen;she wants two years for her majority ihr fehlen noch zwei Jahre bis zur Volljährigkeit3. a) brauchen, nötig haben, erfordern, benötigenb) müssen, sollen, brauchen:the matter wants careful consideration die Angelegenheit bedarf sorgfältiger Überlegung oder muss sorgfältig überlegt werden;all this wanted saying all dies musste einmal gesagt werden;you want some rest du hast etwas Ruhe nötig, du brauchst etwas Ruhe;you don’t want to be rude Sie brauchen nicht grob zu werden;you want to see a doctor du solltest zum Arzt gehenB v/i1. wollen:want in bes US umga) hinein-, hereinwollen,b) fig mitmachen wollen;want out bes US umga) hinaus-, herauswollen,b) fig aussteigen wollen2. he does not want for talent es fehlt ihm nicht an Begabung;he wants for nothing es fehlt oder mangelt ihm an nichts4. Not leiden5. fehlen:all that wants is his signature es fehlt nur noch seine UnterschriftC s1. pl Bedürfnisse pl, Wünsche pl:a man of few wants ein Mann mit geringen Bedürfnissen oder Ansprüchen2. Notwendigkeit f, Bedürfnis n, Erfordernis n, Bedarf m3. Mangel m (of an dat):want of water Wassermangel;want of sense Unvernunft f;be in want of → A 2;the house is in want of repair das Haus ist reparaturbedürftig4. Bedürftigkeit f, Armut f, Not f:be in want Not leiden;fall in want in Not geraten;live in want in Armut leben5. Ehrgeiz m* * *1. transitive verb1) (desire) wollenI want it done by tonight — ich will, dass es bis heute Abend fertig wird
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding — ich will od. möchte nicht, dass da ein Missverständnis aufkommt
2) (require, need) brauchen‘Wanted - cook for small family’ — "Koch/Köchin für kleine Familie gesucht"
feel wanted — das Gefühl haben, gebraucht zu werden
you want to be [more] careful — (ought to be) du solltest vorsichtig[er] sein
3)wanted [by the police] — [polizeilich] gesucht ( for wegen)
4) (lack)2. nounsomebody/something wants something — jemandem/einer Sache fehlt es an etwas (Dat.)
there is no want of... — es fehlt nicht an... (Dat.)
3) (desire) Bedürfnis, daswe can supply all your wants — wir können alles liefern, was Sie brauchen
want ad — (Amer.) Kaufgesuch, das
Phrasal Verbs:- want for* * *v.benötigen v.brauchen v.müssen v.(§ p.,pp.: mußte, gemußt)wollen v.(§ p.,pp.: wollte, gewollt)wünschen v. n.Bedarf -e m.Bedürfnis n.Mangel -¨ m. -
13 so
Ⅰ.so1 [səʊ]si ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) tellement ⇒ 1 (a) tant ⇒ 1 (a) aussi ⇒ 1 (b), 1 (e) ainsi ⇒ 1 (f) donc ⇒ 2 (a) alors ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (d)-(f) pour que ⇒ 2 (b), 4 de même ⇒ 2 (c) environ ⇒ 3 pour ⇒ 51 adverb∎ it's so easy c'est si ou tellement facile;∎ I'm so glad to see you ça me fait tellement plaisir ou je suis si content de te voir;∎ he can be so irritating at times il est tellement énervant par moments;∎ she makes me so angry elle a le don de me mettre en colère;∎ I've never been so surprised in all my life jamais de ma vie je n'avais eu une surprise pareille ou une telle surprise;∎ I have never seen so beautiful a sight je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau;∎ she was so shocked (that) she couldn't speak elle était tellement choquée qu'elle ne pouvait pas parler;∎ the problem was so complex (that) it baffled even the experts le problème était si ou tellement complexe que même les experts ne comprenaient pas;∎ his handwriting's so bad (that) it's illegible il écrit si mal que c'est impossible à lire;∎ he's so rich that he doesn't know what he's worth il est riche au point d'ignorer le montant de sa fortune;∎ she so detests him or she detests him so that she won't even speak to him elle le hait au point de refuser ou elle le déteste tellement qu'elle refuse de lui parler;∎ he was upset, so much so that he cried il était bouleversé, à tel point qu'il en a pleuré;∎ would you be so kind as to carry my case? auriez-vous l'amabilité ou la gentillesse de porter ma valise?;∎ is it so very hard to say you're sorry? est-ce si difficile de demander pardon?;∎ you mustn't worry so il ne faut pas te faire du souci comme ça;∎ I loved her so (much) je l'aimais tant;∎ you do exaggerate so! tu exagères tellement!;∎ we so enjoyed ourselves nous nous sommes tellement amusés;∎ I wish he wouldn't go on so j'aimerais qu'il arrête de radoter(b) (in negative comparisons) si, aussi;∎ I'm not so sure je n'en suis pas si sûr;∎ it's not so bad, there's only a small stain ça n'est pas si grave que ça, il n'y a qu'une petite tache;∎ the young and the not so young les jeunes et les moins jeunes;∎ he's not so handsome as his father/as all that il n'est pas aussi beau que son père/si beau que ça;∎ he was not so ill (that) he couldn't go out il n'était pas malade au point de ne pas pouvoir sortir;∎ she wouldn't be so stupid as to do that elle ne serait pas bête au point de faire cela, elle ne serait pas assez bête pour faire cela(c) (indicating an unspecified size, amount)∎ the table is about so high/wide la table est haute/large comme ça à peu près;∎ a little girl so high une petite fille grande comme ça(d) (referring to previous statement, question, word etc)∎ I believe/think/suppose so je crois/pense/suppose (que oui);∎ I don't believe/think so je ne crois/pense pas;∎ I don't suppose so je suppose que non;∎ he's clever - do you think so? il est intelligent - vous trouvez?;∎ I'm afraid so j'en ai bien peur, je le crains;∎ who says so? qui dit ça?;∎ I told you so! je vous l'avais bien dit!;∎ if so si oui;∎ how/why so? comment/pourquoi cela?;∎ perhaps so peut-être bien;∎ quite so tout à fait, exactement;∎ so I believe/see c'est ce que je crois/vois;∎ so I've been told/he said c'est ce qu'on m'a dit/qu'il a dit;∎ is she really ill? - so it seems elle est donc vraiment malade? - à ce qu'il paraît;∎ I'm not very organized - so I see! je ne suis pas très organisé - c'est ce que je vois!;∎ is that so? vraiment?;∎ that is so c'est vrai, c'est exact;∎ if that is so si c'est le cas, s'il en est ainsi;∎ that being so (as this is the case) puisqu'il en est ainsi; (should this prove the case) dans ces conditions;∎ isn't that Jane over there? - why, so it is! ce ne serait pas Jane là-bas? - mais si (c'est elle)!;∎ he was told to leave the room and did so immediately on lui a ordonné de quitter la pièce et il l'a fait immédiatement;∎ she was furious and understandably/and justifiably so elle était furieuse et ça se comprend/et c'est normal;∎ the same only more so tout autant sinon plus;∎ he's very sorry - so he should be! il est désolé - c'est la moindre des choses ou j'espère bien!;∎ he thinks he can do it - so he can il pense qu'il peut le faire - en effet il le peut;∎ so help me God! que Dieu me vienne en aide!;∎ familiar I can so! si, je peux!□ ;∎ familiar I didn't say that! - you did so! je n'ai pas dit ça! - si, tu l'as dit!□(e) (likewise) aussi;∎ I had brought food, and so had they j'avais apporté de quoi manger et eux aussi;∎ we arrived early and so did he nous sommes arrivés tôt et lui aussi;∎ if he can do it, then so can I s'il peut le faire, alors moi aussi;∎ my shoes are Italian and so is my shirt mes chaussures sont italiennes et ma chemise aussi(f) (like this, in such a way) ainsi;∎ hold the pen (like) so tenez le stylo ainsi ou comme ceci;∎ any product so labelled is guaranteed lead-free tous les produits portant cette étiquette sont garantis sans plomb;∎ the laptop computer is so called because… l'ordinateur lap-top tient son nom de…;∎ the helmet is so constructed as to absorb most of the impact le casque est conçu de façon à amortir le choc;∎ it (just) so happens that… il se trouve (justement) que… + indicative;∎ she likes everything (to be) just so elle aime que tout soit parfait;∎ it has to be positioned just so or it won't go in il faut le mettre comme ça sinon ça n'entre pas(a) (therefore) donc, alors;∎ the door was open, so I went in la porte était ouverte, alors je suis entré;∎ she has a bad temper, so be careful elle a mauvais caractère, donc faites attention(b) (indicating purpose) pour que + subjunctive, afin que + subjunctive;∎ give me some money so I can buy some sweets donne-moi de l'argent pour que je puisse acheter des bonbons(c) (in the same way) de même;∎ as 3 is to 6, so 6 is to 12 le rapport entre 6 et 12 est le même qu'entre 3 et 6;∎ as he has lived so will he die il mourra comme il a vécu∎ so then she left alors elle est partie;∎ and so to bed! et maintenant au lit!;∎ and so we come to the next question et maintenant nous en venons à la question suivante;∎ so what's the problem? alors, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?;∎ so we can't go after all donc nous ne pouvons plus y aller;∎ so, what do we do? eh bien, qu'est-ce qu'on fait?(e) (in exclamations) alors;∎ so you're Anna's brother! alors (comme ça) vous êtes le frère d'Anna?;∎ so that's why she didn't phone! alors c'est pour ça qu'elle n'a pas téléphoné!;∎ so there you are! vous voilà donc!;∎ so publish it! eh bien ou alors allez-y, publiez-le!;∎ esp American so long! au revoir!(f) (introducing a concession) et alors;∎ so I'm late, who cares? je suis en retard, et alors, qu'est-ce que ça peut faire?;∎ so it costs a lot of money, we can afford it ça coûte cher, et alors? on peut se le permettre;∎ so? et alors?, et après?;∎ he'll be angry - so what? il va se fâcher! - qu'est-ce que ça peut (me) faire ou et alors?;∎ so what if she does find out? qu'est-ce que ça peut faire si elle s'en rend compte?environ, à peu près;∎ it costs £5 or so ça coûte environ 5 livres;∎ there were thirty or so people il y avait trente personnes environ ou à peu près, il y avait une trentaine de personnesfamiliar pour que□ + subjunctive, afin que□ + subjunctive;∎ give me some money so as I can buy some sweets donne-moi de l'argent pour que je puisse acheter des bonbonspour, afin de;∎ she went to bed early so as not to be tired next day elle s'est couchée tôt afin de ou pour ne pas être fatiguée le lendemain(a) (in order that) pour que + subjunctive, afin que + subjunctive;∎ they tied him up so that he couldn't escape ils l'ont attaché afin qu'il ou pour qu'il ne s'échappe pas;∎ I took a taxi so that I wouldn't be late j'ai pris un taxi pour ou afin de ne pas être en retard(b) (with the result that) si bien que + indicative, de façon à ce que + subjunctive;∎ she didn't eat enough, so that in the end she fell ill elle ne mangeait pas assez, de telle sorte ou si bien qu'elle a fini par tomber malade;∎ the crates had fallen over so that we couldn't get past comme les caisses étaient tombées, nous n'avons pas pu passerpour ainsi direⅡ.so2Music sol m inv -
14 Otis, Elijah Graves
SUBJECT AREA: Architecture and building[br]b. 3 August 1811 Halifax, Vermont, USAd. 8 April 1861 Yonkers, New York, USA[br]American mechanic and inventor of the safety passenger elevator.[br]Otis was educated in public schools and worked in a variety of jobs in the trucking and construction industries as well as in a machine shop, a carriage makers, a grist mill, and a saw mill and in a bedstead factory. It was when supervisor of construction of a new bedstead factory at Yonkers in 1852 that he developed the innovative safety features of an elevator that was to be the foundation of his later success. If the ropes or cables of a hoist should break, springs would force pawls on the lift cage to engage the ratcheted guide rails fitted into the sides of the shaft and so stop the lift. In 1853 he was planning to leave his job to join the California Gold Rush but representatives of two New York City firms who had seen his Safety Elevator and were impressed with the safety devices requested that he make them replicas. He purchased space in the Yonkers plant and began manufacture of the lifts. Demand was small at first until in 1854 he exhibited at the American Institute Fair in New York City with an impressive performance. Standing on top of the lift cage, he ordered the rope supporting it to be cut. The safety pawls engaged and the cage stopped its downward movement. From then on orders gradually increased and in 1857 he installed the first safety lift for passengers in the Haughtwout Store in New York City. The invention immediately became popular and started a revolution in architecture and the construction industry, leading to the design and building of skyscrapers, as previously buildings were limited to six or seven storeys, because of the stairs people had to climb. Otis patented several other devices, the most important of which was for a steam elevator which established the future of the Otis Elevator Company. He died at Yonkers in 1861, leaving his business to his sons.[br]Further ReadingScribner's and Webster's Dictionaries of Biography.IMcN / DY -
15 tell
tel1) (to inform or give information to (a person) about (something): He told the whole story to John; He told John about it.) fortelle, si, meddele2) (to order or command; to suggest or warn: I told him to go away.) si til, gi beskjed om3) (to say or express in words: to tell lies / the truth / a story.) si, fortelle4) (to distinguish; to see (a difference); to know or decide: Can you tell the difference between them?; I can't tell one from the other; You can tell if the meat is cooked by/from the colour.) se forskjell på, skjelne; avgjøre5) (to give away a secret: You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble.) si (det) bort, fortelle sannheten6) (to be effective; to be seen to give (good) results: Good teaching will always tell.) gjøre seg gjeldende, ha virkning•- teller- telling
- tellingly
- telltale
- I told you so
- tell off
- tell on
- tell tales
- tell the time
- there's no telling
- you never can tellbefale--------si1) fortelle, berette, si, snakke om• don't tell me you don't know!• who told you?2) uttrykke (i ord), meddele, formidle3) forsikre4) si til, be, oppfordre, befale5) skille, skjelne, se forskjell, kjenne igjen6) vite, avgjøre, fastslå, si• how do you tell which button to press?7) ( gammeldags) telle8) vitne, tale9) sladre• why did you tell on us?10) ha virkning, hjelpe, treffe, være treffendeall told eller all counted til sammen, sammenlagt, totalt, i altas far as one can tell så vidt man vetbe\/get told off få sitt pass påskrevet, få skjennbe told bli fortalt, få ordre, få beskjeddo tell! (amer., hverdagslig) sier du det?, virkelig?I can't tell you du aner ikke, jeg kan ikke få sagtI'm telling you! ( hverdagslig) det skal jeg hilse og si!, det skal være visst!I tell you what vet du hva, skal jeg si deg noeI told you so eller what did I tell you? hva var det jeg sa?, var det ikke det jeg sa?tell against tale mot, vitne mottell apart se forskjell påtell by kjenne igjen påtell from skille fra, skjelne mellomtell it like it is ( hverdagslig) si det som det ertell its own tale\/story tale sitt tydelige språktell me another ( hverdagslig) det skal du få meg til å trotell of fortelle om vitne omtell off (for) utskille (til), velge ut (til), ta ut (til), peke ut (til)skjelle uttell on ( hverdagslig) ta på, slite påsynes på, bli merkbar for, vises forsladre påtell over telle over, legge sammentell somebody about\/of something fortelle om noe til noentell somebody what to do with something eller tell somebody where to put something ( hverdagslig) si noen hva de kan gjøre med noe• I'll tell you what you can do with your fancy talk and expensive clothes!tell somebody where to get off ( hverdagslig) be noen ryke og reise, be noen dra pokker i voldtell the difference between skille mellom, skjelne mellomtell the time si hva klokken er• can you tell the time?tell time (amer.) si hva klokken erthat would be telling ( hverdagslig) det ville være å sladrethere is noe telling det er umulig å si, det er umulig å forutsito tell (you) the truth oppriktig talt, ærlig talt, for å si det som det eryou're telling me ( hverdagslig) som om jeg ikke vet det!, det kan du skrive opp! -
16 time
1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) hora2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tiempo3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) momento; hora4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tiempo5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) momento6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) vez7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) época, período; momentos8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempo
2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) cronometrar2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) escoger el momento de/para•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again
time1 n1. tiempowhat do you do in your free time? ¿qué haces en tu tiempo libre?2. vezhow many times have you been to Italy? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Italia?3. horawhat time is it? ¿qué hora es?all the time todo el tiempo / constantementefor the time being por el momento / de momentoit's time... es hora de que...time2 vb calcular el tiempo / cronometrartr[taɪm]1 (period) tiempo2 (short period) rato3 (of day) hora■ what time is it? qué hora es?■ this time next week, we'll be on the beach la semana que viene a esta hora, estaremos en la playa■ by the time he gets here, it'll be time to go home cuando llegue él, será la hora de volver a casa4 (age, period, season) época5 (occasion) vez nombre femenino■ how many times have you been to London? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Londres?■ the last time I saw her,... la última vez que la vi,...6 (suitable moment) momento7 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL compás nombre masculino8 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL la hora de cerrar■ time now please! ¡hora de cerrar!9 familiar (imprisonment) condena1 (measure time) medir la duración de, calcular; (races, etc) cronometrar2 (schedule) estar previsto,-a■ the bomb was timed to explode during the parade la bomba estaba preparada para explotar durante el desfile1 veces nombre femenino plural■ 4 times 5 is 20 4 por 5 son 20, 4 veces 5 son 20\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL(and) about time ya era horaall the time todo el rato, todo el tiempoat all times siempreat any time en cualquier momentoat no time nuncaat one time en un tiempoat the same time al mismo tiempoat the time / at that time entoncesat times a vecesbehind the times anticuado,-abehind time tardefor the time being de momentofrom time to time de vez en cuandoin no time (at all) en seguidain time to the music al compás de la músicamany a time a menudonot to give somebody the time of day no darle a alguien ni la horaon time puntualone/two/three at a time de uno en uno/de dos en dos/de tres en trestime after time una y otra veztime's up se acabó el tiempo, ya es la horato beat time marcar el compásto be ahead of one's time adelantarse a su épocato be badly/well timed (remark) ser inoportuno,-a/oportuno,-ato give somebody a hard time ponérselo difícil a alguien, hacérselo pasar mal a alguiento have a bad time pasarlas negrasto have a good time pasarlo biento have a lot of time for somebody caerle bien alguien a unoto have no time for somebody/something no soportar a alguien/algo, no tener tiempo para alguien/algoto keep up with the times estar al díato move with the times estar al díatime and motion study estudio de productividadtime bomb bomba de relojeríatime limit límite nombre masculino de tiempo, plazo límitetime off tiempo libretime out descansotime warp salto en el tiempotime zone huso horario1) schedule: fijar la hora de, calcular el momento oportuno para2) clock: cronometrar, medir el tiempo de (una competencia, etc.)time n1) : tiempo mthe passing of time: el paso del tiemposhe doesn't have time: no tiene tiempo2) moment: tiempo m, momento mthis is not the time to bring it up: no es el momento de sacar el tema3) : vez fshe called you three times: te llamó tres vecesthree times greater: tres veces mayor4) age: tiempo m, era fin your grandparents' time: en el tiempo de tus abuelos5) tempo: tiempo m, ritmo m (en música)6) : hora fwhat time is it?: ¿qué hora es?at the usual time: a la hora acostumbradato keep time: ir a la horato lose time: atrasar7) experience: rato m, experiencia fwe had a nice time together: pasamos juntos un rato agradableto have a rough time: pasarlo malhave a good time!: ¡que se diviertan!8)at times sometimes: a veces9)for the time being : por el momento, de momentofrom time to time occasionally: de vez en cuandoin time punctually: a tiempoin time eventually: con el tiempotime after time : una y otra vezadj.• a plazos adj.• de tiempo adj.• del tiempo adj.• horario, -a adj.n.• duración s.f.• edad s.f.• espera s.f.• hora s.f.• plazo s.m.• tempo s.m.• tiempo s.m.• vez s.f.• época s.f.v.• cronometrar v.• regular v.• tomar los tiempos (Deporte) v.
I taɪm1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una horaes meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
[taɪm]his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
1. N1) (gen) tiempo mas time goes on or by — con el (paso del) tiempo, a medida que pasa/pasaba el tiempo
for all time — para siempre•
Father Time — el Tiempo•
to find (the) time for sth — encontrar tiempo para algohow time flies! — ¡cómo pasa el tiempo!
to gain time — ganar tiempo•
half the time he's drunk — la mayor parte del tiempo está borracho•
to have (the) time (to do sth) — tener tiempo (para hacer algo)•
to make up for lost time — recuperar el tiempo perdido•
it's only a matter or question of time before it falls — solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que caiga•
to take time, it takes time — requiere tiempo, lleva su tiempoit'll take time to get over the loss of her family — le llevará tiempo superar la pérdida de su familia
take your time! — tómate el tiempo que necesites, ¡no hay prisa!
you certainly took your time! — iro ¡no es precisamente que te mataras corriendo!
to have time on one's hands —
once you retire you'll have time on your hands — cuando te hayas jubilado, tendrás todo el tiempo del mundo
- kill time- pass the time of day with sb- play for time- be pressed for timespare, waste•
have you been here all this time? — ¿has estado aquí todo este tiempo?•
for the time being — por ahora, de momento•
a long time — mucho tiempoa long time ago — hace mucho (tiempo), hace tiempo
she'll be in a wheelchair for a long time to come — le queda mucho tiempo de estar en silla de ruedas por delante
in no time at all — en un abrir y cerrar de ojos•
it will last our time — durará lo que nosotros•
a short time — poco tiempo, un ratoa short time after — poco (tiempo) después, al poco tiempo
for some time past — de algún tiempo a esta parteafter some time she looked up at me/wrote to me — después de cierto tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió, pasado algún tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió
in a week's time — dentro de una semanain two weeks' time — en dos semanas, al cabo de dos semanas
- do timeserve3) (at work)full-time, part-time, short-time•
he did it in his own time — lo hizo en su tiempo libre or fuera de (las) horas de trabajo4) (=moment, point of time) momento m•
about time too! — ¡ya era hora!•
come (at) any time (you like) — ven cuando quierasit might happen (at) any time — podría ocurrir de un momento a otro or en cualquier momento
at times — a veces, a ratosat all times — siempre, en todo momento
to die before one's time — morir tempranonot before time! — ¡ya era hora!
between times — en los intervalos•
by the time he arrived — para cuando él llegóby this time — ya, antes de esto
to choose one's time carefully — elegir con cuidado el momento más propicio•
the time has come to leave — ha llegado el momento de irse•
at a convenient time — en un momento oportuno•
at any given time — en cualquier momento dado•
her time was drawing near — (to give birth) se acercaba el momento de dar a luz; (to die) estaba llegando al final de su vida•
it's high time you got a job — ya va siendo hora de que consigas un trabajo•
at my time of life — a mi edad, con los años que yo tengo•
at no time did I mention it — no lo mencioné en ningún momento•
now is the time to go — ahora es el momento de irse•
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces•
at one time — en cierto momento, en cierta época•
this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it — este no es ni el momento ni el lugar oportuno para hablar de eso•
at the present time — actualmente, en la actualidad•
at the proper time — en el momento oportuno•
at the same time — (=simultaneously) al mismo tiempo, a la vez; (=even so) al mismo tiempo, por otro lado•
until such time as he agrees — hasta que consienta•
at that time — por entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquella épocabide•
at this particular time — en este preciso momento5) (by clock) hora fwhat's the time? — ¿qué hora es?
the time is 2.30 — son las dos y media
"time gentlemen please!" — "¡se cierra!"
to arrive ahead of time — llegar temprano•
at any time of the day or night — en cualquier momento or a cualquier hora del día o de la noche•
to be 30 minutes behind time — llevar 30 minutos de retraso•
it's coffee time — es la hora del café•
it's time for the news — es (la) hora de las noticias•
let me know in good time — avíseme con anticipaciónto start in good time — partir a tiempo, partir pronto
have you got the (right) time? — ¿tiene la hora (exacta)?•
we were just in time to see it — llegamos justo a tiempo para verlo•
a watch that keeps good time — un reloj muy exacto•
just look at the time! — ¡fíjate qué hora es ya!, ¡mira qué tarde es!see closing, opening•
to be on time — [person] ser puntual, llegar puntualmente; [train, plane] llegar puntual6) (=era, period) tiempo m, época fin Elizabethan times — en tiempos isabelinos, en la época isabelina
what times they were!, what times we had! — ¡qué tiempos aquellos!
to be ahead of one's time — adelantarse a su época•
that was all before my time — todo eso fue antes de mis tiempos•
to be behind the times — [person] estar atrasado de noticias; [thing, idea] estar fuera de moda, haber quedado anticuado•
how times change! — ¡cómo cambian las cosas!•
to keep abreast of or up with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al día•
the times we live in — los tiempos en que vivimos•
in modern times — en tiempos modernos•
to move with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al díasign•
time was when... — hubo un tiempo en que...7) (=experience)to have a bad or rough or thin time (of it) — pasarlo mal, pasarlas negras
to have a good time — pasarlo bien, divertirse•
we have a lovely time — lo pasamos la mar de bien *big-timeto make the big time — alcanzar el éxito, triunfar
8) (=occasion) vez fI remember the time he came here — recuerdo la ocasión en que vino por aquí, me acuerdo de cuando vino por aquí
to carry three boxes at a time — llevar tres cajas a la vezfor weeks at a time — durante semanas enteras or seguidas
it's the best, every time! — ¡es el mejor, no hay duda!
give me beer every time! — ¡para mí, siempre cerveza!
the first time I did it — la primera vez que lo hice•
last time — la última vez•
many times — muchas vecesmany's the time... — no una vez, sino muchas...
next time — la próxima vez, a la próxima (esp LAm)•
several times — varias veces•
this time — esta vez•
at various times in the past — en determinados momentos del pasado9) (Mus) compás min 3/4 time — al compás de 3 por 4
to beat time — marcar el compás•
in time to the music — al compás de la música•
to keep time — llevar el compásbeat 2., 4), mark II, 2., 7)•
to get out of time — perder el compás10) (Math)it's five times faster than or as fast as yours — es cinco veces más rápido que el tuyo
11) (Mech)2. VT1) (=schedule) planear, calcular; (=choose time of) [+ remark, request] elegir el momento parathe race is timed for 8.30 — el comienzo de la carrera está previsto para las 8.30
the bomb was timed to explode five minutes later — la bomba estaba sincronizada para explotar cinco minutos más tarde
ill-timed, well-timedthe strike was carefully timed to cause maximum disruption — se había escogido el momento de la huelga para ocasionar el mayor trastorno posible
to time o.s. — cronometrarse
3.CPDtime and motion study N — estudio m de tiempos y movimientos
time capsule N — cápsula f del tiempo
time check N — (Sport) control m de tiempos
can I have a time check, please? — ¿qué hora es ahora, por favor?
time clock N — reloj m registrador, reloj m de control de asistencia
time deposit N — (US) depósito m a plazo
time difference N — diferencia f horaria
time exposure N — (Phot) exposición f
time frame N — margen m de tiempo
time fuse N — temporizador m, espoleta f graduada, espoleta f de tiempo
time lag N — (=delay) retraso m; (=lack of synchronization) desfase m
time limit N — plazo m, límite m de tiempo; (=closing date) fecha f tope
time loan N — (US) préstamo m a plazo fijo
time machine N — máquina f de transporte a través del tiempo
time management N — gestión f del tiempo
time management consultant N — consultor(a) m / f de gestión del tiempo
time management course N — curso m de gestión del tiempo
time management skills NPL — técnicas fpl de gestión del tiempo
time management training N — formación f en gestión del tiempo
time off N — (=free time) tiempo m libre
you'll have to take some time off when your wife has her operation — tendrás que tomarte unos días de vacaciones cuando operen a tu mujer
time out N — (esp US) (Sport) (also fig) tiempo m muerto
to take time out (from sth/from doing sth) — descansar (de algo/de hacer algo)
time payment N — (US) pago m a plazos
time saver N —
time sheet N — = time card
time signal N — señal f horaria
time signature N — (Mus) compás m, signatura f de compás
time slice N — fracción f de tiempo
time switch N — interruptor m horario
time trial N — (Cycling) prueba f contra reloj, contrarreloj f
* * *
I [taɪm]1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una hora/tres meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
17 have
(to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed: If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home.) tener algo de reserva, guardar algohave vb1. tenerdo you have a video? ¿tienes vídeo?2. tomar3. haberhave you read Don Quixote? ¿has leído Don Quijote?have you had your hair cut? ¿te has cortado el pelo?Esta construcción se emplea cuando no eres tú quien hace algo, sino que pagas a alguien para que te lo hagato have lunch almorzar / comerto have a swim bañarse / nadartr[hæv]1 (posess) tener, poseer■ will you have a brandy? ¿quieres tomar un coñac?■ to have breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner desayunar/comer/merendar/cenar3 (cigarette) fumar■ how many cigarettes have you had today? ¿cuántos cigarros has fumado hoy?4 (shower, bath, etc) tomar■ when she got home she had a shower cuando llegó a casa se dio una ducha, cuando llegó a casa se duchó■ have you had a wash and a shave? ¿te has lavado y afeitado?5 (treatment) recibir6 (illness) tener7 (experience) tener■ I had a scare tuve un susto, me asusté■ have a good time! ¡divertíos!, ¡pasadlo bien!8 (receive, invite) recibir, invitar9 (borrow) pedir prestado, dejar■ can I have your book for a second, please? ¿me dejas tu libro un segundo, por favor?■ are you going to have a party for your birthday? ¿vas a hacer una fiesta para tu cumpleaños?11 (according to) según■ rumour has it that... corre el rumor de que...12 (baby) tener, dar a luz13 (cause to happen) hacer, mandar14 (allow) permitir, consentir■ if you paid £200 pounds for that you were had si has pagado doscientas libras por eso te han timado1 haber\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLhad better más vale quehave got SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL tenerto have done with acabar conto have had it (broken) estar hecho,-a polvo, estar fastidiado,-a 2 (in trouble) haberlo,-a cagado,-a 3 (finished) estar acabado,-a■ this radio's had it, I'll have to get a new one esta radio está en las últimas, tendré que comprar una nueva■ your dad's seen you, you've had it now! te ha visto tu padre, ¡la has cagado!■ if this scandal gets out he's had it as an MP si la gente se entera de este escándalo, se han acabado sus días de diputadoto have it away / have it off taboo echar un polvoto have it in for somebody tenerla tomada con alguiento have it out with somebody ajustar las cuentas con alguiento have it over and done with acabar algo de una vez y para siempreto have just acabar deto have somebody over to one's house / have somebody round to one's house invitar a alguien a casato have somebody up for something SMALLLAW/SMALL llevar a alguien ante los tribunales por algo, procesar a alguien por algoto have something on tener algo planeado, tener algo que hacerto have something on somebody tener información comprometedora sobre alguien, saber algo comprometedor acerca de alguiento have to tener que, haber deto have to do with tener que ver conhave ['hæv,] in sense 3 as an auxiliary verb usu ['hæf] v, had ['hæd] ; having ; has ['hæz,] in sense 3 as an auxiliary verb usu ['hæs] vt1) possess: tenerdo you have change?: ¿tienes cambio?2) experience, undergo: tener, experimentar, sufrirI have a toothache: tengo un dolor de muelas3) include: tener, incluirApril has 30 days: abril tiene 30 días4) consume: comer, tomar5) receive: tener, recibirhe had my permission: tenía mi permiso6) allow: permitir, dejarI won't have it!: ¡no lo permitiré!7) hold: hacerto have a party: dar una fiestato have a meeting: convocar una reunión8) hold: tenerhe had me in his power: me tenía en su poder9) bear: tener (niños)she had a dress made: mandó hacer un vestidoto have one's hair cut: cortarse el pelohave v aux1) : habershe has been very busy: ha estado muy ocupadaI've lived here three years: hace tres años que vivo aquíyou've finished, haven't you?: ha terminado, ¿no?3)to have to : deber, tener quewe have to leave: tenemos que salirexpr.• merecer v.expr.• tener algo en mente expr.v.(§ p.,p.p.: had) = contener v.(§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-fut/c: -tendr-•)• poseer v.• tener v.(§pres: tengo, tienes...tenemos) pret: tuv-fut/c: tendr-•)v.• haber v.(§pres: he, has...) subj: hay-pret: hub-fut/c: habr-•)hæv, weak forms həv, əv
2) ( possess) tener*I have o (esp BrE) I've got two cats — tengo dos gatos
I don't have o (esp BrE) haven't got any money — no tengo dinero
do you have a car? - no, I don't o (esp BrE) have you got a car? - no, I haven't — ¿tienes coche? - no (, no tengo)
3) (hold, have at one's disposal) tener*look out, he's got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!
how much money do you have o (esp BrE) have you got on you? — ¿cuánto dinero tienes or llevas encima?
can I have a sheet of paper? — ¿me das una hoja de papel?
may I have your name? — ¿me dice su nombre?
could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?
I have it!, I've got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!
all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!
what have we here? — ¿y esto?
to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf
4)a) ( receive) \<\<letter/news\>\> tener*, recibircould we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor
we have it on the best authority that... — sabemos de buena fuente que...
rumoradition has it that... — corre el rumor de que.../según la tradición...
to have had it — (colloq)
I've had it — ( I'm in trouble) estoy frito (AmL), me la he cargado (Esp fam); ( I've lost my chance) la he fastidiado (fam)
I've had it up to here with your complaining — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta las narices de tus quejas (fam)
to have it in for somebody — (colloq) tenerle* manía or tirria a alguien (fam)
to let somebody have it — (sl) ( attack - physically) darle* su merecido a alguien; (- verbally) cantarle las cuarenta a alguien (fam), poner* a alguien verde (Esp fam)
b) ( obtain) conseguir*they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había
I'll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?
5) ( consume) \<\<steak/spaghetti\>\> comer, tomar (Esp); \<\<champagne/beer\>\> tomarto have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo
to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)
to have lunch — almorzar* or (esp Esp, Méx) comer
what are we having for dinner? — ¿qué hay de cena?
we had too much to drink — bebimos or (AmL tb) tomamos demasiado
6)a) (experience, undergo) \<\<accident\>\> tener*did you have good weather? — ¿te (or les etc) hizo buen tiempo?
have a nice day! — adiós! que le (or te etc) vaya bien!
I had an injection — me pusieron or me dieron una inyección
he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía
she had a heart attack — le dio un ataque al corazón or un infarto
b) ( organize) \<\<party\>\> hacer*, dar*c) ( suffer from) \<\<cancer/diabetes/flu\>\> tener*to have a cold — estar* resfriado
he's got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta
7) ( look after) tener*8) ( give birth to) \<\<baby\>\> tener*9) (colloq)a) (catch, get the better of)they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse
you've been had! — te han timado or engañado!
10) (causative use)we'll have it clean in no time — enseguida lo limpiamos or lo dejamos limpio
he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos
to have somebody + INF: I'll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I'll have you know, young man, that I... para que sepa, jovencito, yo...; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one's hair cut — cortarse el pelo
to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I've had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta
12)a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*I won't have it! — no lo consentiré or toleraré!
b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*she wouldn't have it — no lo quiso aceptar or creer
13) (indicating state, position) tener*you have o (BrE) you've got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido
1) v aux2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*I have/had seen her — la he/había visto
I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)
have you been waiting long? — ¿hace mucho que esperas?, ¿llevas mucho rato esperando?
had I known that o if I'd known that... — si hubiera sabido que..., de haber sabido que...
when he had finished, she... — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella...
3)a) ( in tags)you've been told, haven't you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?
you haven't lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave...!
b) ( elliptical use)you may have forgiven him, but I haven't — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no
the clock has stopped - so it has! — el reloj se ha parado - es verdad! or es cierto!
you've forgotten something - have I? — te has olvidado de algo - ¿sí?
I've told her - you haven't! — se lo he dicho - no! ¿en serio?
4) ( expressing obligation)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
I have o I've got to admit that... — tengo que reconocer que...
you don't have to be an expert to realize that — no hay que or no se necesita ser un experto para darse cuenta de eso
5) ( expressing certainty)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
you have to o you've got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!
•Phrasal Verbs:- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up[hæv] ( 3rd pers sing present has) (pt, pp had) When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a good time, have breakfast, had better, look up the other word. For have + adverb/preposition combinations, see also the phrasal verb section of this entry.1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) (=possess) tenerhe's got or he has blue eyes — tiene los ojos azules
have you got or do you have 10p? — ¿tienes diez peniques?
have you got or do you have any brothers or sisters? — ¿tienes hermanos?
he hasn't got or he doesn't have any friends — no tiene amigos
I've got or I have a friend staying next week — tengo a un amigo en casa la semana que viene
Don't translate the [a] in sentences like [has he got a girlfriend?], [I haven't got a washing-machine] if the number of such items is not significant since people normally only have one at a time:I've got or I have an idea — tengo una idea
Do translate the [a] if the person or thing is qualified:has he got a girlfriend? — ¿tiene novia?
all or everything I have is yours — todo lo que tengo es tuyoyou must give it all or everything you have — tienes que emplearte a fondo
you must put all or everything you have into it — tienes que emplearte a fondo
can I have a pencil please? — ¿me puedes dar un lápiz, por favor?•
the book has no name on it — el libro no lleva or tiene el nombre del dueñoI've got or I have no Spanish — no sé español
to have something to do — tener algo que hacerI've got or I have nothing to do — no tengo nada que hacer
haven't you got anything to do? — ¿no tienes nada que hacer?
handy, ready 1., 1), a)•
hello, what have we here? — vaya, vaya, ¿qué tenemos aquí?2) (=eat, drink) tomar•
what are we having for lunch? — ¿que vamos a comer?•
to have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo, tomar algo•
what will you have? — ¿qué quieres tomar?, ¿qué vas a tomar?will you have some more? — ¿te sirvo más?
3) (=receive) recibir•
you can have my ticket — puedes quedarte con mi billete•
we had some help from the government — recibimos ayuda del gobierno•
I had a letter from John — tuve carta de Juan, recibí una carta de Juan•
I must have them by this afternoon — necesito tenerlos para esta tarde•
we had a lot of visitors — (at home) tuvimos muchas visitas; (at exhibition etc) tuvimos muchos visitantes4) (=obtain)they can be had for as little as £10 each — pueden conseguirse por tan solo 10 libras
there was no bread to be had — no quedaba pan en ningún sitio, no podía conseguirse pan en ningún sitio
5) (=take)I'll have a dozen eggs, please — ¿me pones una docena de huevos, por favor?
which one will you have? — ¿cuál quiere?
can I have your name please? — ¿me da su nombre, por favor?
you can have it or I'll let you have it for £10 — te lo dejo en 10 libras, te lo puedes llevar por 10 libras, te lo vendo por 10 libras6) (=give birth to) [+ baby, kittens] tenerwhat did she have? — ¿qué ha tenido?
7) (=hold, catch) tener•
he had him by the throat — lo tenía agarrado por la garganta•
I have it on good authority that... — me consta que..., sé a ciencia cierta que..., sé de buena tinta que... *I've got it! — ¡ya!
you have me there, there you have me — ahí sí que me has pillado *8) (=allow) consentir, tolerar•
we can't have that — eso no se puede consentir•
I won't have this nonsense — no voy a consentir or tolerar estas tonteríasI won't have it! — no lo voy a consentir or tolerar
she won't have it said that... — no consiente or tolera que digan que...
I won't have him risking his neck on that motorbike — no voy a consentir que se juegue el cuello en esa moto
9) (=spend) pasarto have a pleasant afternoon/evening — pasar una tarde agradable
have a nice day! — ¡que pases un buen día!
what sort of day have you had? — ¿qué tal día has tenido?
10) (on telephone)can I have Personnel please? — ¿me puede poner con Personal, por favor?
11) * (=have sex with) acostarse con12) (=make)to have sth done hacer que se haga algo, mandar hacer algo to have sb do sth mandar a algn hacer algohe had me do it again — me hizo hacerlo otra vez, me hizo que lo hiciese otra vez
what would you have me do? — † ¿qué quiere que haga?
to have sth happen to have sb doing sthI'll have you know that... — quiero que sepas que...
to have sth against sb/sth tener algo en contra de algn/algo to have had itshe soon had them all reading and writing — (=organized them) enseguida los puso a leer y a escribir; (=taught them) enseguida les habían enseñado a leer y a escribir
you've had it now! he knows all about it * — ¡ahora sí que te la has cargado! se ha enterado de todo
to have it thatI've had it up to here with his nonsense * — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta el moño de sus tonterías *
to be hadrumour has it that... — corre la voz de que...
to have to do with tener que ver conyou've been had! * — ¡te han engañado!
to let sb have sth (=give) dar algo a algn; (=lend) dejar algo a algn, prestar algo a algnthat's got or that has nothing to do with it! — ¡eso no tiene nada que ver!
what have youlet him have it! * — ¡dale!
would have it... and what have you —... y qué sé yo qué más
luckas ill-luck or fate would have it — desgraciadamente
2. AUXILIARY VERB1) haberhas he gone? — ¿se ha ido?
hasn't he told you? — ¿no te lo ha dicho?
had you phoned me frm or if you had phoned me I would have come round — si me hubieras llamado habría venido
never having seen it before, I... — como no lo había visto antes,...
just I, 1., 3)having finished or when he had finished, he left — cuando terminó or cuando hubo terminado, se fue
See:SINCE in sincea)"he's already eaten" - "so have I" — -él ya ha comido -yo también
"we haven't had any news yet" - "neither have we" — -no hemos tenido noticias todavía -nosotros tampoco
"you've made a mistake" - "no I haven't!" — -has cometido un error -no es verdad or cierto
"we haven't paid" - "yes we have!" — -no hemos pagado -¡qué sí!
"he's got a new job" - "oh has he?" — -tiene un trabajo nuevo -¿ah, sí?
"you've written it twice" - "so I have!" — -lo has escrito dos veces -es verdad or cierto
"have you read the book?" - "yes, I have" — -¿has leído el libro? -sí
"has he told you?" - "no, he hasn't" — -¿te lo ha dicho? -no
he hasn't done it, has he? — no lo ha hecho, ¿verdad?
you've done it, haven't you? — lo has hecho, ¿verdad? or ¿no?
you've all been there before, but I haven't — vosotros habéis estado allí antes, pero yo no
he has never met her, but I have — él no la ha llegado a conocer, pero yo sí
have you ever been there? if you have... — ¿has estado alguna vez allí? si es así...
so I, 1., norhave you tried it? if you haven't... — ¿lo has probado? (porque) si no...
3.MODAL VERB (=be obliged)I've got to or I have to finish this work — tengo que terminar este trabajo
have we got to or do we have to leave early? — ¿tenemos que salir temprano?
I haven't got to or I don't have to wear glasses — no necesito (usar) gafas
do you have to make such a noise? — ¿tienes que hacer tanto ruido?
you didn't have to tell her! — ¡no tenías por qué decírselo!
does it have to be ironed? — ¿hay que plancharlo?
- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up* * *[hæv], weak forms [həv, əv]
2) ( possess) tener*I have o (esp BrE) I've got two cats — tengo dos gatos
I don't have o (esp BrE) haven't got any money — no tengo dinero
do you have a car? - no, I don't o (esp BrE) have you got a car? - no, I haven't — ¿tienes coche? - no (, no tengo)
3) (hold, have at one's disposal) tener*look out, he's got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!
how much money do you have o (esp BrE) have you got on you? — ¿cuánto dinero tienes or llevas encima?
can I have a sheet of paper? — ¿me das una hoja de papel?
may I have your name? — ¿me dice su nombre?
could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?
I have it!, I've got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!
all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!
what have we here? — ¿y esto?
to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf
4)a) ( receive) \<\<letter/news\>\> tener*, recibircould we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor
we have it on the best authority that... — sabemos de buena fuente que...
rumor/tradition has it that... — corre el rumor de que.../según la tradición...
to have had it — (colloq)
I've had it — ( I'm in trouble) estoy frito (AmL), me la he cargado (Esp fam); ( I've lost my chance) la he fastidiado (fam)
I've had it up to here with your complaining — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta las narices de tus quejas (fam)
to have it in for somebody — (colloq) tenerle* manía or tirria a alguien (fam)
to let somebody have it — (sl) ( attack - physically) darle* su merecido a alguien; (- verbally) cantarle las cuarenta a alguien (fam), poner* a alguien verde (Esp fam)
b) ( obtain) conseguir*they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había
I'll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?
5) ( consume) \<\<steak/spaghetti\>\> comer, tomar (Esp); \<\<champagne/beer\>\> tomarto have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo
to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)
to have lunch — almorzar* or (esp Esp, Méx) comer
what are we having for dinner? — ¿qué hay de cena?
we had too much to drink — bebimos or (AmL tb) tomamos demasiado
6)a) (experience, undergo) \<\<accident\>\> tener*did you have good weather? — ¿te (or les etc) hizo buen tiempo?
have a nice day! — adiós! que le (or te etc) vaya bien!
I had an injection — me pusieron or me dieron una inyección
he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía
she had a heart attack — le dio un ataque al corazón or un infarto
b) ( organize) \<\<party\>\> hacer*, dar*c) ( suffer from) \<\<cancer/diabetes/flu\>\> tener*to have a cold — estar* resfriado
he's got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta
7) ( look after) tener*8) ( give birth to) \<\<baby\>\> tener*9) (colloq)a) (catch, get the better of)they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse
you've been had! — te han timado or engañado!
10) (causative use)we'll have it clean in no time — enseguida lo limpiamos or lo dejamos limpio
he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos
to have somebody + INF: I'll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I'll have you know, young man, that I... para que sepa, jovencito, yo...; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one's hair cut — cortarse el pelo
to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I've had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta
12)a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*I won't have it! — no lo consentiré or toleraré!
b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*she wouldn't have it — no lo quiso aceptar or creer
13) (indicating state, position) tener*you have o (BrE) you've got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido
1) v aux2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*I have/had seen her — la he/había visto
I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)
have you been waiting long? — ¿hace mucho que esperas?, ¿llevas mucho rato esperando?
had I known that o if I'd known that... — si hubiera sabido que..., de haber sabido que...
when he had finished, she... — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella...
3)a) ( in tags)you've been told, haven't you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?
you haven't lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave...!
b) ( elliptical use)you may have forgiven him, but I haven't — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no
the clock has stopped - so it has! — el reloj se ha parado - es verdad! or es cierto!
you've forgotten something - have I? — te has olvidado de algo - ¿sí?
I've told her - you haven't! — se lo he dicho - no! ¿en serio?
4) ( expressing obligation)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
I have o I've got to admit that... — tengo que reconocer que...
you don't have to be an expert to realize that — no hay que or no se necesita ser un experto para darse cuenta de eso
5) ( expressing certainty)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
you have to o you've got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!
•Phrasal Verbs:- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up -
18 last
adjective1) (coming at the end: We set out on the last day of November; He was last in the race; He caught the last bus home.) último2) (most recent; next before the present: Our last house was much smaller than this; last year/month/week.) último3) (coming or remaining after all the others: He was the last guest to leave.) último
2. adverb(at the end of or after all the others: He took his turn last.) en último lugar- lastly- at long last
- at last
- hear
- see the last of
- the last person
- the last straw
- the last thing
- the last word
- on one's last legs
- to the last
verb1) (to continue to exist: This situation lasted until she got married; I hope this fine weather lasts.) durar2) (to remain in good condition or supply: This carpet has lasted well; The bread won't last another two days - we'll need more; This coat will last me until I die.) durar•- lasting- last out
last1 adj1. pasado2. últimowhat time is the last train? ¿a qué hora sale el último tren?at last!, where have you been? ¡por fin!, ¿dónde has estado?last2 adv1. últimowho arrived last? ¿quién llegó el último? / ¿quién fue el último en llegar?2. por última vezwhen did you last see your father? ¿cuándo fue la última vez que viste a tu padre?last3 vb durarthe class lasts one hour la clase dura una hora / la clase es de una horatr[lɑːst]1 (final) último,-a2 (most recent) último,-a3 (past) pasado,-a; (previous) anterior■ the month/year before last hace dos meses/años■ Spielberg's new film is much better than his last one la nueva película de Spielberg es mucho mejor que la anterior1 por última vez2 (at the end) en último lugar; (in race) en última posición■ who came last in the 1000 metres? ¿quién acabó último en la carrera de los 1000 metros?■ are you the last? ¿eres tú el último?■ the first shall be last and the last shall be first los primeros serán los últimos y los últimos serán los primeros1 (continue) durar; (hold out) aguantar, resistir1 durar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLat last al fin, por finat long last por finif it's the last thing I do cueste lo que cueste, aunque sea lo último que hagalast but not least por último lugar, pero no por eso menos importantelast but one penúltimo,-ato be the last straw familiar ser el colmoto be the last word familiar ser el último gritoto breathe one's last dar el último suspiroto have seen the last of somebody haber visto a alguien por última vezto have the last word decir la última palabrato the last hasta el finalthe Last Judgment el Juicio Finalthe last rites la extremaunción nombre femenino————————tr[lɑːst]1 (shoemaker's) hormalast ['læst] vi1) continue: durarhow long will it last?: ¿cuánto durará?2) endure: aguantar, durar3) survive: durar, sobrevivir4) suffice: durar, bastarlast vt1) : durarit will last a lifetime: durará toda la vida2)to last out : aguantarlast adv1) : en último lugar, al últimowe came in last: llegamos en último lugar2) : por última vez, la última vezI saw him last in Bogota: lo vi por última vez en Bogotá3) finally: por último, en conclusiónlast adj1) final: último, final2) previous: pasadolast year: el año pasadolast n1) : el último, la última, lo últimoat last: por fin, al fin, finalmente2) : horma f (de zapatero)adj.• extremo, -a adj.• pasado, -a adj.• por último adj.• postrero, -a adj.• postrimero, -a adj.• supremo, -a adj.• último, -a adj.n.• fin s.m.v.• aguantar v.• continuar v.• durar v.• humear v.• resistir v.• subsistir v.læst, lɑːst
1)a) ( in series) <chapter/lap> últimothe second to last door, the last door but one — la penúltima puerta
to be last — (in race, on arrival) ser* el último (en llegar), llegar* el último or (CS) llegar* último
to be last to + INF — ser* el último en + inf
b) (final, ultimate) <chance/day> últimoat the very last minute o moment — en el último momento, a última hora
the last rites o sacraments — la extremaunción
c) ( only remaining) último2) (previous, most recent) (before n)3) ( least likely or suitable)that's the last thing I'd do! — no se me ocurriría hacer eso!; laugh II, leg I 1), straw a)
1)a) (in series, sequence) último, -ma m,fthe last to + INF — el último/la última/los últimos/las últimas en + inf
we haven't heard the last of him/it — nos va a seguir dando guerra, ya verás
to breathe one's last — (liter) exhalar el último suspiro
b) ( only remaining)the last OF something: the last of its kind el último de su clase; that's the last of the jam — esa es toda la mermelada que queda
c) (in phrases) (liter)to o until the last — hasta el último momento, hasta el final
2) ( preceding one)the night before last — anteanoche, antenoche (AmL)
1)a) ( at the end)I went in last — fui el último en entrar, entré el último, entré último (CS)
our team came o finished last — nuestro equipo quedó en último lugar or (CS tb) terminó último
b) (finally, in conclusion)last of all — por último, lo último (de todo)
and last but not least — y por último, pero no por eso menos importante
c) (in phrases)at last — por fin, al fin
at long last — por fin, finalmente
2) ( most recently)when did you last see him o see him last? — ¿cuándo fue la última vez que lo viste?
noun ( for shoemaking) horma f
1)a) ( continue) durarb) (endure, survive) durarhe wouldn't last five minutes in the army — no aguantaría or no duraría ni cinco minutos en el ejército
2) ( be sufficient) durarto make something last — hacer* durar algo
3) ( remain usable) durar
vt durarPhrasal Verbs:- last out
I [lɑːst]1. ADJ1) (=most recent) último2) (=previous) (referring to specific occasion) [Christmas, Easter] pasado; [time, meeting, birthday] últimothe last time we went, it rained — la última vez que fuimos, llovió
on Monday last — frm el pasado lunes
night 1., 1)last Friday/month/year — el viernes/el mes/el año pasado
3) (=final) último•
last but one — penúltimo•
down to the last detail — hasta el más mínimo detalle, hasta el último detalle•
to fight to the last man — (lit, fig) luchar hasta el último aliento•
I was the last person to arrive/to see him alive — fui la última en llegar/la última persona que lo vió vivo•
the last rites — (Rel) la extremaunción•
second to last — antepenúltimo•
last thing at night — antes de acostarseI'll finish it if it's the last thing I do — ¡lo terminaré aunque sea la última cosa que haga en esta vida!
that was the last time I saw him — esa fue la última vez que lo vifor the last time, shut up! — ¡cállate, y que sea la última vez que te lo digo!
- be on it's/one's last legs4) (=least likely)•
you're the last person I'd trust with it — lo confiaría a cualquiera menos a ti, eres la última persona a la que se lo confiaríaI would be the last person to stand in your way — yo soy la que menos me interprondía en tu camino, yo soy la última persona que se interpondría en tu camino
that was the last thing I expected — eso era lo que menos me esperabaat 32, retirement is the last thing on his mind — con 32 años, jubilarse es lo último en que piensa
2. PRON1) (of series) últimoyou haven't heard the last of this! — ¡esto no se acaba aquí!, ¡esto no se va a quedar así!
the last but one — el/la penúltimo(-a)•
to leave sth till last — dejar algo para lo último or el final•
to look one's last on sth — liter ver algo por última vezbreathe 1., 1)•
to the last — hasta el final2) (=previous one)•
the night before last — anteanochethe week before last — la semana anterior a la pasada, la semana pasada no, la anterior
the Saturday before last — el sábado anterior al pasado, el sábado pasado no, el anterior
it was the question before last that I found difficult — la pregunta que me resultó difícil fue la penúltima
3) (=all that remains)this is the last of the bread/wine — esto es lo que queda de pan/vino
he was the last of his kind, a true professional — fue el último de los de su clase, un verdadero profesional
4)• at last — por fin
at long last the search was over — por fin la búsqueda había concluido3. ADV1) (=finally)•
last of all, take out the screws — por último, saca los tornillos•
last but not least — por último, pero no por ello menos importante2) (=in last place, at the end)he was or came last in the 100 metres — terminó en último lugar or en última posición en los 100 metros
to arrive last — llegar el or (LAm) al último
last in, first out — los últimos en llegar son a los que despiden los primeros3) (=most recently)•
when I last saw them — la última vez que las vi
II [lɑːst]1. VI1) (=continue) durar2) (=survive) durarhe wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in those conditions — no hubiera durado or aguantado ni diez minutos en esas condiciones
3) (=be enough) durarhow long will the gas last? — ¿hasta cuándo durará or alcanzará el gas?
"only available while stocks last" — (Comm) "solo hasta que se agoten las existencias"4) (=remain usable) durar•
made to last — hecho para que dure2.VT durarI've had enough publicity to last me a lifetime! — ¡me han dado publicidad suficiente para toda una vida!
- last out
[lɑːst]N (in shoemaking) horma f- stick to your last!* * *[læst, lɑːst]
1)a) ( in series) <chapter/lap> últimothe second to last door, the last door but one — la penúltima puerta
to be last — (in race, on arrival) ser* el último (en llegar), llegar* el último or (CS) llegar* último
to be last to + INF — ser* el último en + inf
b) (final, ultimate) <chance/day> últimoat the very last minute o moment — en el último momento, a última hora
the last rites o sacraments — la extremaunción
c) ( only remaining) último2) (previous, most recent) (before n)3) ( least likely or suitable)that's the last thing I'd do! — no se me ocurriría hacer eso!; laugh II, leg I 1), straw a)
1)a) (in series, sequence) último, -ma m,fthe last to + INF — el último/la última/los últimos/las últimas en + inf
we haven't heard the last of him/it — nos va a seguir dando guerra, ya verás
to breathe one's last — (liter) exhalar el último suspiro
b) ( only remaining)the last OF something: the last of its kind el último de su clase; that's the last of the jam — esa es toda la mermelada que queda
c) (in phrases) (liter)to o until the last — hasta el último momento, hasta el final
2) ( preceding one)the night before last — anteanoche, antenoche (AmL)
1)a) ( at the end)I went in last — fui el último en entrar, entré el último, entré último (CS)
our team came o finished last — nuestro equipo quedó en último lugar or (CS tb) terminó último
b) (finally, in conclusion)last of all — por último, lo último (de todo)
and last but not least — y por último, pero no por eso menos importante
c) (in phrases)at last — por fin, al fin
at long last — por fin, finalmente
2) ( most recently)when did you last see him o see him last? — ¿cuándo fue la última vez que lo viste?
noun ( for shoemaking) horma f
1)a) ( continue) durarb) (endure, survive) durarhe wouldn't last five minutes in the army — no aguantaría or no duraría ni cinco minutos en el ejército
2) ( be sufficient) durarto make something last — hacer* durar algo
3) ( remain usable) durar
vt durarPhrasal Verbs:- last out -
19 time
time [taɪm]temps ⇒ 1 (a)-(e), 1 (m), 1 (o) durée ⇒ 1 (e) heure ⇒ 1 (f), 1 (g), 1 (m) moment ⇒ 1 (i), 1 (j) fois ⇒ 1 (k) époque ⇒ 1 (o) fin ⇒ 1 (r) mesure ⇒ 1 (u) chronométrer ⇒ 2 (a) fixer l'heure de ⇒ 2 (b) choisir le moment de ⇒ 2 (c) régler ⇒ 2 (d)1 noun(a) (continuous stretch of time) temps m;∎ as time goes by avec le temps;∎ the price has gone up over time le prix a augmenté avec le temps;∎ it's only a matter or a question of time ce n'est qu'une question de temps;∎ these things take time cela ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain;∎ to have time on one's hands or time to spare avoir du temps;∎ time hangs heavy on his hands le temps lui pèse, il trouve le temps long;∎ since the dawn of time depuis la nuit des temps;∎ time flies le temps passe vite;∎ doesn't time fly! comme le temps passe vite!;∎ time heals all wounds le temps guérit tout;∎ only time will tell seul l'avenir nous le dira;∎ time will prove me right l'avenir me donnera raison;∎ it's a race against time c'est une course contre la montre;∎ they're working against time to save her ils ne disposent que de très peu de temps pour la sauver;∎ time is on our side le temps joue en notre faveur;∎ time out of mind de temps immémorial, de toute éternité;∎ time is money le temps, c'est de l'argent;∎ proverb time and tide wait for no man les événements n'attendent personne∎ there's no time to lose il n'y a pas de temps à perdre;∎ he lost no time in telling me il s'est empressé de me le dire;∎ to make up for lost time rattraper le temps perdu;∎ to make good/poor time doing sth mettre peu de temps/longtemps à faire qch;∎ I passed the time reading j'ai passé mon temps à lire;∎ take your time prenez votre temps;∎ take your time over it prenez le temps qu'il faudra;∎ it took me all my time just to get here! avec le temps que j'ai mis pour arriver ici!;∎ you took your time about it! tu en as mis du temps!;∎ she took the time to explain it to us elle a pris le temps de nous l'expliquer;∎ she made the time to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport;∎ I can always make time for you pour vous, je suis toujours là;∎ I spend half/all my time cleaning up je passe la moitié de/tout mon temps à faire le ménage;∎ half the time he doesn't know what he's doing la moitié du temps il ne sait pas ce qu'il fait;∎ most of the time la plupart du temps;∎ he was ill part or some of the time il a été malade une partie du temps;∎ it rained part or some of the time il a plu par moments;∎ we spend the better part of our time working nous passons le plus clair de notre temps à travailler;∎ I start in three weeks' time je commence dans trois semaines;∎ they'll have finished the project in three weeks' time ils auront terminé le projet dans trois semaines;∎ all in good time! chaque chose en son temps!;∎ I'll finish it in my own good time je le finirai quand bon me semblera;∎ in no time (at all), in next to no time en un rien de temps, en moins de rien(c) (available period of time) temps m;∎ I haven't (the) time to do the shopping je n'ai pas le temps de faire les courses;∎ I've no time for gossip je n'ai pas de temps à perdre en bavardages;∎ I've no time for that sort of attitude je ne supporte pas ce genre de mentalité;∎ he has no time for sycophants/for laziness il n'a pas de temps à perdre avec les flatteurs/les paresseux;∎ my time is my own mon temps m'appartient;∎ my time is not my own je ne suis pas libre de mon temps;∎ we've just got time to catch the train on a juste le temps d'attraper le train;∎ that doesn't leave them much time to get ready cela ne leur laisse guère de temps pour se préparer;∎ you'll have to find the time to see her il faut que tu trouves le temps de la voir;∎ you have plenty of time to finish it vous avez largement le temps de le finir;∎ we've got plenty of time or all the time in the world nous avons tout le temps∎ after a time après un (certain) temps;∎ a long time longtemps;∎ a long time ago il y a longtemps;∎ it's a long time since we've been out for a meal together ça fait longtemps que nous ne sommes pas sortis dîner ensemble;∎ she's been dreaming of this for a long time now voilà longtemps qu'elle en rêve;∎ he waited for a long time il a attendu longtemps;∎ I worked for a long time as a translator j'ai travaillé (pendant) longtemps comme traducteur;∎ for a long time he refused to eat meat il a (pendant) longtemps refusé de manger de la viande;∎ it'll be a long time before I do that again je ne suis pas près de recommencer, je ne recommencerai pas de si tôt ou de sitôt;∎ the car takes a long time to warm up la voiture met longtemps à chauffer;∎ you took a long time! tu en as mis du temps!, il t'en a fallu du temps!;∎ familiar long time no see! ça faisait longtemps!;∎ a short time peu de temps;∎ after a short time peu (de temps) après;∎ a short time before their wedding peu avant leur mariage;∎ she's going to stay with us for a short time elle va rester avec nous pendant quelque temps;∎ in the shortest possible time dans les plus brefs délais, le plus vite ou tôt possible;∎ after some time au bout de quelque temps, après un certain temps;∎ some time after their trip quelque temps après leur voyage;∎ some time ago il y a quelque temps;∎ for some time past depuis quelque temps;∎ for some time (to come) pendant quelque temps;∎ it's the best film I've seen for some time c'est le meilleur film que j'aie vu depuis un moment;∎ it will take (quite) some time to repair il va falloir pas mal de temps pour le réparer;∎ all this time pendant tout ce temps(e) (time taken or required to do something) temps m, durée f;∎ the flying time to Madrid is two hours la durée du vol pour Madrid est de deux heures;∎ the cooking time is two hours le temps de cuisson est de deux heures;∎ the winner's time was under four minutes le gagnant a fait un temps de moins de quatre minutes;∎ 1 minute 34 seconds is her best/a good time 1 minute 34 secondes, c'est son meilleur temps/un bon temps;∎ it takes time cela prend du temps;∎ how much time will it take? combien de temps cela prendra-t-il?;∎ she finished in half the time it took me to finish elle a mis deux fois moins de temps que moi pour finir(f) (by clock) heure f;∎ what time is it?, what's the time? quelle heure est-il?;∎ what time do you make it? quelle heure avez-vous?;∎ do you have the time? vous avez l'heure?;∎ have you got the right time on you? avez-vous l'heure juste?;∎ the time is twenty past three il est trois heures vingt;∎ what time are we leaving? à quelle heure partons-nous?;∎ do you know how to tell the time? est-ce que tu sais lire l'heure?;∎ could you tell me the time? pourriez-vous me dire l'heure (qu'il est)?;∎ have you seen the time? avez-vous vu l'heure?;∎ I looked at the time j'ai regardé l'heure;∎ this old watch still keeps good time cette vieille montre est toujours à l'heure ou exacte;∎ at this time of day à cette heure de la journée;∎ we'll have to keep an eye on the time il faudra surveiller l'heure;∎ it is almost time to leave/for my bus il est presque l'heure de partir/de mon bus;∎ it's time I was going il est temps que je parte;∎ it's dinner time, it's time for dinner c'est l'heure de dîner;∎ there you are, it's about time! te voilà, ce n'est pas trop tôt!;∎ I wouldn't give him the time of day je ne lui dirais même pas bonjour;∎ to pass the time of day with sb échanger quelques mots avec qn∎ local time heure f locale;∎ it's 5 o'clock Tokyo time il est 5 heures, heure de Tokyo∎ is the bus running to time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?;∎ within the required time dans les délais requis(i) (particular point in time) moment m;∎ at that time I was in Madrid à ce moment-là, j'étais à Madrid ou j'étais alors à Madrid;∎ I worked for her at one time à un moment donné j'ai travaillé pour elle;∎ at the present time en ce moment, à présent;∎ he is president at the present time il est actuellement président;∎ at the time of delivery au moment de la livraison;∎ at a later time plus tard;∎ at a given time à un moment donné;∎ at any one time à la fois;∎ there's room for 15 people at any one time il y a de la place pour 15 personnes à la fois;∎ an inconvenient time un moment inopportun;∎ you called at a most inconvenient time vous avez appelé à un très mauvais moment;∎ there are times when I could scream il y a des moments où j'ai envie de hurler;∎ at the best of times même quand tout va bien;∎ even at the best of times he is not that patient même dans ses bons moments il n'est pas particulièrement patient;∎ at no time did I agree to that je n'ai jamais donné mon accord pour cela;∎ by the time you get this… le temps que tu reçoives ceci…, quand tu auras reçu ceci…;∎ by that time it will be too late à ce moment-là il sera trop tard;∎ by that time we'll all be dead d'ici là nous serons tous morts;∎ by this time next week d'ici une semaine, dans une semaine;∎ this time next week la semaine prochaine à cette heure-ci;∎ this time last week il y a exactement une semaine;∎ from that time on we had nothing to do with them à partir de ce moment-là, nous avons refusé d'avoir affaire à eux;∎ in between times entre-temps;∎ some time or other un jour ou l'autre;∎ some time next month dans le courant du mois prochain;∎ until such time as I hear from them jusqu'à ce que ou en attendant que j'aie de leurs nouvelles(j) (suitable moment) moment m;∎ she chose her time badly elle a mal choisi son moment;∎ this is no time for you to leave ce n'est pas le moment de partir;∎ now's our time to tell her c'est maintenant que nous devrions ou voici venu le moment de le lui dire;∎ now is the time to invest c'est maintenant qu'il faut investir;∎ when the time comes le moment venu, quand le moment sera venu;∎ we'll talk about that when the time comes nous en parlerons en temps utile;∎ the time has come to make a stand c'est le moment d'avoir le courage de ses opinions;∎ the time for talking is past ce n'est plus le moment de parler;∎ it's about time we taught her a lesson il est grand temps que nous lui donnions une bonne leçon;∎ there's no time like the present (let's do it now) faisons-le maintenant;∎ there's a time and a place for everything il y a un temps et un lieu pour ou à tout(k) (occasion, instance) fois f;∎ I'll forgive you this time je vous pardonne cette fois-ci ou pour cette fois;∎ each or every time chaque fois;∎ she succeeds every time elle réussit à chaque fois;∎ the last time he came la dernière fois qu'il est venu;∎ the time before la fois précédente ou d'avant;∎ another or some other time une autre fois;∎ I called her three times je l'ai appelée trois fois;∎ many times bien des fois, très souvent;∎ many a time I've wondered… je me suis demandé plus d'une ou bien des fois…;∎ several times plusieurs fois;∎ several times in the past plusieurs fois déjà;∎ he asked me several times if… il m'a demandé plusieurs fois si…;∎ it costs 15 cents a time ça coûte 15 cents à chaque fois;∎ the one time I'm winning, he wants to stop playing pour une fois que je gagne, il veut arrêter de jouer;∎ nine times out of ten the machine doesn't work neuf fois sur dix la machine ne marche pas;∎ we'll have to decide some time or other tôt ou tard ou un jour ou l'autre il va falloir nous décider;∎ do you remember that time we went to Germany? tu te rappelles la fois où nous sommes allés en Allemagne?;∎ there's always a first time il y a un début à tout;∎ I've told you a hundred times! je te l'ai dit vingt ou cent fois!;∎ give me a good detective story every time! rien ne vaut un bon roman policier!∎ to have a good time bien s'amuser;∎ she's had a terrible time of it elle a beaucoup souffert;∎ I had the time of my life jamais je ne me suis si bien ou autant amusé;∎ we had an awful time at the picnic nous nous sommes ennuyés à mourir au pique-nique;∎ it was a difficult time for all of us c'était une période difficile pour nous tous;∎ she had a hard time bringing up five children alone ça a été difficile pour elle d'élever cinq enfants seule;∎ to give sb a hard or rough or tough time en faire voir de dures à qn, en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à qn;∎ what a time I had with him! (fun) qu'est-ce que j'ai pu m'amuser avec lui!; (trouble) qu'est-ce qu'il m'en a fait voir!∎ to put in time faire des heures (de travail);∎ to work part/full time travailler à temps partiel/à plein temps;∎ British in your own time, American on your own time pendant votre temps libre, en dehors des heures de travail∎ we pay time and a half on weekends nous payons les heures du week-end une fois et demie le tarif normal;∎ overtime is paid at double time les heures supplémentaires sont payées ou comptées double∎ in Victorian times à l'époque victorienne;∎ in the time of Henry IV à l'époque d'Henri IV, du temps d'Henri IV;∎ in times past, in former times autrefois, jadis;∎ in times to come à l'avenir;∎ at one time, things were different autrefois ou dans le temps les choses étaient différentes;∎ the house has seen better times la maison a connu des jours meilleurs;∎ in happier times en un ou des temps plus heureux;∎ in time or times of need/war en temps de pénurie/de guerre;∎ time was when doctors made house calls il fut un temps où les médecins faisaient des visites à domicile;∎ those were happy times! c'était le bon (vieux) temps!;∎ times are hard les temps sont durs;∎ in our time de nos jours;∎ the times we live in l'époque f où nous vivons;∎ in my time children didn't talk back de mon temps, les enfants ne répondaient pas;∎ she was probably a good singer in her time en son temps, c'était sûrement une bonne chanteuse;∎ it was a very popular car in its time c'était une voiture très populaire à l'époque (où elle est sortie);∎ very advanced for its time très en avance sur son temps ou sur l'époque;∎ to be ahead of or before one's time être en avance sur son époque ou sur son temps;∎ to be behind the times être en retard sur son époque ou sur son temps;∎ to keep up with the times vivre avec son temps;∎ to move with the times évoluer avec son temps;∎ times have changed autres temps, autres mœurs∎ I've heard some odd things in my time! j'en ai entendu, des choses, dans ma vie!;∎ it won't happen in our time nous ne serons pas là pour voir ça;∎ if I had my time over again si j'avais à recommencer (ma vie);∎ at my time of life à mon âge;∎ that was before your time (birth) vous n'étiez pas encore né; (arrival) vous n'étiez pas encore là;∎ her time has come (childbirth) elle arrive à son terme; (death) son heure est venue ou a sonné; (success) son heure est venue;∎ he died before his time il est mort avant l'âge∎ it's hot for the time of year il fait chaud pour la saison(r) (end of period) fin f;∎ Sport the referee called time l'arbitre a sifflé la fin du match∎ to buy sth on time acheter qch à tempérament ou à terme ou à crédit∎ to do time faire de la taule;∎ he's serving time for murder il est en taule pour meurtre∎ to keep time, to be in time être en mesure;∎ he beat time with his foot il battait ou marquait la mesure du pied;∎ in triple or three-part time à trois temps∎ to buy/to sell time on television acheter/vendre de l'espace publicitaire à la télévision∎ to make time with sb (pursue) draguer qn; (be with) être avec qn□ (en couple) ; (have sex with) s'envoyer en l'air avec qn(a) (on clock → runner, worker, race) chronométrer;∎ they timed her at four minutes a mile ils l'ont chronométrée ou ils ont chronométré son temps à quatre minutes au mille;∎ time how long she takes to finish regardez combien de temps elle met pour finir;∎ he timed his speech to last twenty minutes il a fait en sorte que son discours dure vingt minutes;∎ to time an egg minuter le temps de cuisson d'un œuf∎ they timed the attack for 6 o'clock l'attaque était prévue pour 6 heures(c) (choose right moment for) choisir ou calculer le moment de;∎ she timed her entrance well elle a bien choisi le moment pour faire son entrée;∎ he timed the blow perfectly il a frappé au bon moment;∎ your remark was perfectly/badly timed votre observation est venue au bon/au mauvais moment(d) (synchronize) régler, ajuster;∎ she tried to time her steps to the music elle essayait de régler ses pas sur la musique3 times(indicating degree) fois f;∎ she's ten times cleverer than or as clever as he is elle est dix fois plus intelligente que lui;∎ he ate four times as much cake as I did il a mangé quatre fois plus de gâteau que moi∎ Mathematics 3 times 2 is 6 3 fois 2 font ou égalent 6;∎ 1 times 6 is 6 une fois six fait ou égale sixen avance;∎ I'm ten minutes ahead of time j'ai dix minutes d'avance∎ he talked all the time we were at lunch il a parlé pendant tout le déjeuner;∎ he's been watching us all the time il n'a pas cessé de nous regarder;∎ I knew it all the time je le savais depuis le débutn'importe quand;∎ come over any time venez quand vous voulez;∎ you're welcome any time vous serez toujours le bienvenu;∎ thanks for all your help - any time merci de votre aide - de rien∎ for days at a time pendant des journées entières, des journées durant;∎ to do two things at a time faire deux choses à la fois;∎ take one book at a time prenez les livres un par un ou un (seul) livre à la fois;∎ she ran up the stairs two at a time elle a monté les marches quatre à quatreà tous momentsà toute heure;∎ hot meals at any time repas chauds à toute heure;∎ at any time of day or night à n'importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit;∎ at any time during office hours n'importe quand pendant les heures de bureau;∎ he could die at any time il peut mourir d'un moment à l'autre;∎ if at any time… si à l'occasion…(a) (simultaneously) en même temps;∎ they all spoke at the same time ils se sont mis à parler tous en même temps;∎ they arrived at the same time (as) he did ils sont arrivés en même temps que lui∎ she was pleased but at the same time a bit concerned elle était contente mais en même temps un peu inquiète(c) (nevertheless) pourtant, cependant;∎ at the same time, we must not forget… pourtant ou cependant, il ne faut pas oublier…∎ at the time of their wedding au moment de leur mariage;∎ I didn't pay much attention at the time sur le moment, je n'ai pas fait vraiment attentionparfois, par momentsen retard;∎ we're a bit behind time nous sommes légèrement en retard;∎ the project was running behind time le projet avait du retardpendant un (certain) temps;∎ for a time, he was unable to walk pendant un certain temps, il n'a pas pu marcherpour toujourspour le momentde temps en temps, de temps à autre∎ she'll come to her senses in time elle finira par revenir à la raison;∎ he'll forget about it in (the course of) time il finira par l'oublier (avec le temps)∎ let me know in (good) time prévenez-moi (bien) à l'avance;∎ she arrived in time for the play elle est arrivée à l'heure pour la pièce;∎ you're just in time to greet our guests tu arrives juste à temps pour accueillir nos invités;∎ I'll be back in time for the film je serai de retour à temps pour le film∎ to be or keep in time (with the music) être en mesure (avec la musique)en un rien de tempsde tous les temps∎ why now of all times? pourquoi faut-il que ce soit juste maintenant?à l'heure;∎ to run on time (trains etc) être à l'heure;∎ she arrived right on time elle est arrivée juste à l'heure;∎ is the bus on time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?∎ Music he got out of time il a perdu la mesuremaintes et maintes foistemps m libre;∎ what do you do in your time off? qu'est-ce que vous faites de votre temps libre?∎ Sport to take time out faire un temps mort∎ I took time out to travel (from work) je me suis mis en congé pour voyager; (from studies) j'ai interrompu mes études pour voyager;∎ she took time out to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport►► time of arrival heure f d'arrivée;Stock Exchange time bargain marché m à terme;∎ figurative a demographic time bomb une situation démographique qui menace d'exploser;∎ the situation is like a time bomb ticking away la situation est explosive;∎ figurative they're sitting on a time bomb ils sont assis sur un volcan;time capsule capsule f témoin (qui doit servir de témoignage historique aux générations futures);Industry time card carte f ou fiche f de pointage;time chart (showing time zones) carte f des fuseaux horaires; (showing events) table f d'événements historiques; (showing planning) calendrier m, planning m;time check (on radio) rappel m de l'heure; (in cycling, skiing, motor racing) contrôle m du temps intermédiaire;Grammar time clause proposition f temporelle;Industry time clock pointeuse f;time code code m temporel;time of departure heure f de départ;time difference décalage m horaire;Finance time draft traite f à terme;time frame délai m;∎ what's our time frame? de combien de temps disposons-nous?;time fuse détonateur m ou fusée f à retardement;time lapse intervalle m, laps m de temps;∎ there is a strict time limit for applications il y a un délai impératif ou de rigueur pour la remise des dossiers de candidature;∎ we'll have to set ourselves a time limit for the work il va falloir nous imposer un délai pour finir ce travail;∎ the work must be completed within the time limit le travail doit être terminé avant la date limite;Finance time loan emprunt m à terme;time machine machine f à voyager dans le temps;time management gestion f du temps de travail;Marketing time pricing fixation f des prix en fonction du moment;time sheet feuille f de présence;Radio time signal signal m ou top m horaire;Music time signature indication f de la mesure;Computing time slice tranche f de temps;Computing time slicing temps m partagé;time slot créneau m ou tranche f horaire;time travel voyage m dans le temps;time traveller personne f qui voyage dans le temps;Sport time trial course f contre la montre, contre-la-montre m inv;Telecommunications time unit unité f;time warp (in science fiction) faille f spatio-temporelle;∎ it's like living in a time warp c'est comme si on vivait hors du temps;∎ the country seems to have entered a time warp le temps semble s'être arrêté dans le pays;∎ the house/company seems to be caught in a 19th century time warp la maison/la société semble ne pas avoir changé depuis le XIXème siècle;time zone fuseau m horaireⓘ I may be some time Ce sont les mots ("je risque d'en avoir pour un certain temps") qu'aurait prononcés le capitaine Oates lorsqu'il sortit de la tente qu'il occupait avec le capitaine Scott au cours de leur expédition de 1912 au pôle sud. Oates souffrait de gelures multiples et afin de ne pas ralentir la progression de ses camarades, il décida de se sacrifier en disparaissant dans la tourmente. Cet épisode est censé symboliser les qualités d'héroïsme et d'abnégation associées au caractère britannique. Aujourd'hui, on emploie cette formule par allusion à Oates sur le mode humoristique lorsque l'on sort d'une pièce ou bien lorsqu'on va aux toilettes. -
20 time
1. nounfor all time — für immer [und ewig]
stand the test of time — die Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren
time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen
at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt
time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge
in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit
2) (interval, available or allotted period) Zeit, diein a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr
there is time for that — dafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit
it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun
give one's time to something — einer Sache (Dat.) seine Zeit opfern
waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die
spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun
I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange
she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein
be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein
pass the time — sich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben
length of time — Zeit[dauer], die
make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen
in one's own time — in seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will
take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen
time is money — (prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)
in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig
in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen
in half the time — in der Hälfte der Zeit
half the time — (coll.): (as often as not) fast immer
it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern
have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben
have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade
there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren
lose no time in doing something — (not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun
do time — (coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)
in my time — (heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens
in my time — (period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)
time off or out — freie Zeit
get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)
have a lot of time for somebody — (fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben
harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die
now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun
when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war
on time — (punctually) pünktlich
ahead of time — zu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]
all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also academic.ru/5926/be">be 2. 1)
times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert
have a good time — Spaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren
have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen
5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, diein time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten
in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike
in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage
ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus
at one time — (previously) früher
6) (occasion) Mal, dasnext time you come — wenn du das nächste Mal kommst
ten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal
many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...
at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen
at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig
at the same time — (nevertheless) gleichwohl
time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder
pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen
for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]
at the same time every morning — jeden Morgen um dieselbe Zeit
what time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?
have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
tell the time — (read a clock) die Uhr lesen
time of day — Tageszeit, die
[at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit
at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde
pass the time of day — (coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln
by this/that time — inzwischen
by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen
[by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit
keep good time — [Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen
8) (amount) Zeit, diemake good time — gut vorwärts kommen
[your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen
9) (multiplication) malthree times four — drei mal vier
keep in time with the music — den Takt halten
out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt
2. transitive verbkeep time with something — bei etwas den Takt [ein]halten
be well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen
3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)the bus is timed to connect with the train — der Bus hat einen direkten Anschluss an den Zug
4) (measure time taken by) stoppen•• Cultural note:Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht* * *1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) die Zeit2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) die Zeit3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.)4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') die Zeit5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) der Zeitpunkt6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) das Mal7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) die Zeiten (pl.)8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) das Tempo2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) Zeit messen von2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) den Zeitpunkt wählen•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again* * *[taɪm]I. NOUN\time stood still die Zeit stand still\time marches [or moves] on die Zeit bleibt nicht stehenthe best player of all \time der bester Spieler aller Zeitenin the course of \time mit der Zeitover the course of \time im Lauf[e] der Zeitto be a matter [or question] of \time eine Frage der Zeit sein\time is on sb's side die Zeit arbeitet für jdnas \time goes by [or on] im Lauf[e] der Zeitto kill \time die Zeit totschlagen\time-tested [alt]bewährtfor all \time für immer [o alle Zeit]in \time mit der Zeit2. no pl (period, duration) Zeit f\time's up ( fam) die Zeit ist umwe spent part of the \time in Florence, and part of the \time in Rome wir verbrachten unsere Zeit teils in Florenz und teils in Romyou'll forget her, given \time mit der Zeit wirst du sie vergessenit will take some \time es wird eine Weile dauernsorry, folks, we're [all] out of \time now AM, AUS ( fam) tut mir leid Leute, aber wir sind schon über der ZeitI haven't seen one of those in a long \time so etwas habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehenhalf the \time, he misses class er fehlt die halbe Zeitthe \time is ripe die Zeit ist reifwe talked about old \times wir sprachen über alte Zeitenbreakfast/holiday \time Frühstücks-/Urlaubszeit fthey played extra \time sie mussten in die Verlängerungthree minutes into extra \time, Ricardo scored the decisive goal nach drei Minuten Verlängerung erzielte Ricardo das entscheidende Torfuture \time Zukunft fto have \time on one's hands viel Zeit zur Verfügung habenat this moment in \time zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunktperiod of \time Zeitraum mfor a prolonged period of \time über einen längeren Zeitraumpast \time Vergangenheit fpresent \time Gegenwart fin one week's \time in einer Wochein one's own \time in seiner Freizeita short \time later kurz daraufsome/a long \time ago vor einiger/langer Zeitmost of the \time meistensto do sth for a \time etw eine Zeit lang tunto find [the] \time to do sth Zeit finden, etw zu tunto gain/lose \time Zeit gewinnen/verlierenthere's no \time to lose [or to be lost] wir dürfen [jetzt] keine Zeit verlieren, es ist höchste Zeitto give sb a hard \time ( fam) jdm zusetzento have the \time of one's life sich akk großartig amüsierento have all the \time in the world alle Zeit der Welt habento have an easy/hard \time with sth keine Probleme/Probleme mit etw dat habento make \time for sb/sth sich dat Zeit für jdn/etw nehmento pass the \time sich dat die Zeit vertreibento be pressed for \time in Zeitnot seinto run out of \time nicht genügend Zeit habento save \time Zeit sparento spend [a lot of] \time [in] doing sth [viel] Zeit damit verbringen, etw zu tunto take [a long/short] \time [lange/nicht lange] dauernto take one's \time sich dat Zeit lassento waste \time Zeit vergeuden [o verschwenden]to waste sb's \time jds Zeit vergeudenafter a \time nach einer gewissen Zeitfor a \time eine Zeit langfor a long/short \time [für] lange/kurze Zeitfor the \time being vorläufigleave the ironing for the \time being - I'll do it later lass das Bügeln einst mal - ich mach's späterin no [or next to no] [or less than no] \time [at all] im Nu3. (pertaining to clocks)have you got the \time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?what's the \time? [or what \time is it?] wie spät ist es?excuse me, have you got the \time [on you]? Entschuldigung, haben Sie eine Uhr?can you already tell the \time? na, kannst du denn schon die Uhr lesen?oh dear, is that the right \time? oh je, ist es denn wirklich schon so spät/noch so früh?the \time is 8.30 es ist 8.30 Uhrto keep bad/good \time watch, clock falsch/richtig gehento gain/lose \time watch, clock vor-/nachgehenthe \time is drawing near when we'll have to make a decision der Zeitpunkt, zu dem wir uns entscheiden müssen, rückt immer näherhe recalled the \time when they had met er erinnerte sich daran, wie sie sich kennengelernt hattendo you remember the \time Alistair fell into the river? erinnerst du dich noch daran, wie Alistair in den Fluss fiel?we always have dinner at the same \time wir essen immer um dieselbe Zeit zu AbendI was exhausted by the \time I got home ich war erschöpft, als ich zu Hause ankamI'll call you ahead of \time esp AM ich rufe dich noch davor anat this \time of day/year zu dieser Tages-/Jahreszeitfor this \time of day/year für diese Tages-/Jahreszeitwhat are you doing here at this \time of the day [or night]? was machst du um diese Uhrzeit hier?this \time tomorrow/next month morgen/nächsten Monat um diese Zeitthe last \time we went to Paris,... das letzte Mal, als wir nach Paris fuhren,...I'll know better next \time das nächste Mal bin ich schlauerthere are \times when I... es gibt Augenblicke, in denen ich...sometimes I enjoy doing it, but at other \times I hate it manchmal mache ich es gerne, dann wiederum gibt es Momente, in denen ich es hassefor the first \time zum ersten Malsome other \time ein andermalone/two at a \time jeweils eine(r, s)/zwei; persons jeweils einzeln/zu zweitat \times manchmalat all \times immer, jederzeitat any [given] [or [any] one] \time immer, jederzeitat the \time damalsat the best of \times im besten [o günstigen] Fall[e]he can't read a map at the best of \times er kann nicht mal unter normalen Umständen eine Karte lesenfrom \time to \time gelegentlich, ab und zuthe \times I've told you... [or how many \times have I told you...] wie oft habe ich dir schon gesagt...these shares are selling at 10 \time earnings diese Aktien werden mit einem Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis von 10 verkauft\time and [\time] again immer [und immer] wiederthree/four \times a week/in a row drei/vier Mal in der Woche/hintereinanderthree \times champion BRIT, AUS [or AM three \time champion] dreimaliger Meister/dreimalige Meisterinthree \times as much dreimal so vielfor the hundredth/thousandth/umpteenth \time zum hundertsten/tausendsten/x-ten Malit's \time for bed es ist Zeit, ins Bett zu gehenthe \time has come to... es ist an der Zeit,...it's \time [that] I was leaving es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe[and] about \time [too] BRIT, AUS (yet to be accomplished) wird aber auch [langsam] Zeit!; (already accomplished) wurde aber auch [langsam] Zeit!it's high \time that she was leaving höchste Zeit, dass sie geht!; (already gone) das war aber auch höchste Zeit, dass sie endlich geht!we finished two weeks ahead of \time wir sind zwei Wochen früher fertig gewordenwe arrived in good \time for the start of the match wir sind rechtzeitig zum Spielbeginn angekommenthe bus arrived dead on \time der Bus kam auf die Minute genauin \time rechtzeitigon \time pünktlich; (as scheduled) termingerecht\times are difficult [or hard] die Zeiten sind hartat the \time of the Russian Revolution zur Zeit der Russischen Revolutionin Victorian \times im Viktorianischen Zeitaltershe is one of the best writers of modern \times sie ist eine der besten Schriftstellerinnen dieser Tage [o unserer Zeit]at one \time, George Eliot lived here George Eliot lebte einmal hierthis was before my \time das war vor meiner Zeitshe has grown old before her \time sie ist vorzeitig gealtertmy grandmother has seen a few things in her \time meine Großmutter hat in ihrem Leben einiges gesehen\time was when you could... es gab Zeiten, da konnte man...if one had one's \time over again wenn man noch einmal von vorne anfangen könnteat his \time of life in seinem Alterthe best.... of all \time der/die beste... aller Zeitento be behind the \times seiner Zeit hinterherhinkenin [or during] former/medieval \times früher/im Mittelalterin \times gone by früherin my \time zu meiner Zeitin our grandparents' \time zu Zeiten unserer Großelternin \times past in der Vergangenheit, früherarrival/departure \time Ankunfts-/Abfahrtszeit f10. (hour registration method)daylight saving \time Sommerzeit fGreenwich Mean T\time Greenwicher Zeit frecord \time Rekordzeit fhe won the 100 metres in record \time er gewann das 100-Meter-Rennen in einer neuen Rekordzeit12. (multiplied)two \times five is ten zwei mal fünf ist zehnten \times bigger than... zehnmal so groß wie...to be/play out of \time aus dem Takt seinto beat \time den Rhythmus schlagento get out of \time aus dem Takt kommento keep \time den Takt haltenin three-four \time im Dreivierteltakt14. (remunerated work)part \time Teilzeit fto have \time off frei habento take \time off sich dat freinehmen\time off arbeitsfreie Zeitto be paid double \time den doppelten Stundensatz [o 100% Zuschlag] bezahlt bekommen“\time [please]!” „Feierabend!“ (wenn ein Pub abends schließt)16. ([not] like)to not give sb the \time of day jdn ignorierento not have much \time for sb jdn nicht mögento have a lot of \time for sb großen Respekt vor jdm haben17.▶ \times are changing die Zeiten ändern sich▶ \time is of the essence die Zeit drängt▶ all good things in all good \time alles zu seiner Zeit▶ \time hangs heavy die Zeit steht still▶ \time moves on [or passes] die Zeit rast▶ there's no \time like the present ( saying) was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen provII. TRANSITIVE VERB▪ to \time sb over 100 metres jds Zeit beim 100-Meter-Lauf nehmenthe winning team was \timed at 5 minutes 26 seconds die Siegermannschaft wurde mit 5 Minuten und 26 Sekunden gestopptto \time an egg darauf achten, dass man fürs Eierkochen die richtige Zeit einhältto be ill/well \timed zum genau falschen/richtigen Zeitpunkt kommen3. (arrange when sth should happen)▪ to \time sth to... etw so planen, dass...we \timed our trip to coincide with her wedding wir legten unsere Reise so, dass sie mit ihrer Hochzeit zusammenfielto \time a bomb to explode at... eine Bombe so einstellen, dass sie um... explodiert* * *[taɪm]1. NOUN1) Zeit fonly time will tell whether... — es muss sich erst herausstellen, ob...
to take (one's) time (over sth) — sich (dat) (bei etw) Zeit lassen
to have a lot of/no time for sb/sth — viel/keine Zeit für jdn/etw haben; ( fig
to find time (for sb/sth) — Zeit (für jdn/etw) finden
to make time (for sb/sth) — sich (dat) Zeit (für jdn/etw) nehmen
he lost no time in telling her —
in one's own/the company's time — in or während der Freizeit/Arbeitszeit
don't rush, do it in your own time — nur keine Hast, tun Sie es, wie Sie es können
time is money (prov) — Zeit ist Geld (prov)
I don't know what she's saying half the time (inf) — meistens verstehe ich gar nicht, was sie sagt
to do time ( inf, in prison ) — sitzen (inf)
I get them mixed up all the time I knew that all the time — ich verwechsle sie immer das wusste ich die ganze Zeit
he'll let you know in his own good time — er wird Ihnen Bescheid sagen, wenn er so weit ist
it's a long time ( since...) — es ist schon lange her(, seit...)
what a (long) time you have been! — du hast( aber) lange gebraucht!
to have time on one's hands —
too many people who have time on their hands — zu viele Leute, die zu viel freie Zeit haben
having time on my hands I went into a café — da ich (noch) Zeit hatte, ging ich ins Café
2)what time is it?, what's the time? — wie spät ist es?, wie viel Uhr ist es?the time is 2.30 — es ist 2.30 Uhr, die Zeit: 2.30 Uhr
it's 2 o'clock local time — es ist 2.00 Uhr Ortszeit
the winning time was... — die Zeit des Siegers war...
it's time (for me/us etc) to go, it's time I was/we were etc going, it's time I/we etc went — es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe/wir gehen etc
time gentlemen please! — Feierabend! (inf), bitte, trinken Sie aus, wir schließen gleich
I wouldn't even give him the time of day — ich würde ihm nicht einmal guten or Guten Tag sagen __diams; to tell the time (person) die Uhr kennen; (instrument) die Uhrzeit anzeigen
can you tell the time? — kennst du die Uhr? __diams; to make good time gut or schnell vorankommen
if we get to Birmingham by 3 we'll be making good time — wenn wir um 3 Uhr in Birmingham sind, sind wir ziemlich schnell
it's about time he was here (he has arrived) — es wird (aber) auch Zeit, dass er kommt; (he has not arrived) es wird langsam Zeit, dass er kommt
(and) about time too! — das wird aber auch Zeit! __diams; ahead of time zu früh
we are ahead of time — wir sind früh dran __diams; behind time zu spät
at one time — früher, einmal
but at the same time, you must admit that... — aber andererseits müssen Sie zugeben, dass...
it was hard, but at the same time you could have tried — es war schwierig, aber Sie hätten es trotzdem versuchen können __diams; in/on time rechtzeitig
3) = moment, season Zeit fthis is hardly the time or the place to... — dies ist wohl kaum die rechte Zeit oder der rechte Ort, um...
this is no time for quarrelling or to quarrel — jetzt ist nicht die Zeit, sich zu streiten
well, this is a fine time to tell me that (iro) — Sie haben sich (dat) wahrhaftig eine gute Zeit ausgesucht, um mir das zu sagen
at the or that time — damals, zu der Zeit, seinerzeit
at this (particular) time, at the present time — zurzeit
sometimes..., (at) other times... —
from that time on since that time — von der Zeit an, von da an seit der Zeit
this time last year/week — letztes Jahr/letzte Woche um diese Zeit
to choose or pick one's time — sich (dat) einen günstigen Zeitpunkt aussuchen
the time has come (to do sth) — es ist an der Zeit(, etw zu tun)
when the time comes for you to be the leader — wenn Sie an der Reihe sind, die Führung zu übernehmen __diams; at + times manchmal
at all times — jederzeit, immer
at various times in the past — schon verschiedene Male or verschiedentlich __diams; between times (inf) zwischendurch
by the time we arrive, there's not going to be anything left — bis wir ankommen, ist nichts mehr übrig
by that time we'll know — dann or bis dahin wissen wir es __diams; by this time inzwischen
by this time next year/tomorrow — nächstes Jahr/morgen um diese Zeit __diams; from time to time, (US) time to time dann und wann, von Zeit zu Zeit
until such time as... — so lange bis...
until such time as you apologize — solange du dich nicht entschuldigst, bis du dich entschuldigst
this time of the day/year — diese Tages-/Jahreszeit
at this time of the week/month — zu diesem Zeitpunkt der Woche/des Monats
now's the time to do it —
now's my/your etc time to do it — jetzt habe ich/hast du etc Gelegenheit, es zu tun
4)= occasion
this time — diesmal, dieses Malevery or each time... — jedes Mal, wenn...
many a time, many times — viele Male
many's the time I have heard him say... — ich habe ihn schon oft sagen hören...
and he's not very bright at the best of times — und er ist ohnehin or sowieso nicht sehr intelligent
time and (time) again, time after time — immer wieder, wieder und wieder (geh)
I've told you a dozen times... — ich habe dir schon x-mal gesagt...
nine times out of ten... — neun von zehn Malen...
she comes three times a week — sie kommt dreimal pro Woche or in der Woche
they came in one/three etc at a time — sie kamen einzeln/immer zu dritt etc herein
for weeks at a time — wochenlang __diams; a time
he pays me £10 a time — er zahlt mir jedes Mal £ 10
rides on the roundabout cost £2 a time — eine Fahrt auf dem Karussell kostet £ 2 __diams; (the) next time
(the) last time he was here — letztes Mal or das letzte Mal, als er hier war
5) MATHit was ten times as big as or ten times the size of... —
our profits are rising four times faster than our competitors' — unsere Gewinne steigen viermal so schnell wie die unserer Konkurrenten
6)= rate
Sunday is (paid) double time/time and a half — sonntags gibt es 100%/50% Zuschlag7) = era Zeit ftime was when... — es gab Zeiten, da...
times are hard — die Zeiten sind hart or schwer
when times are hard —
times are changing for the better/worse — es kommen bessere/schlechtere Zeiten
times have changed for the better/worse — die Zeiten haben sich gebessert/verschlechtert
to be behind the times — rückständig sein, hinter dem Mond leben (inf)
8)= experience
to have the time of one's life — eine herrliche Zeit verbringen, sich glänzend amüsierenwhat a time we had or that was! —
what times we had!, what times they were! — das waren (noch) Zeiten!
to have an easy/a hard time — es leicht/schwer haben
we had an easy/a hard time getting to the finals — es war leicht für uns/wir hatten Schwierigkeiten, in die Endrunde zu kommen
was it difficult? – no, we had an easy time (of it) —
to have a bad/rough time — viel mitmachen
to give sb a bad/rough etc time (of it) — jdm das Leben schwer machen
we had such a bad time with the travel agency —
we had a good time — es war (sehr) schön, es hat uns (dat)
he doesn't look as though he's having a good time — es scheint ihm hier nicht besonders gut zu gefallen
she'll give you a good time for £30 — bei ihr kannst du dich für £ 30 amüsieren
9) = rhythm Takt myou're singing out of time (with the others) — du singst nicht im Takt (mit den anderen)
3/4 time — Dreivierteltakt m
2. TRANSITIVE VERB1)= choose time of
to time sth perfectly — genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt für etw wählenyou must learn to time your requests a little more tactfully — du musst lernen, deine Forderungen zu einem geeigneteren Zeitpunkt vorzubringen
he timed his arrival to coincide with... —
the bomb is timed to explode at... — die Bombe ist so eingestellt, dass sie um... explodiert
to time sb (over 1000 metres) — jdn (auf 1000 Meter) stoppen, jds Zeit (auf or über 1000 Meter) nehmen
time how long it takes you, time yourself — sieh auf die Uhr, wie lange du brauchst; (with stopwatch) stopp, wie lange du brauchst
to time an egg — auf die Uhr sehen, wenn man ein Ei kocht
a computer that times its operator — ein Computer, der die Zeit misst, die sein Operator braucht
* * *time [taım]A s1. Zeit f:time past, present, and to come Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft;for all time für alle Zeiten;as time went on im Laufe der Zeit;time will show die Zeit wird es lehren;Father Time die Zeit (personifiziert);(as) old as time uralt;time is money (Sprichwort) Zeit ist Geld3. ASTRON Zeit f:4. Zeit f, Uhr(zeit) f:what’s the time?, what time is it? wie viel Uhr ist es?, wie spät ist es?;what time? um wie viel Uhr?;the time is half past three es ist jetzt halb vier;a) zu dieser (späten) Tageszeit, zu so später Stunde,b) fig so spät, in diesem späten Stadium;can you tell me the time of day?, have you got the time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?;a) sich Gesellschaft leisten,b) (kurz) miteinander plaudern;a) jemandem Gesellschaft leisten,b) (kurz) mit jemandem plaudern;know the time of day umg wissen, was es geschlagen hat;so that’s the time of day! umg so stehts also!;some time about noon etwa um Mittag;this time tomorrow morgen um diese Zeit;this time twelve months heute übers Jahr;5. Zeit(dauer) f, Zeitabschnitt m, ( auch PHYS Fall- etc) Dauer f, WIRTSCH auch Arbeitszeit f (im Herstellungsprozess etc):a long time lange Zeit;that was a long time ago das ist schon lange her;some time longer noch einige Zeit;be a long time in doing sth lange (Zeit) dazu brauchen, etwas zu tun;long time no hear (see) umg wir haben ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nichts mehr voneinander gehört (wir haben uns ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen);6. Zeit(punkt) f(m):time of arrival Ankunftszeit;an unfortunate time ein unglücklicher Zeitpunkt;a) zu dieser Zeit, damals,b) gerade;at the present time derzeit, gegenwärtig;a) gleichzeitig, zur selben Zeit,b) trotzdem;at that time zu der Zeit;at this time of the year zu dieser Jahreszeit;at one time einst, früher (einmal);at some time irgendwann (einmal);for the time für den Augenblick;a) vorläufig, fürs Erste,b) unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen;in our time in unserer Zeit;she was a legend in her own time sie war schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende;8. pl Zeiten pl, Zeitverhältnisse pl10. Frist f, (zugemessene) Zeit:time of delivery WIRTSCH Lieferfrist, -zeit;time for payment Zahlungsfrist;you must give me time Sie müssen mir Zeit geben oder lassen11. (verfügbare) Zeit:buy a little time etwas Zeit schinden, eine kleine Galgenfrist gewinnen;I can never call my time my own ich kann nie frei über meine Zeit verfügen;have no time keine Zeit haben;have no time for sb fig nichts übrighaben für jemanden;have all the time in the world umg jede Menge Zeit haben;take (the) time sich die Zeit nehmen ( to do zu tun);take one’s time sich Zeit lassen;take your time auch es eilt nicht, überleg es dir in aller Ruhe;have the time of one’s lifea) sich großartig amüsieren,b) leben wie ein Fürst13. unangenehme Zeit, Unannehmlichkeit f14. (Zeit-)Lohn m, besonders Stundenlohn m15. umg (Zeit f im) Knast m:16. Lehrzeit f, -jahre pl17. (bestimmte oder passende) Zeit:the time has come for sth to happen es ist an der Zeit, dass etwas geschieht;there is a time for everything, all in good time alles zu seiner Zeit;it’s time for bed es ist Zeit, ins oder zu Bett zu gehen;18. a) (natürliche oder normale) Zeitb) (Lebens)Zeit f:time of life Alter n;his time is drawing near seine Zeit ist gekommen, sein Tod naht heran;the time was not yet die Zeit war noch nicht gekommen19. a) Schwangerschaft fb) Niederkunft f:she is far on in her time sie ist hochschwanger;she is near her time sie steht kurz vor der Entbindung20. (günstige) Zeit:now is the time jetzt ist die passende Gelegenheit, jetzt gilt es ( beide:to do zu tun);at such times bei solchen Gelegenheiten21. Mal n:the first time das erste Mal;for the first time zum ersten Mal;each time that … jedes Mal, wenn …;time and again, time after time immer wieder;at some other time, another time ein andermal;at a time auf einmal, zusammen, zugleich, jeweils;one at a time einzeln, immer eine(r, s);22. pl mal, …mal:three times four is twelve drei mal vier ist zwölf;twenty times zwanzigmal;three times the population of Coventry dreimal so viele Einwohner wie Coventry;four times the size of yours viermal so groß wie deines;six times the amount die sechsfache Menge;several times mehrmalsthe winner’s time is 2.50 minutes26. Tempo n, Zeitmaß n27. MUSb) Tempo n, Zeitmaß nc) Rhythmus m, Takt(bewegung) m(f)d) Takt (-art f) m:time variation Tempoveränderung f;in time to the music im Takt zur Musik;beat (keep) time den Takt schlagen (halten)B v/t1. (mit der Uhr) messen, (ab-)stoppen, die Zeit messen von (oder gen)2. timen ( auch SPORT), die Zeit oder den richtigen Zeitpunkt wählen oder bestimmen für, zur rechten Zeit tun3. zeitlich abstimmen4. die Zeit festsetzen für, (zeitlich) legen:the train is timed to leave at 7 der Zug soll um 7 abfahren;he timed the test at 30 minutes er setzte für den Test 30 Minuten an5. eine Uhr richten, stellen:the alarm clock is timed to ring at six der Wecker ist auf sechs gestellt6. zeitlich regeln (to nach), TECH den Zündpunkt etc einstellen, (elektronisch etc) steuern7. das Tempo oder den Takt angeben fürC v/i1. Takt halten2. zeitlich zusammen- oder übereinstimmen ( with mit)Besondere Redewendungen: against time gegen die Zeit oder Uhr, mit größter Eile;be ahead of time zu früh (daran) sein;be behind time zu spät daran sein, Verspätung haben;be 10 minutes behind time 10 Minuten Verspätung haben;be behind one’s time rückständig sein;between times in den Zwischenzeiten;five minutes from time SPORT fünf Minuten vor Schluss;from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit;a) rechtzeitig ( to do um zu tun),b) mit der Zeit,a) pünktlich,b) bes US für eine (bestimmte) Zeit,a) zur Unzeit, unzeitig,b) vorzeitig,c) zu spät,with time mit der Zeit;time was, when … die Zeit ist vorüber, als …;t. abk1. teaspoon (teaspoonful) TL2. temperature3. tempore, in the time of5. timeT. abk1. teaspoon (teaspoonful) TL2. territory3. Thursday Do.4. time5. Tuesday Di.* * *1. noun1) no pl., no art. Zeit, diefor all time — für immer [und ewig]
stand the test of time — die Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren
in [the course of] time, as time goes on/went on — mit der Zeit; im Laufe der Zeit
time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen
at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt
time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge
in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit
2) (interval, available or allotted period) Zeit, diein a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr
there is time for that — dafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit
it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun
give one's time to something — einer Sache (Dat.) seine Zeit opfern
waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die
spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun
I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange
she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein
be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein
pass the time — sich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben
length of time — Zeit[dauer], die
make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen
in one's own time — in seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will
take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen
time is money — (prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)
in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig
all the or this time — die ganze Zeit; (without ceasing) ständig
in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen
half the time — (coll.): (as often as not) fast immer
it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern
have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben
have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade
there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren
lose no time in doing something — (not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun
do time — (coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)
in my time — (heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens
in my time — (period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)
time off or out — freie Zeit
get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)
have a lot of time for somebody — (fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben
harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die
now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun
when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war
on time — (punctually) pünktlich
ahead of time — zu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]
all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also be 2. 1)
times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert
have a good time — Spaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren
have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen
5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, diein time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten
in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike
in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage
ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus
at one time — (previously) früher
6) (occasion) Mal, dasten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal
many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...
at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen
at the or that time — (in the past) damals
at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig
at the same time — (nevertheless) gleichwohl
time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder
pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen
for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]
7) (point in day etc.) [Uhr]zeit, diewhat time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?
have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
tell the time — (read a clock) die Uhr lesen
time of day — Tageszeit, die
[at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit
at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde
pass the time of day — (coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln
by this/that time — inzwischen
by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen
[by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit
keep good time — [Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen
8) (amount) Zeit, die[your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen
9) (multiplication) malfour times the size of/higher than something — viermal so groß wie/höher als etwas
out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt
2. transitive verbkeep time with something — bei etwas den Takt [ein]halten
1) (do at correct time) zeitlich abstimmenbe well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen
2) (set to operate at correct time) justieren (Technik); einstellen3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)4) (measure time taken by) stoppen•• Cultural note:Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht* * *adj.zeitlich adj. n.Tempo -s n.Zeit -en f.
См. также в других словарях:
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